Saturday, May 23, 2020

Let's Dance!!

Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness. Dance before Him, all ...

Today is Saturday..."Satisfaction Saturday" according to my dear friend, Wayne! We have a game we are playing in our daily correspondence where he must come up with a descriptive adjective (preferably) for each day that is positive and uplifting. The exercise was birthed to recognize each day as a "good day" the Lord has made, because each new day is good. Bad things can happen and challenges will arise, but each day is good!

Music fills my heart, and each day I must sing, worship, praise and dance! My day began this morning with Lauren Daigle's song, Still Rolling Stones. Although she is much younger than I, my exuberance is no less than hers in the video I shared on Facebook from Klove Radio. I can spin, dance and leap for joy in praise with the best of them! Listen to the words, and you'll understand:

"Out of the shallows
Bound for the gallows
A dead man walking
Til love came calling
Rise up (rise up)
Rise up (rise up)

Six feet under
I thought it was over
A answer to prayer
The voice of a Savior
Rise up (rise up)
Rise up (rise up)."

When you hear His voice, and then are privileged to see His face, you run out of the grave! The passion pumps you up, and your heart races:

"All at once I came alive
This beating heart, these open eyes
The grave let go
The darkness should have known
You're still rolling stones...." 

As one whose journey has seen depression, failures, separation and isolation, all the lies satan uses to keep one trapped, exuberance does not adequately describe the joy Jesus brings me. I have to dance!!

Music has always stirred my soul, but worship music bring me alive, and, like King David, I sing, dance, shout, and leap for joy! I pray that whoever enters my home can feel the Presence of the Living God. Although cluttered and full of boxes, I pray the love of God infuses every molecule of space, because I love Jesus! Lauren Daigle calls her new life "a song of revival," and that is my testimony! 

During this time, with church buildings closed, I still find joy and encouragement from online services. I have made new friends, connected with more prayer groups, have an online church group with whom I meet weekly. Although the buildings are closed and people have not assembled, the Body of Christ has been active and alive as always. Daily time with the Lord, developing relationship, is something a virus cannot disrupt. 

As Jesus entered Jerusalem, riding on a donkey, the crowds cried, "Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord." The Pharisees commanded Jesus to rebuke his disciples, and Jesus' response was, "I tell you...if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out. (Luke 19:37-40).

Jesus is everywhere I go. I can't keep silent. So if you're riding down the road one day, and you see a pearl white Nissan Sentra pulled over on the side of the road with an ole lady in a blue hat dancing, jumping, twirling around, and singing with arms waving, that's me! And if you can't stop and join me, honk as you go pass by! Better yet, snap a photo and post it to social medial entitled "God's Great Dance Floor." I'm sure Chris Tomlin won't mind. We are created to worship God. He is Elohim... El Shaddai...Adonai and even more! Thank you, Jesus!


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