Friday, September 6, 2024

Shabbat Shalom

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This is my favorite time of the week. Beginning at 6 pm I enter into the rest of Shabbat with my Jewish brothers and sisters and Gentiles, like me, who love the nation of Israel and observe God's appointed time. Growing up going to church on Sunday has always been a welcomed time of rest away from the cares of this world, putting aside works only to focus on the love of God and His Son, Jesus Christ. So now, as I have for many years, Saturday, the 7th day of creation when God rested from His work and was refreshed according to Genesis, is a day I also observe. 

Learning more about my Hebraic roots has given me a greater appreciation of gathering at appointed times, Moedim, as scripture teaches. When God created the heavens and the earth, and He saw that it was good, then He sat down and rested and was refreshed. Throughout scripture we are exhorted by God to observe the Sabbath Day and to keep it holy. Now this is not condemnation for those who worship on Sunday or any other day because of our upbringing and belief, or for those who have to work on this day. I am simply sharing scriptures, and what I am learning and applying to my life.

This period of time known as Teshuva, beginning this year on September 3rd, marks the 40 days before Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. This is the only time during the year when priests were allowed to enter into the Holy of Holies where the presence of God rested. To enter unworthily meant death, so before entering, the priest had to first make atonement for his sins. In fact a rope was tied to him just in case he had entered God's presence unclean, so that his body could be removed. God is a holy God who cannot be in the presence of sin. This makes me wonder if it ever happened, as scripture does not say, to my knowledge. Aaron's two sons, Nadab and Abihu, died for offering unholy fire, as mentioned in Leviticus 10:1-2. Another time when David was bringing the Ark of the Covenant back to Jerusalem after it had been taken by the Philistines (2 Samuel 6:7), Uzzah was killed for attempting to steady the Ark when the oxen stumbled. God specified in Exodus 25:15 how the Ark was to be carried, and although Uzzah meant well and by impulse tried to steady the cart, he died for his disobedience. David had not consulted with God, and a high cost was paid. God is serious about His word, and although there are times in the scriptures when God seems harsh in His punishment,  but we must remember that God is a holy God. 

Teshuvah, as I noted previously, is a time of repentance and return, a time of examining our lives, repenting, and returning or aligning our lives to grow closer to God, to know Him better, to hear His voice, and truly know Him, abide with Him, which has been His desire since before creation. Repentance should be a regular part of our walk with the LORD, because we sin every day. Most of the time it is unintentional as in thinking bad thoughts, saying unkind words to another, putting everything else first rather than focusing on Him, or any of many ways we do not discern the presence of God and walk accordingly. Many find this lifestyle restrictive, but when you have been in the presence of our Living God, your life changes, and you understand the sweetness of abiding in Christ. 

Being part of this difficult time in the history of Israel, standing in prayer as one of many watchmen on the wall, called into service by God for Zion's sake, awaiting the return of our LORD, has been a privilege and a joy. It is deeply humbling knowing that apart from Christ, I am unworthy to approach a holy God, but because I accepted God's free gift of grace, I can stand in intercession on behalf of another. The cost of discipleship is extremely high, as many of us are finding out. Our CEO at ICEJ has been going through a painful time of physical healing, but I know that these times can be the best times to rest in His presence and listen to His voice. I believe when he returns he will be overflowing with fresh wisdom, manna from above, to share with all of us. As we surrender our lives in obedience to Christ, we can learn so much. Each day is a fresh word from the LORD, and I am awed by His glory.

So, as I enter into Shabbat in a few short hours, I want to sit at the feet of Jesus, listening intently, choosing the better thing, as Jesus shared with Martha regarding her sister Mary of Bethany when Mary chose to sit and listen, rather than rush around and "do." God calls us to "be." It is my prayer that this Shabbat during my time of rest that I am truly refreshed, as He promises. God never breaks His promises or His covenants. He longs to abide with all of us. My God, my joy! Take this time to put aside the weights that so easily outweigh us, and enter into the sweetness of knowing Him better and be refreshed.



Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Rosh Chodesh Elul

     Happy Elul!

It's been a busy day, not particularly in actions, but in thoughts, cluttered with "to dos." So much happens so quickly that I find I am requiring more time just to process my thoughts. Too many distractions, not necessarily bad, but untimely. My focus needs to be turned to one thing. Like Mary of Bethany, I need to sit at the feet of Jesus, choosing to do the better thing. Only one thing that is necessary, Jesus told Martha, and He would not take it from her. Sitting at His feet, gazing intently into His face, soaking in every word. Worshiping.

Today, Tuesday, 9.3.2024 is the first day of the month of Elul on the Hebrew calendar (year 5784). It is a time of introspection, personal and corporate, leading up to the High Holy Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur, which is followed by the feast days, the most notably the Feast of Tabernacles. During this time we enter days of fasting and repentance, finding comfort in drawing close to the Lord, examining ourselves on every level. The month of Av that preceded was a time of mourning. As I write these words all of Israel mourns the past year of heart-wrenching horror and the helplessness many feel. There is no peace in the waiting, and for many the pain and insidious evil grows as the enemy taunts. Six precious souls executed as the enemy fled.

The events of October 7, 2023, changed everything. It's been such a difficult time for people waiting for the release of their loved ones, trying to find a sense of "normal" as daily the sirens are going off somewhere, many displaced from their homes because of the impending danger. Media has given the wrong impression of Israel and her response to this terror. It is without regard for the feelings of others or for the decisions that weigh so heavily on Prime Minister Netanyahu. Bearing false witness against a neighbor is something God hates. It seems much easier to pick up the chant of paid trouble-makers or ignorant naysayers than to seek truth and follow it. This includes the ones who profess to follow Jesus. For the most part the silence of the church has been deafening. A token prayer goes up for Israel, a brief comment to show sympathy without truly mourning or understanding, too busy to stand in support of our closest ally, a friend.

I'm weary, but it not in well doing. What frustrates me is waiting for the church to arise. The hour is late. I find it difficult to articulate what I am feeling. Years ago I asked God to break my heart for what broke His. I was newer to intercession in those days, but He heard my prayer, and He answered me. From that time forward He has led me to "see" more clearly and to listen for His direction in prayer. When I learn something new, I find that I hardly know anything at all. Praying His prayers are not for the weak kneed or faint of heart. This year alone has made me question so many things about myself. I've been privileged to attend daily prayer meetings with the International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem. Getting to know leaders who support Israel, many Gentile believers like myself, has been such a blessing. God told me He would set me, the solitary, in families, and He has. In October 2021 He instructed me to move back to Virginia after spending 35 years in Northern New Mexico. It has not been an easy move, and I have encountered more change than I thought. I have experienced much heartache over the loss of loved ones here and in New Mexico. Two strong supporters, one in each State, both died unexpectedly. It seems as if it is not permitted for me to get too close. I don't understand, but God does, so I follow, and I trust Him. It's all He wants, my obedience, my trust, and my love. Dwelling in His presence. The best place to be. The only place for me.

The hour is extremely late, and a new day has begun. Time for sleep, a time to dream.Shalom.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

The Battle Belongs to the LORD - Part 1

Concord Baptist Church 

 It is not uncommon for me to wake up with a song in my heart. For the past two days, once I opened my eyes, my gaze toward heaven, I sang the words "the LORD God is a strong tower; the righteous run into it, and they are safe. The LORD God is a strong tower; the righteous run into it, and they are safe." On our prayer call this morning, day 251 of the war in Israel, the worship leader spoke these same words from the scripture on which this song is based (Proverbs 18:10). This brought so much joy to my soul! Adonai often provides such confirmations to what He is showing me or speaking to me through His word and dear brothers and sisters in Christ, and in this instance, through worship. This dear one was leading worship from Fiji in the wee hours of the morning. Such dedication to the LORD is obvious for all who have remained constant on these important calls. My cup runs over.

As we discussed the situation in Israel and surrounding countries ruled or greatly influenced by evil, more and more I saw clearly the battle being waged in the heavens. In prayer and intercession, combined with fasting, God responds with His counsel, wisdom, and might. As we were praying, I remembered things in my life and the lives of others that have been overcome or are in the process. More than ever, no matter what the situation, we cannot lower our shields. This battle is the LORD's and He fights for us, yet as in 2 Chronicles 20, He expects us to suit up and be present, sometimes to engage with Him, but other times, to watch Him do what only HE can do. So many times we feel that "we" have done something. Well, if you are one of those who is of that persuasion, kindly open your eyes and look at the mess in our present age all over the world. Leaders thought they could "help" God, and just like with Abraham and Sarah, God has His timing, and His ways which are perfect. Had Abraham and Sarah waited, perhaps we would not be in such a mess in Israel today. Only God knows. And that is the key, God has known our every move since BEFORE He created the world, and YET, He still created man. Why? Because He wanted fellowship with us. That is a huge mystery to me. God is the three in one, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He is complete in Himself, but He wanted relationship with us. Go figure?! One thing I do know, when all is said and done, the message will be, "the LORD did it!"

Scripture says, God's ways are higher (Isaiah 55:8-9), but He has a plan for each of us to give us a future and a hope (Jeremiah 29:11). The Word of God is full of promises, and whatever He promises, He does. This can be traced through all the scriptures. Today, we were encouraged not to grow weary in our prayers, especially when we do not see the fruit of the labor being manifested in real time. Hostages are still being held and tortured, used as pawns, the war continues, people are dying, and rulers are playing games when they should be consulting the LORD. Regardless, of what is not being said and results not happening, He is in control. Sometimes I wish God would open the eyes of His people all over this world whose faces are set in faithful intercession day and night, so they could see His glory. In 2 Kings 6:17-20, the prophet Elisha asked God to open his servant's eyes to see that although the enemy surrounded them in great numbers, Heaven's Army was greater. I know the vision of this army, and it is indeed vast. I wish that all could see how great is our God who fights for us, and our Savior, who sits in heaven beside the right side of God, where He continuously makes intercession for us (Ephesians 1 & 2;  Romans 8:34). The verses in Ephesians describes our position in Christ and in prayer in the heavenly place. The book of Ephesians is a great study of spiritual warfare and living the righteous lifestyle, and I recommend it be read as a reminder of God's great work and power through us as believers. If you have never read the entire Bible through, you should. Trust me, you'd be greatly encouraged, plus you'd see today's events playing out prophetically in real time. Study to show yourself approved.

I'm trying to keep this shorter today, but my hope is to do what God told me to do some years ago and speak out. If you are sincerely desirous of a personal and close relationship with Our Father, I hope encouragement has been received.


Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Sharing a Thought

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Today is a beautiful sunny day, thus far, that is. Yesterday, it rained and stormed for a time, but it had periods of refreshing. The rains are always refreshing to me, and I even like thunder and lightning. It reminds me of the invisible war in the heavenlies that most people are not aware of going on for the sake of God's beloved ones here on earth, especially in Israel.

I was listening to Give Him 15 this morning, and Dutch said something about a controversy over the Appeal to Heaven flag. I used to have one outside my home, until the rains finally did it in. I tried to wash it, and it disintegrated. I haven't replaced it, honestly because it costs $40, and the money was better served elsewhere at this time. God knows that my allegiance is to Him. I wasn't aware that it held many meanings for individual owners, some adding their own hack of it or observers adding their own evil intention to it. The flag originated with General George Washington when he knelt in prayer asking for God's assistance during wartime. For me, when I began flying it when I lived in New Mexico, it portrayed my appeal to the only One who can help our nation and our world that has so desperately turned their backs on Him. Now it would symbolize even more of an appeal as all the nations are turning their backs on Israel. But I don't need a flag. God sees and knows my heart. 
Our nation and world leaders need to fall down on their faces and seek God's face and beg His forgiveness.  As an individual, I pray daily for repentance, first examining my own heart, as God is correct when He said in scripture that the heart is desperately wicked. He made us, He knows us! It has been such a blessings these past eight months to be part of the ICEJ prayer calls each morning, as each of us repents, first asking Holy Spirit to examine our own hearts, and then, only then, can we stand in the gap for our nations and the world. Our focus is Israel, whom scripture says has already suffered double for all her sins, but it is humbling to see great leaders, men and women of God who hold high positions in the ministry, humbly ask His pardon.

Few Pastors will speak up for righteousness from the pulpit or in public these days. I don't understand it, but I have noticed more and more that the full counsel of God is not being preached in church. The churches do not appear unified either. I remember a time when there was weekly or at least monthly meetings of the churches in the small town where I was living in New Mexico. Imagine the impact that would have on our country and on the world if pastors and leaders from each denomination would meet together regularly to pray.

But this is not the only difference I have found among Christians that I have observed since my return to Virginia after 35 years of being in New Mexico. Sadly, not only is the Bible not being taught as written, without apology, but there are compromises being made that are contrary to the word of God. We need to have our toes stepped on in church weekly, if not more, and we need to repent, search our hearts and remove anything that is contrary to the written Word, our covenant with God. I have failed God so much in my lifetime, and I implore you to live your lives sold out to Jesus. He is the only way, and if we continue to nail Him to the cross through disobedience what does that really say of our commitment to Him. I was saved at the age of 8, baptized, and I spent all my time in church and in activities, and I knew that I was called from childhood to do certain things. YET, I fell badly. God told me I'd go through fires, but not be burned, and I'd go through floods, but not be drowned. He also told me satan wanted to sift me like wheat. Everything that God told me, everything, has happened. But, like Peter, I was restored. Not that man reached out to me, but I was so close to Jesus that I recognized my stupidity quickly. I never wanted to hurt anyone, especially not myself, by my decisions in life, but I did. But God, in His infinite mercy and grace, stayed with me, and pursued me. He will never let us go. Once, as I was scribbling rapidly in my journal, seeking Him for direction, feeling so lost, He told me that I belonged to Him. And I do. And just like John 15 says, we are woven together in the vine, connected, and He won't let me go.

What He has done for me, and what He continues to do for me, you can also experience if you surrender your wills to Him, trusting Him for your needs whether they be spiritual, physical, mental, financial, or emotional. He supplies your every need.
I hope that this day brings revelation light to whoever may need to hear this word today. My cup overflows with joy today for Who my Abba is and who my wonderful Yeshua is to me. I want to shout from the rooftops that He Lives!! Because He does.

Spend some time in Ephesians today and be built up.

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

A Challenge

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Often I wonder why God allows things to happen as they do. We talk about many things, He and I. He's not aloof, and He is very interested in what people have to say. I wish everyone understood that. He uses terribly messed up, broken people to enter into the suffering of others in unique ways. I have a huge heart, and because of His love towards me, I am growing in His compassion and mercy for others. This opens many doors that have been closed to others. Perhaps it is because I accept people as they are. It's as if I can see into their souls as I gaze into their eyes, and I respond in kind, much like a child is able to see and respond openly. I'm glad for that quirk in my personality, although some consider it backward. 

I moved back home a little over two years ago, because God said it was time. I'm a slow listener when it comes to change, but I've moved many, many times over the 35 years I lived in Northern New Mexico, so moving that far was not easy. Plus I left behind some treasured friends. Over all those years of serving as a case manager, I met tons of people and family members, and I sat by the bedsides of many in their last days. I still miss them terribly. I am grateful that God engineered my misguided life onto a path I was destined to travel. My life hasn't exactly been what I had hoped it to be, but God has a way of accomplishing His will regardless. To quote an old friend in reference to my life, 

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.” Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities

Yep, that about sums it up. In truth God can take our mistakes and work them into something good, and He does use the foolish things to confound the wise. I am extremely grateful that He sticks closer than a friend or brother, and I remain humbled by His willingness to transform a broken and contrite heart into something useful.

The past few days have been hard. Friday I visited a close friend who had been slowly drifting away for the past few years, especially since my return. Once vibrant and enthusiastic for life, who had great plans for me and had encouraged me to move back to Virginia, she had slowly lost her spark. Friday when I visited her she was excited to see me. I took her a teddy bear I found in an arts and crafts store as an early Christmas gift. It seemed appropriate. Teddies always understand when people are hurting, and she readily accepted him into her heart. Monday when I visited again she was still clinging to him, but she had drifted further into her pain. She smiled several times, but she was suffering greatly. Today I was preparing to go again, but before I left the house I learned of her passing. Her pain had ended. It wasn't the way I prayed things would be, and besides sadness at her loss, I felt confused as to why it had to be this way. "I didn't come home to watch my friends drop like flies, Lord," especially her. So I'm struggling.

As I write these words I don't know if I am adequately expressing my heart. Generally I do so much better in sharing when I write, but I seems to be at a loss for words. Yesterday I had spent my time visiting my uncle who is now living in a nursing home. He is slowly drifting away. Whereas I have been trained to handle the needs of patients in all stages of health and illness, I feel somewhat helpless now in this new place, once home to me, now a distant memory. My uncle had a Spanish-speaking roommate, so I was anxious to see him also, as I know the language, and we have spoken on other visits. He seemed lonely when I visited before, as the nurses and other workers were unable to converse with him. When language is a barrier, I can imagine the loneliness, especially in a nursing home. But I was too late. He had apparently died the day before.

I am learning to listen when I hear Holy Spirit whispering. I felt it when I made my visits and when I chose the teddy bear. But there have been many missed opportunities, because I did not heed the still small voice or I had other plans. I was later reminded, as I have so many over the past few years, "To whom much is given, much is required." God is calling me deeper in our walk together. I have to pay attention, and I have to respond in obedience. There's no time to waste, and many are in despair.

Since 9/11 there has been a sure call for the world to wake up. Covid sent another calling card, and now the war between Israel and Hamas an even louder clarion call. Time is growing short. Many will not be ready when the trumpet sounds. The church has been silent over these years, and yet today remains so. What will it take to open eyes and hearts to the needs of others! What will it take for the church to be the body of Christ that is needed! What will it take to put aside our agendas for other more important needs! What will it take for us to see that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life? What will it take for people to see He is the answer to the suffering and pain? I don't understand, and my heart is broken, but I will persevere and do all I can to listen and obey. I have chosen His life, and some how I need to share it better. I have accepted His call. Although my journey has been torturous with many twists and turns, I know His plan is higher, and I'll follow. My home is desperately in need of repair and aesthetic transformation as the wall paper droops and the cracks in the plaster widen, but there are more important things. People. So many in desperate need of support, necessities, and I can't turn a blind eye. My friend's death is tragic, and her decline has been a continuance of what I have already experienced. My own family decline tugs at my heart, and many times I feel helpless, but I will not give up or give in. We have to work while there is still day, while there is still light. We have to be the light.

I've said all I can say. My heart is still heavy, but I have tried. I hope it reached someone in need of encouragement. The message is "You matter." Continue on. 

Friday, August 18, 2023

Distractions and Truth

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Recently a young friend asked me why I attend so many worship services locally and online. I guess the question really wanting to be asked was, "Isn't one church enough for you?" The question was posed after I had been sharing what I had learned from one study or another. We read more than one author at a time, so I suppose the practicality of listen to more than one pastor could be confusing to another. I began to explain to her why I attend Shabbat services on Saturday and different online churches on Sunday including a local body of believers. Then, as I thought about it, my reason for doing what I do is that I am always hungry for the Word of God and seeing how lives are being transformed. I told her that I have a condition called "insatiable hunger and thirst for the Word of God."  She seemed to understand that idea, because she has been searching for a family of believers or "tribe" as my Jewish friends called it, for quite some time. 

Likewise, I love hearing about and participating in missionary efforts. Why I am as I am is a question I have asked Father God often. This "hunger" dates back to my early childhood, although I really did not understand it back then. I can't really say it was how I was raised, although I had many spiritual influences in my life as I was growing up, and my mama always had us in church whenever the doors were open. Maybe that's why I loved revivals so much. But then, questions remain, but they're good questions, the answer I receive is always the same, "Write the story."

 We all have the stories of our lives to tell. My life, although traumatic in many ways, can be summed up in one word - AMAZING! I can say that, because I have witnessed the presence of God in my life, and how Romans 8:28 about working all things for good for those who love God and to the called according to His purpose. And this is where the WHOLE counsel of God must be studied in His Word. Context is the key for every believer in Christ Jesus.

Today, I have been asking Father God about the distractions and accusations that are part of the chaos of our world today. It's one thing to witness it in the natural world, but quite another to continually hear  accusations against this person or that church or something along these lines. It has become an every day occurrence for many, sadly. I believe, as Jesus says in Matthew 24:5, that there are many deceivers in our world today, people pretending to know the Word, but who are not really His. This is why we need to be connected to a local fellowship and sound, Biblical teaching, using the Word of God as our source. If what someone is saying is not grounded in the Word of God, and if the one saying it does not have a life that lines up with His Word, then a pastor should warn and shepherd his flock based on Biblical truth. A wise pastor knows that he will be judged for how he tended the sheep God entrusted to him. The same with anyone who teaches the Word of God. It's a serious matter to God.

I'm an avid reader, and as such, I am familiar with a great number of good authors, but even then, I am careful to be selective in what I read and by whom. I have a particular passion for the late greats, like Oswald Chambers, Andrew Murray, A. W. Tozer, E. M Bounds and Watchman Nee. I have some "newer" authors in the sense that they are still living, but they are seasoned in my eyes and understanding. I've become quite concerned about some things, however, pertaining to some people. I tend to handle things differently than most. When I have a question, I prefer to go to the Source rather than as a person. This way I avoid hearsay, gossip, slander, confusion, and gain clarity from God's perspective. When I was still working from home, we were not given a dress code per se; however, as a professional one knows how one should or should not dress to visit clients. I still wear long skirts to church, because it is my preference, and I like to wear them on the job, because they are comfortable. Once while visiting a patient who was a pastor and whose son-in-law was now the pastor since the elder pastor was sick, I was told that I dressed like a Christian, but that my hair needed to grow out and that I needed to be baptized using the name of Jesus. He was so adamant that I change my ways or burn in hell that it disturbed me. I went home, pulled out my Bible and looked to see what Jesus had to say about it, as He is our authority. There it was in red to be baptized in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. In the books of Acts the Apostle Peter, on the day of Pentecost, told the people to be baptized in the Name of Jesus. So if there confusion. I don't believe so, as Jesus is the Son of God and God Himself. When we study the Trinity, many find it confusing, but I never have. In the book of John, Jesus explains the connection He has with God the Father. He said, "I am in Him, and He is in Me," and then He says that we are to be in Him. Whereas my conclusion may read strangely, I think you can understand what I am trying to say. God is the Three in One, so it seems as if this gentleman, although well intentioned, may have been picking at hairs, so to speak. But in praying, God assured me that my conversion was true. This is a small thing compared to what is happening in the church today. And I can understand why some may be confused, because each of us is at a different stage of our growth as believers, our level of maturity, but I don't believe we need to tear each other down if we disagree. If Jesus is returning for a spotless Bride, then we need to be in unity with each other, in spite of petty disagreements. But then, some are saying that those words are heresy, because we can't have unity with those who do not believe that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God. But then, there may be some discrepancies in the way something is said or interpreted. And on it goes!! Is it possible for us to even be unified?! 

I have become somewhat concerned with prayer movements that seem more visible than I believe intercessors should be. Jesus says to go into your prayer closet, close the door, and intercede to the Father. So, why are we in need of back slapping and national, even international, acclaim? Again, my go-to folks are Jesus, the Word, and great men of God who lived a simple, quiet prayerful, abiding-in-God faith, like Tozer, Murray, and Rees Howells, who was a great intercessor involved in the Welsh Revival. So when I have questions, I tend to quietly seek and wait. I don't stop ministering in an area, unless God so instructs through Holy Spirit, who is here to guide us to the truth of the Word and point us to Jesus Christ. There's even some new confusion about people worshiping Holy Spirit! Yikes! 

Distractions! Confusion comes from the author of confusion, and it is not God. So we know it comes from the deceiver who wants nothing more than to steal your joy and your faith. This is when you delve deeper into the word. If you are diligent to study the Word, God will meet you where you are at. In the book of Jeremiah, chapter 29, verses 13 and 14 we are told that if we seek for God with our whole heart, He will be found and deliver us from our captivity. Proverbs 3:5-6 instructs us to "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not to thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct thy paths." The Bible has the answers to all our questions, but we have to sit quietly and wait for Him to respond.

I have been noticing everything that has been happening for the past few years, particularly in this present administration goes from bizarre to incredibly repugnant. So much has been happening, at such a rapid rate, that anyone with any gumption should be able to see clearly the distractions are to throw us off our focus which needs to be on one Person - Jesus, the Way, the Truth, the Life. We are told in scripture that we see in part and know in part, so why can't we understand that truth. Regardless of what happens, no matter how it affects us, we must keep our eyes on Him. What happened recently in Maui was catastrophic, and I grieve for the people, but I am not going to speculate on why it happened. I am going to pray and tangibly help the people. I am not able to go there or I would, but I can support in other ways. We all can, and we all should. The same goes for anything that happens to our fellow Americans or in the world. Since I am involved very closely in missions, I can tell you more than you'd like to know, but I won't. But loving and caring should be universal. Jesus told us to love our enemies, do good to those who despitefully use us. He taught us to forgive. Another subject for another time. And if you want the truth, stop listening to every wind of doctrine on the news channels. Just so you know I support the work being done by Tim Ballard, Jim Caviezel and others to end sex trafficking, because it is true, and children are being exploited. And yes, it happens in the United States, more than you'd care to know. I am personally aware of that also, as I have noted before. I also support Greg Laurie and the Jesus Revolution film. If you disagree or have "heard" or read something, check it out for yourself. NEVER take someone else's opinion as your own. Study to show yourself approved...!

In closing, I'd just like to say, there are many things we do not know, and we will not until Jesus takes us home. Until then, as believers, we are told to obey God's laws, spread the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and be ready for His return. He does not want fence sitters or lukewarm ones. Revelation, Chapters 2 and 3 are wise to be remembered. Make sure you know your salvation is sure. Know who you are in Christ and abide in Him.

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Reflections - 1/3/2023


My day started early, Mia anxious to be fed. Alex was also waiting at the back door ready to enjoy his first meal of the day, as he tends to chow down more than Mia. He's quickly becoming a fluffy round ball of long, gray and black streaked fuzz. I've nicknamed him Gordito, as he is becoming a little rotund for a smaller Maine coon. But he's so adorable, and as I have mentioned before, although I am really not a cat person, he's stolen my heart. Mia technically belongs to my son, Daniel, but she tends to relax in my room for extended periods of the day. She'll come in, and sit at my feet as I am reading or working on a project, enjoying the gentle motion of my rocking chair, hoping I'll give up my seat for her. When that fails, she'll take over the bed, flopping wherever she likes. But in spite of her thinking she rules the roost, I do enjoy her antics and occasional temper tantrums when she doesn't get her way. 

I enjoy the early part of the morning, before or just as the sun is coming up. I love to look out the window at the huge maple tree in the back yard and at the birds playing outside in the bushes. It's generally quiet in this old neighborhood on the edge of country living, and I can get lost in the quiet and wonder of the morning. Even if it's raining or gloomy, I can still get lost in thought, grateful for the little piece of earth God has gifted to me. 

As the day progressed I caught up on reading the daily buzz of news, and although difficult to swallow at times, it does not steal the joy I have in knowing that God is larger than anything going on in the world, and nothing catches Him by surprise. Still, He has a work for us to do as we stand in the gap, holding up concerns in prayer. 

It's now late in the evening, as I reflect on the day, preparing for bed. Once more it is extremely quiet, so I can focus on quiet time and listen while I talk to Abba. I generally post prayer needs received from Intercessors for America, if I feel led to do so. I try to avoid many of our reports, because quite honestly, I don't think people really want to know what is actually going on in the nation today or what God thinks about it all. The apathy I see from professing believers is distressing, but what is encouraging is seeing Northern Virginia parents raise up and say enough is enough when it comes to protecting their children. I applaud when I hear about one of my fellow intercessors who, like Daniel in the Bible, cared not of the edits of the king, and did not bow his knee to Baal by worshiping a mortal king who threatens death to those who disobey him. Rather he worshiped the King of Kings three times daily in plain view. Today Christians are being arrested for simply praying quietly whether it be before a ball game or for those grieving the death of a public servant at the scene of an accident. Somehow it enrages people to see us pray in public, even if prayers are silent, but it does not concern anyone when immoral acts are performed or lauded in public or satan worshipers parade defiantly openly mocking God. I understand that public prayer is now banned, but this will not keep me from bowing my head at the dinner table in public to thank God openly for the meal, blessing those who worked hard to prepare it. I won't stop testifying of the Lord I love who has done so much for me, healing my physical body and redeeming me, calling me His own when I felt so abandoned by everyone else. And it won't stop me from praying for anyone who asks me to pray whether it is on a sidewalk or the middle of a store. 

But what I really do not understand is how some pastors are more concerned with growing their church membership with programs than preaching the word of God and standing for what is right. I don't understand why so many are turning their backs not wanting to get involved, don't want to rock boats, or lose their tax standing. Sure, they admit that the Lord can return at any time, but rather than warn people and call them to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, they are content to wait for the rapture, assuming they will go when He comes. But if I am reading my Bible correctly, it doesn't say sit back and wait for Jesus to return, stay hidden in a hole and be quiet, rather He said to occupy and snatch people from hell. Revelation boldly states that we will overcome by the blood of Lamb, and the word of our testimony, and we love not our lives to the death. The way things are progressing, we could be required to deny Christ or die. It is a sobering thought, but it already happens in foreign countries and has for many, many years.

I also know quite a bit about miracles on a personal level, so it really upsets me when people assume that if they get a certain diagnosis that they are going to die. Why is our opinion of the Almighty so small? Either He is who He says He is and does what He says He does, or we are deceived. I have a testimony, and I know He does what He says and what He already has done. 

As I close my day in prayer, it is my heart's desire to see many people know Him as Savior, Lord, and Friend. May the Lord bless you as you seek His face!