Monday, March 3, 2025

Day 60 Beginnings

This may contain: an elderly woman writing on a piece of paper with butterflies flying around her and the words grandma's prayer are the reason a lot of us are still here


Sunday morning! I've always loved going to services on Sunday mornings. When I first moved here I was attending regularly with my son, but then something happened, and he no longer wanted to go. He never really said why. I was still "shopping," but I was ecstatic that he wanted to go, but he's never quite made his way back yet, except to attend the funeral of someone he admired. Since his friend's mother's death, he hasn't been the same. She was the cohesive link in the family, so invitations to his home grew less and less often, and he really didn't blend with the rest of the family, not as he had previously thought. Something happened. 

I began attending her church prior to her death, and the people were very warm and receptive. I felt at home, but over the course of time, I felt the Lord leading me out. Everything changed for me in October 2023 when Israel was savagely attacked, and since then I've been in contact with the Christian Embassy there on daily calls. That makes it hard on Sunday mornings to go to church, until last year when I began to spend the last minutes listening to the call while traveling to church. Now the call time has been reduced, so I have a bit more time to prepare. For now, I'm really close to the church, as it's only a stone's throw away, and I can walk, if I choose, and I have on many occasions. It's my parent's church, and it's beginning to feel like home. I miss people, having friends, and hopefully there will be a prayer circle. We'll see.

Yesterday I missed Shabbat services here in my home, because of Gather25, but I had church!! Besides, I can tune in this afternoon or tomorrow. But, I've said it often, I absolutely live for Saturday's! Some people don't even go to church, and I have church all weekend!  

As I grow stronger in my resolve to meet people, my neighbors particularly, I hope to invite them to church. I've been discouraged somewhat, but I'm amazed at how many people I know who live in our old neighborhood. Funny the way things turn out. I'd love to hear their stories. Everybody has a story, and it should be told. I can't wait to start!



Day 59 Write the Story


This may contain: a mouse sitting at a table reading a book 


"Your imperfections are a canvas for 

God's strength to shine."

Gather25 ended late in the evening, and as with all good things, my head was spinning. Many thoughts are going through my already too occupied brain, but memories are hard to stall. It's late, the conference was inspiring, and I feel old and useless in many regards. "See your vulnerabilities as opportunities for faith to flourish, for it is in our weaknesses that Christ's power finds its true resting place." (60 Days of Prayer)

Recently there has been a flurry of emails, snail mails, and invitations to attend live online events, among other things. I have been wanting to take a long, overdue hiatus just to clear my head and get a good rest. It seems as if I am dropping off to sleep in my chair again, but rather than investigate, I'm going to let that one slide. Lately I've had to cut back on some things, and spend time resting. I used to enjoy community work, but it has become different. That's all I can say. 

I drifted off to sleep in the wee hours of the morning, but my computer screen flashing made it impossible to sleep, so I stayed up most of the night watching. I must say that it is encouraging to see so many young people excited about Jesus, many who will follow the call for missionary work. I remember when I wanted to go to the mission field when I graduated from high school. How I wish I could have had someone encourage my passion for evangelism. Even as a young adult, I was introduced to YWAM (Youth with a Mission) and attended meetings faithfully. I even met some of the founders when I was attending the Nazarene Church, but my husband was not interested in my passion, and I had children to care for, so that dream was put to rest. But the passion still remains. It was great seeing so many older people still active, plus a number of people I follow who participated in the Gather25 Conference.

Francis Chan made a video appearance. He explained that about a year and a half ago he had dropped out of accepting invitations to conferences and other events, because he felt God wanted him to learn more about His presence. He said at first he thought it would be six months, but it has turned out to be much longer, and he shared that he didn't know if he would return. Pressing into Christ, allowing Holy Spirit to draw him into the presence of God, was all that mattered, aside, of course, from his wife and children. Francis has always been impassioned when he spoke about the Lord. He has visited and spoken at Jesus Image in Orlando many times, and he has spoken at the conferences. I've missed him, but until tonight, I hadn't seen much of him. He, like Mary, has chosen the better way. Sitting at the Master's feet. I understand this call, because it is mine as well.

Recently, I've had to cut back on some things I'd been doing, even prayer calls. This event was one I made time for, as I have adopted some colleges to pray for in the State and one in Burkina Faso. They do not have anyone praying for them, so I am trying to fill that void. I hope the students have parents who pray for them, but there's nothing active as far as this group knows. I can't really walk the campus. If I walked the campus of my alma mater, I'd be walking a long time, as Virginia Commonwealth University has grown considerably since I graduated. It's said that Gen Z is not interested in God, but from what I saw, and from what I hear, that is not completely accurate. They hunger for truth, and they are searching for something to believe in...or Someone. We as Christians can talk a good talk, but these kids need to see the walk. They need to experience the love, the drive, and compassion for others that comes only from knowing Him. This cannot be faked. It must be from the the heart of the broken and crushed who realize they owe their very lives to Jesus Christ. That's me! I've seen His face, hanging on that cross, dying for my sins. That another sight you cannot unsee, and it makes it real.

Gather25 encouraged older Christians to be available to the younger, but our stories are important, our testimonies. So, I'm not too old to do something. God told me to write "the" story, and I've been laboring over that for quite awhile, until this January I decided I'd go back to blogging, trying to write daily, other than my journal and my notes for ICEJ. All I can say is, I'm trying, Abba. Just show me how.


Sunday, March 2, 2025

Day 58 Awakening

This contains an image of:


  And do this, knowing the time, that now

it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation

is nearer than when we first believed.

Romans 13:11


Every year on the last Thursday in February the Collegiate Day of Prayer organizes a time for students and leaders to come together to seek God, repent, and pray for revival. This year they met at A&M University in Dallas, Texas. On Friday a new evangelical movement called Gather25 will be following on the heels of Collegiate Day of Prayer, and it also will be kicked off in Texas at Watermark Church in Dallas. It is a Global Christian Conference with livestreams from New Zealand, Malaysia, Romania, Rwanda, United Kingdom and Peru, with a special report from the persecuted church. There will be 25 hours of prayer, repentance, and worship as college students, Gen Z, and all ages hungry for the word of God and truth will gather. Gather25 was birthed from a dream by Jennie Allen, an author, Bible teacher, and wife to Zac Allen, pastor of Austin Bible Fellowship in Texas. The purpose of the movement is for evangelism, beginning with collegiate students.

Revival is breaking out all over the world, and it is spreading. It began at Asbury University on February 8, 2023 at a routine chapel service, when a young man came up front during a worship service candidly confessing his sins.Then another student came up, and in similar fashion confessed and received salvation. Then another, and on and on it went for 16 days with hundreds receiving Christ. It was exciting to see, because college students were breaking free of their sins and addictions and any hindrances that were keeping them bound. When people got wind of what was happening, people flocked to experience this move of God. People came from Japan and other nations all over the world. I remember they were trying to keep the press out, as it was a holy moment, and they didn't want to quench the Spirit of God. They also limited outside ministries who wanted to be part of this move of God. The small town could not support the wild influx of people coming to witness and experience the revival, so they had to end the service, but it did not quit, it was moved to another part of the university, and it continues to this day, only in controlled circumstances. At the initial spark, students were not attending classes, so eventually something had to change. Other colleges sent bus loads of students to Asbury, so they could experience the presence of God and take it back home to ignite the students there.  They wanted to catch the holy fire, and take it home. This is how revival begins. It begins in one heart, hungry for a move of God, shared to everyone, everywhere.

Gather25 was birthed by a dream, Jennie shared, and it was spread using technology available around the world, and people could participate from home, schools, offices, churches, coffee ships, wherever they could gather, even if there was only one person, as in my case, the invitation was given. People were crying out for personal repentance, salvation for family and friends, for our country, Israel, and other nations around the globe. Gen A, some say, does not want anything to do with religion. I can't say that I blame them on that one, as revival and salvation are based on faith in Christ, being sent out to spread the news to everyone. I agree with Paul as he shared from 1 Corinthians 2:2 "I am determined to know nothing else, except Jesus Christ and him crucified." With that I share my testimony and my insatiable hunger and thirst for righteousness. God promises that I will be filled. 

We do not know when Jesus is going to return for His bride, the repentant church, but we know the time is short, and we don't want to waste any time. Today is the day of salvation. In recent days God has shown His great mercy to America one more time, but people's eyes have been closed. Has the church awakened? 

In the book Revelation the Lord identifies seven churches: Ephesus, the loveless church; Smyrna, the persecuted church; Pergamos, the compromising church; Thyatira, the corrupt church; Sardis, the dead church; Philadelphia, the faithful church; and Laodicea, the lukewarm church. In Chapter 3, verse 20, Jesus is talking to the church in Laodicea, saying: "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me." Jesus is not speaking to non-Christians, rather, it is addressed to the people in the church in Laodicea whom Jesus has identified as lukewarm. Jesus was not speaking to unbelievers, He was speaking to the church, addressing the pastors, exhorting them about what was hindering them from doing what God called them to do. They may have been doing good things, giving their tithes and offerings, or teaching Sunday School or watching the children in the nursery, involved in community services, but they did not have time for God. He had been eased out by the volume of church growth, church groups, or even community outreach. All good and admirable, but they were not nurturing their time alone with God, listening to Him speak. Busy doing rather than listening, building relationship.The most important part of a relationship with Him is sitting at His feet, in His presence, listening, receiving instruction in His word.

Church, we have to do better, much better, as the world in watching.

Friday, February 28, 2025

Day 57 Make the Time

 This contains an image of: girl


When I was a little girl some of my favorite memories were being with my grandparents. I know I've talked about this before, and I probably will again, but it's true! I loved spending Saturday at their home, then getting up early to eat breakfast and clean up before we go off to church. My papa could make me smile and burst out in laughter over the slightest thing. He loved to tell stories, and grammy used to tell him he was lying. Then the loving banter would go on for awhile. Papa used to love to watch Roller Derby and wrestling. Grammy loved her soaps and Lawrence Welk on Saturday nights. Perhaps that's why I'm so old-fashioned and nostalgic about older people or taking road trips in the area to see what hang outs are still operating or what's new. Even some of my high school friends don't remember some of the places we'd go. Times were different then, yet not so different. Just more discretion, more mischievous as opposed to evil.

As I mentioned yesterday, I attended my second cousin's funeral today. The church was packed with folks all dressed up in their finery. I guess I looked more like a hillbilly, but my cousin and my aunt were thankful that my sister and I came. We sat and chatted quite a while before the service, and my aunt spoke to me about her sisters, besides my mama, one has already gone home to be with our Lord, and the other is forgetting things, but at 90+ she does remarkably well. Later my cousins from my older aunt told me that we all needed to get together, because the only time we see each other has been at funerals. This is the third time in three years. When our grandparents were alive we would all get together on Sundays to eat dinner. So I grew up with my cousins, but as we aged, and I moved 2,000 miles away, things changed. On my mother's side, there were eight children. Only three remain. On my daddy's side all three siblings are deceased. My cousins on daddy's side still live close by, but one died last year and so did his wife. I never had the chance to meet her. My dad had three sisters, who raised him after his mama died when he was very young. 

I miss times when families grew up together, lived close, and visited each other routinely. I miss Sunday meals together and special get-togethers, like holidays or birthdays. When I lived in New Mexico, it was the same. As long as the patriarch and matriarch of the family were living, everyone gathered. But if one died, then things changed, and when both died, everything changed. Just like here in the south. It's a shame. I always loved the Walton family on television, with grandpa and grandma living with their son and his wife and all the passel of children. They had their problems and disagreements, but they remained together at the big table, that grew bigger as the family grew larger, living in the home of the grandparents, that was passed down from generation to generation as well, I guess.

I remember when my mama passed away, before daddy. She'd been sick a while, and daddy cared for her and loved her until her dying day. They were always together, and for the most part, did things together. Mama didn't drive. Oh, she tried once and ended up in a ditch. No more attempts after that! She put us in the car, my brother, sister, and I, and she drove us around the block. When we arrived back, she missed the driveway. The driveway is wider now. I really miss my parents, and I regret that I couldn't spend more time with them. Living in New Mexico, almost 2,000 miles away, and working a full time job, didn't afford me much time, but I tried to come twice a year. Since I moved back in October 2021, I have not returned to New Mexico. My daughter still lives there, plus my friends, so I need to go. It seems as if time goes by so quickly, and it makes me realize how important it is to redeem the time.

There's so much loneliness in the world. People are unhappy, never content, always searching for more. Families are so important, and rather than talk about getting together, we need to do it. My sister and I are going to try to formulate a plan. 

Recently, I've been praying about how my time is spent. I've not been well since Christmas, so I really haven't been to either my knitting group or my dolls group. I miss the ladies, but I am beginning to wonder whether I am meant to continue on. Today I was talking to Abba about the trauma care needs in Israel for the children and the adults, but the children need so much healing, and they are not able to articulate their grief as easily as adults. I remembered when I used to design memory bears. I wondered if this might be  a help, a memory. ICEJ (International Christian Embassy Jerusalem) has trauma horses, a petting zoo, and will be setting up trauma rooms, and other services for the children. Right now the young adults are fasting and praying for the youth in Israel, including bridging the gap between Arabs and Jews. Churches are praying for the Arab population, and there is so much going on on a daily basis to try to unite Israeli and Arabs and deal with trauma. We have so much work to do.

I don't like to see or think about anyone being sad and alone. Although I lived by myself for many years, I rather enjoy being here with my son. Sure, it's an adjustment, but life changes all the time. Serving others is always a place I love to be. I learned from the best - my grammy, my mama, and a hosts of other moms and grandmothers who were friends. I count myself blessed.

Think about your family. Life's too short to live with unforgiveness, grievances, or whatever reason that would keep you apart. Just put yourself in the place of the one alone. How much is it worth to you to see another person smile?!

Day 56 Difficult Days

 This may contain: winnie the pooh and piglet poem


My older son texted me that the world was on fire, and he's angry about the way things are going in the United States. His tech company downsized in December, a couple of days before his birthday, leaving him without a job, health insurance, and a diagnosis of cancer. He lives on the east coast where real estate is out of range, and he just bought his home, so he has a substantial mortgage payment each month, I imagine. Where does this leave him? His new home which was renovated has had two major incidents with bursting pipes, one water, the other sewage. Repairing that took a substantial chunk from his savings, if he has any. His friends are in similar dire straights with loss of job, no health insurance, and families. He can't get a job, because there are freezes and not hiring. He hasn't seen his oncologist in three months or better, and he needs further treatment or surgery. This is not pleasant, and it is well past a difficult day.

Tomorrow I attend a cousin's funeral in North Carolina, one of many I've attended since moving home. It seems trouble is all around. He was only 30 years of age, but he was wrestling with a chronic medical condition, but he lived the years to the utmost. Each day I receive prayer alerts from a few sources locally, as well as internationally. It's hard to do it all in a day, but I try. My daughter calls them A to Z prayers, because the needs are so great.

We received word from Open Doors that 70 Christians had been beheaded in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. No one is reporting it, and support is low. When our group prayed for this initially the count was 19, and here they report 70 slain. My heart grieves for my brothers and sisters in Christ.

Nigeria, as well as other nations in Africa, is high on the watch list for persecution, imprisonment in barbaric conditions and inhumane treatment. Nigeria had been on the persecution list at the White House, but it was removed a year or so ago. But this is not a new problem, and it will not be the only place with causalities. I follow Open Doors, International Christian Concern, and Voice of the Martyrs, as well as other news sources, who work with other ministries, so I receive updates daily. They each have "apps" for alerts, but I don't really need anyone to alert me to pray. I receive enough emails daily to keep up. I did have an "app" alert once, but it beep continuously. Sort of like the one for Israel for people to run to the bomb shelters. It never gets easier for Christians in remote areas of the world. But then, in the United States, we are having wave after wave of hate propaganda spewed out against Israel and our government in the form of protests. The jihads will hunt down anyone who supports our nation or Israel to push their agenda. I heard it said that Israel is known as little satan and the United States the big satan. That's unfortunate. Distressing.

Cancer has been on the rise along with young, formerly healthy people, who now have chronic medical conditions not usually seen in younger adults or teenagers. One has to wonder why? I have my theory, but no one wants to believe it, although the statistics prove I am correct. We need a miracle.

The only answer for any problem is Jesus. It is my prayer that with a new administration, making every effort to return our nation to God, that eyes will be opened, beginning with the church. These are not popular subjects, but it should be no doubt in our minds that our world is under attack. Not only in physical locations, but spiritual warfare. 

Where should our focus be? My focus will remain on Jesus Christ, and my position will be on my knees or on my face asking God for mercy. I feel that He's already given this nation another chance to get it right. I pray that we open our eyes to see it, instead of complaining and not taking the time to check out the information and validity of the source. 

In the midst of all this drama, there are innocent victims and causalities, and support is needed. The best help we can give a person is our time and a listening ear. Time to sit with someone and say nothing. Just listen. I often hear criticism again God not doing this or that when we think it should be done for us now. Perhaps if we take the time to sit at His feet, our hearts open, our mouths on mute, He will speak. Let's  give it a go, shall we?! 


Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Day 55 Mulling Over

This may contain: a teddy bear sitting on top of a tree in the snow


Early this morning I felt encouraged as I waited quietly for the day to begin, sharing a cup of coffee with Abba, considering the day ahead. Later, our prayer call was tender and insightful. Israel is having a tough time, and tomorrow the Bibas family will be laid to rest. It's impossible to remain untouched, although many do.

There's something that troubles me about the way people pray. As you know I'm nearing the age of 75, so I am from a different world. Still, the Bible is our guide, in all translations, whether rigid "thees" and "thous," or modernized version of "you" and "yours." The scripture also tells us that God is the same, yesterday, and today, and forever, right? His Word is forever settled in heaven, and I could name more, but I think my point is made. We are taught in Romans 12:1 not to conform to the world, so I cringe when I hear certain ways of expressing prayer, particularly. More and more I hear younger pastors or young people say that God "downloaded" information to them. Yesterday I heard a woman way past my age say it, and I snapped. God is not a computer or a jukebox or any other machine. He's the living, breathing God. As I've mentioned before, if we are truly born again, then we have Holy Spirit living inside of us. Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity; He is God. He is a person, not an "it." We have the scriptures, God's word, active and alive contained in the Bible. Do you get where I am going with this? We ask God for wisdom, and He does speak through Holy Spirit within us, through His word, through others, music, and on occasion He has spoken to me out loud. I'll probably be called a heretic for that comment. What I am saying is, do not use the words of the world. Be careful. Be respectful. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think if you ask God you may just hear Him reply out loud as on Mount Sinai. 

I felt so strongly about this that I talked with my younger son about it. He seemed to understand and agree with my feelings, saying it is how people are. He did not speak favorably, as he feels that much of what people say is cliche and is not heartfelt. Sometimes I feel like this little bear, stuck in a tree, looking off into the trees, eyes steeled forward, not really looking at anything in particular, not what's in front of me or behind me, but caught up in my world, until something happens to break my trance. I've caught myself doing that, looking in a direction, then when I come back to myself, more than once, I've seen someone looking straight at me, probably wondering why I'm staring at them. Once it was at church at a meal, and someone was chowing down on a plate of dessert. Embarrassing moments. I can't explain it. I drift off into my little inner world, and I'm stuck on whatever I'm mulling over, until I come back to reality. I've always described myself as a dreamer and a thinker.

I exercise in the evenings before I go to bed. My son has a Gazelle, and it's like skiing in the air. It's not strenuous, but it is effective. When I am experiencing back or leg pain, it helps to swing back and forth, losing myself in the motion. While I'm swinging back and forth, I put on a movie, a familiar one I love,  that helps me while away the minutes. Right now I am re-watching the Beauty and the Beast series, and I'm in the third season when the main character, Kathryn, dies. It's a real tear jerker, and no matter how many times I have looked at it, I still bawl! Exercise helps keep the old age spread in check, and it is restful. My sister has been doing chair exercises, so I may look at those. I used to life weights, until a renter at the condo above my place in Angel Fire decided to permanently borrow my weights and exercise ball. That was years ago, so I guess it is time to reinvest. Honestly, I much prefer riding my mountain bike, in the mountains, but I no longer live in the mountains, and riding around the block isn't as thrilling as ducking tree branches and avoiding pot holes and animal "stuff." The view is great, and I love nature smacking me in the face. I enjoy walking and hiking, but it has to be on my terms. O, New Mexico, how I miss you. Still, Virginia offers much in the way of opportunities to enjoy the great outdoors. As a kid I loved being outside playing in the woods, riding my tree horse, or piling up sticks, leaves, and pine cones to form a fort. I could stay outside all day back then, and in truth, if I had the opportunity today, I'd go for it.  

My life has always been simple. I never needed to keep up with the Jones, and I have everything I need. If I had to simplify my life any further, I'd be happy with my Bible, my pen, a notebook, and my two steady friends, Charley Horse, aka Charles, and my bear, Schlep. Maybe my My Pillow, fleece doggie sheets, and grandmother's quilt. I'd better stop there, as I'd add a ton of books. I tend to read and re-read the late greats. I can make my own music, but the old Baptist Hymnal would be helpful. When I'm asked if I'm happy, I just repeat the words of Paul, "I have learned in all things to be content." Inwardly, I have many years of loving Jesus, and I know Abba still isn't finished with me quite yet. I still have a race to finish, and I have a group meeting to prepare for tomorrow, so I had better get at it.

" He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep

to gain what he cannot lose."

Jim Elliot


Monday, February 24, 2025

Day 54 Seated in Heavenly Places

This may contain: a woman riding on the back of a white horse next to a quote from an angel



I slept very soundly last night; in fact, I went to bed earlier than I have in a very long while. So when I woke up this morning, I discovered that, although I thought I'd accomplished certain daily tasks, I forgot some of the more important ones. So, I said my sorries and finished up, and I decided to begin to make finish these studies first thing in the morning as part of my early morning devotional time. My day still started well, as I always hope it will, and the prayer call worship lifted my spirit higher and higher.

Different worship leaders always begin our call, but the gentleman I favor most is Ken Soltys whose ministry is Project7thTrumpet. He blows a mean horn  - trumpet, plays the piano, and blasts the shofar. I'm sure his musical talents extend more widely, but another of his talents is speaking from his heart the mysteries of God. Well, actually, he shares what God has taught him, as he leaned in to listen to God's voice or sought Him regarding portions of the word. This morning as he began, he reminded listeners of some important truths about our position in Christ. He spoke things I've been trying to get folks to understand for a long time, and it is spelled so simply, yet eloquently in the writings of Paul. 

Ephesians begins with Paul speaking of Christ ascending to Heaven, taking the seat at the right hand of Our Father, where He makes intercession for us, His followers. Sound familiar, as I've said it before, probably more than once. I tend to repeat myself, but it's important for every believer to know and understand. Because in the second chapter, Paul reminds us that we are seated beside Jesus, spiritually, so we have a great vantage point from the Heavenly seat, as we pray. This "seat" is our position in Christ, and it is one of victory over our enemies. Our battle is not with flesh and blood. It is spiritual. 

Ken was speaking about people gathered to worship God, inviting Him to come to them. I sometimes feel like I am being judgmental when I hear someone say, "Let's invite God in the house (church service), because if believers have Holy Spirit indwelling in them, why would He need to be invited?! We should desire for our worship to so please God, that Holy Spirit lifts us high into the Heavens into the presence of God. He doesn't come to us. He indwells or abides in us as we abide in Him. Remember what Jesus said about that in John 15. So, He already is with us when we walk into the church building, unless we left Him home. I was excited that someone finally said it out loud! Besides me, but I just talk to God about things, and perhaps a few others when I'm in preaching mode. For me it was another "my cup runs over" moment, because someone felt as I did. In fact, his exhortation was well received by all on the GPC.

He sang older songs, too, some of my favorites - "You Are Awesome in This Place" and "I Exalt Thee." Two older songs, but wonderful all the same, and meant to be sung daily. They set the tone for my day, and brought a new song to my heart. What a way to begin a morning! A week! A particularly difficult one actually, or perhaps, just more challenging. But who knows how it will go, as our prayers ascend to heaven, as sweet smelling incense to our Father. That's the proper mindset! Have a blessed day!