"Who would we be.. if just one percent of the people of the world were
complaint free? War would be laughed out of the room... just imagine
people would speak more kindly... courtesy would be invited back
our homes.. our kitchens... We would care more about our children..
everyone is our child we would stop hating others... it would be
the beginning ~ of paradise. ~ "
Maya Angelou
Yesterday, December 5, 2014 marked the one year anniversary of Nelson Mandela's passing, so it is proper and fitting that I write about my experience and convictions I hold dear today. This month has already been difficult as bittersweet memories come to mind. I had an upsetting day yesterday that fueled my fire somewhat, that and my sole desire to live my life as Jesus would have me. People so carelessly speak the words of love and respect or quote the scriptures so freely without regard for the meaning in each word, the breath of life and hope in each syllable. I happen to believe those sacred words and trust in the Author and Finisher of my faith. To serve Him as His emissary in this world is often a path of tears and misery, but it is worth the momentary hurts to realize our days on this earth are fleeting. We live with the hope of eternity lifting us up when our spirits are low, because we not only believe, but we trust, and eventually know, because we have come to know Him as Abba Father.
In this morning's reading in My Daily Walk bible I read these words:
"One way to measure the depth of your religion is to look at the breadth of your concern for others."
These words are so true, yet there are those who would not agree.
Today my heart remains heavy, because I care so much for the welfare of others. I have heard these words spoken to me so many times along this "road less traveled" that "If you don't take care of yourself, you will be unable to help others." Again these words are very true, but they can also become an excuse to avoid seeing and meeting the needs of others, or daring to reach out in friendship to another ragamuffin along the way. I am a misfit, a ragamuffin, and I am proud to be called dysfunctional in this regard, because in living my life I can give comfort to those who are hurting, degraded, who have lost their way, and I can offer love and acceptance. Our actions are more important than our words, because seeing the life lived out inspires more than a promise that eventually fades into forgetfulness, unfulfilled.
I become very passionate when I speak about my life, because regardless of the countless mistakes and wrong decisions I have made along the way, my life has been guided since I was a child, and I was never abandoned in the spiritual sense. I have always been keenly aware of His presence even when I did not tangibly feel it. So if I can do one thing for the rest of my life it would be to treat others kindly, offering love and friendship to others each day. I can remain confident and strengthened by the support and love of my fellow man, especially on days more difficult than others. I can continue to put one foot in front of the other and walk in determination, offering support, guidance, and hope in being counted with the One Percent who gives 100% of myself. It is my privilege, and honor, so I offer it you, dear readers, as something to consider.