Tuesday, July 14, 2020

What I Am Re-learning - Read it to See

To live is Christ | Crossmap
The majority of the people who really know me would probably testify that I am an extremely intense person when I get on my soapbox about something. Actually, there are some things that I stand on the soapbox about all the time. Whereas I may appear as somewhat as an extrovert to some, in fact, I am more of an introvert when it comes to sharing, as opposed to the extrovert who loves an audience. That's why it is so hard for me to blog and put it "out there" for people to read. Although I realize that I may get some flack from things I say, I do make every effort to post things that are kind and compassionately written, even if they may be controversial. I prefer to edify rather than tear down, so I will never intentionally offend someone. When I am passionate about an issue or concern, I share information in the hope that someone will be willing to talk things out, communicate, rather than post opinions. I try to post not from my opinion, but from God's heart. He has a lot to say about everything that goes on in our lives, and He cares about everything. Some think He doesn't act like He cares, or that He doesn't hear or answer prayers, but He always does. Don't believe me? Check out the Word. I've been on this earth for almost 70 years now, and I have seen, been through, and am finally beginning to overcome much! It has been a difficult struggle, but God has been walking through it with me, so I am more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus my Lord who loves me and relentlessly chases after me. I have purpose! So do you!

This year has been quite the challenge on more than one level as we face a pandemic of health, social unrest, and economic change. Although man tries unsuccessfully, these issues cannot be overcome by man. This is not a political arena. This is a spiritual crisis on every level. Sunday I listened to a sermon preached by Dr. Tony Evans from the book of Genesis, Chapter 11 about the Tower of Babel. He began by quoting a well-known nursery rhyme, Humpty Dumpty. I believe it is very relevant to this modern pandemic, and I challenge you to listen to what Dr. Evans is saying (posted on my page). This is something I have been saying since the beginning when the first pandemic hit the fan. We need to wake up and pay attention, because just as the Lord said, "Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other," in response to the Tower of Babel, so He is trying to show us that going against what He instructs will not work. Just like Humpty Dumpty who called on "all the king's horses and all the king's men," our problems cannot be solved by government or man on any level. Our world needs God's solution, and the church needs to rise up and be the church. Much change is needed that has gone unheeded not really that many years ago, because it was happening during my generation. But, if we humble ourselves, seek God's face and repent, then He'll answer. Problem is that no one wants to repent, because if you repent, then you must have done something wrong. News flash!! According to scripture, we have all sinned and fallen short of His glory, and contrary to popular belief, we do it every day. My eyes have been opened to the fact that I am not the only sinner in this universe, and I refuse to accept any more condemnation or "curses" against me and my family. Anyone who really knows me, knows me!

The one thing that has not changed in my life is my passion for Jesus. During this time, I've been listening to podcasts by Christine Caine and following her on Facebook, and she calls herself intense, and she certainly is. I love her passion and enthusiasm in sharing the gospel message, because she reminds me so much of my younger self. God bless her. We need to be passionate in our walk with the Lord. And we need to be sharing our faith with others, particularly during this time where so many people are losing hope, growing weak, faint, afraid, no - terrified. This is the time when we, as the disciples of Christ, His followers, need to be spreading the Good News! People don't just want to hear about our trust and hope in Jesus, they want to see it, and to see Christ's love in action. So we can't just casually talk faith, no, James says that faith without works is dead (James 2:14-17). We may be shut in, but we don't have to shut up! The Kingdom of Heaven is not filled with the disgruntled or complainers. We can be victorious, even in these troubled times. So, suit up! Put on your whole armor of God and stand against the demons of Fear, Anxiety, Doubt, or whatever is knocking on your door. This battle is already won! Time to do our part. God's done His.

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