The enemy has been trying to knock me down on my face again. He's been doing a real good job of it this morning. Each morning the first words I speak when I open my eyes are from scripture, and the first words I read are in scripture. I have several verses of the day that come regularly to my email, plus daily devotionals from powerful men and women of God. I share these on Facebook, as I want others to be encouraged by Jesus. How can we face the day otherwise?
Still, the enemy worms his way into my thoughts, hounding me with memories. Most days I am successful at silencing him quickly, as the Lord silenced him, with the word of God, and through music and praise. But this morning was one of the days when the noise in my head and the sorrow in my heart was so overwhelming that I allowed him more access to torment me. When I cry out to God for answers he often cannot break through in His still, small voice, because the noise is too loud. So this morning I felt I needed to turn to a friend, a friend who himself is struggling with some things, but a friend who is strong in his faith and who can help me not only listen, but hear. Not realizing it, he helped me with two huge issues in my life. After I hung up the telephone I asked God why He couldn't tell me directly what I needed to understand. But God let me know that although I was reading the words, I could not understand until my mind cleared and the enemy was silenced. He also uses people sometimes to get the point across. And He did that with me this morning.
This morning, after my head cleared, the first thing I read in my daily devotionals was from Max Lucado. In his book, And the Angels Were Silent, he writes: "Reach up and take your Father's hand and say what my daughter Andrea said to me, 'I'm not sure where I am. I'm not sure which is the road home. But you do and that's enough.'" The scripture he chose was from Isaiah 41:13: "For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear, I will help you."
Many times I have written about crawling into God's lap where I can feel secure and loved. Some may feel this is a childish practice, particularly because I am nearing my seventh decade of life. Well, it's what I do, and I'd rather be in His lap than any other. He's faithful, and He has never left me or forsaken me. I can trust His every word. I can feel His Presence.
Many things are happening in the world known and unknown. I care about them all. What I care about most is the way people are responding to current events. Many people are indifferent saying it doesn't concern them, others are saying things are out of control, and others simply want to be heard. Nothing will change unless we listen and communicate. It's about developing relationships. The dictionary defines relationship as: the way in which two or more concepts, objects, or people are connected, or the state of being connected. We need to communicate honestly, without taking offense. That requires more than opening our ears, it means opening our hearts. As followers of Christ isn't this what it means to love your neighbor as yourself?
I'm privy to a lot of information, and there is so much going on while people backbite and name call and criticize. Lives, more lives than you know, are on the line. Our children are suffering. I receive so many emails from causes and prayer chains, and the needs are overwhelming. We need to get our act together, and love each other. I was listening to a conversation between Emmanuel Acho and Matthew McConaughey on YouTube, Uncomfortable Conversations With a Black Man, this morning, and Matthew shared a portion of Langston Hughes' poem, Let American be America Again that is powerful. Please listen: "Oh let America be America again--the land that never has been yet--And yet must be--the land where every man is free." This is a powerful poem and should be compassionately considered.
This world is in crisis with the pandemic and racial unrest. This is an election year, and it's dog eat dog, so to speak. Why can't debates and news media, and advertisements stick to the issues and stop the ugly words and inflammatory remarks. When the pandemic first broke out it appeared that everyone was working together, but now more accusations and finger pointing. It is all so ugly. God's heart is broken. I know, because I ask Him each day to break my heart for what breaks His.
Right now while the focus is on other things, there are people working behind the scenes who continue their work in harming innocent lives and stealing childhoods. I know quite a bit about this personally. There are also scammers trying to take advantage of the elderly. Evil never sleeps. There are dear ones who are battling with cancer, other debilitating medical conditions, and dementia and Alzheimer's disease. This is why we must keep our focus on what God says and how we are to respond as His believers and His disciples. We must respond with compassion, kindness, understanding, love, acceptance, and we must be willing to hear, ask questions, learn and apply wisdom. Please don't close your hearts. As a part of the Body of Christ, we are all called to function as one, working together for His purpose and glory. Let's honor and serve each other.