Sunday, March 31, 2013


Each year I re-read the Bible, generally choosing a new walk through plan or book.  This year I picked up an old friend, The Daily Walk Bible, deciding it was time to revisit and see what new lessons I learn along the way or remember from the times I read this particular version.  Reading notes in the margins is always a challenge, especially when I find I have not progressed from the place I was the last time I read the book, which can amount to a number of years sometimes.  Then again, it is a privilege to note that I have grown somewhat in other instances.

This month I have been reading Leviticus which is often difficult for me to read or understand, because it covers the sacrifices and the rules of everyday conduct.  As I began the closing chapter yesterday it spoke of the Year of Jubilee every 50th year and the forgiveness of debts every 7th year as well as the rest for the land every 7th year.  There would be no planting, no harvesting, no working the land, but rather, living off the volunteer plants, all sharing.  So as I pondered the importance of this law to the Jewish people I began to think about how it related to me living in the world today.  And suddenly it appeared to me that there may be a message for me I have been overlooking but sorely needing to see.  So I did a little math based on my life, and the results were inspiring.

In recent months I have been asking God to show me the direction for my life.  Changes may be in the works involving my work which means that I may need to relocate, unless of course I remain here which still means change.  I have had way too much change in my life since moving to New Mexico, so change is not something I take to easily.  And yet, I know change can be good. When I did the math I realized that this August 14th would be the beginning of my 7th year, the same time I can qualify for social security, and the same time I may need to move yet again.  The thought of the possibilities is a bit exciting, but also very scary for an older woman living all alone.  Nonetheless it is an adventure which may change my life very drastically.

Written 2/9/13