Sunday, June 27, 2021

Exposing the Lies


In my lifetime I have often been misunderstood, especially when it comes to my faith in and walk with Jesus. Much of the 34 years I have lived in New Mexico have been solitary times as I sit in the lap of Abba and listen. It has been suggested more recently that fear of the Covid virus kept me from attending church in person, but I have no fear of the enemy's attacks whether they be physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual. My hope does not rest in man but on the goodness of my Abba Father. And He is good in every way. My church attendance has been consistent, daily, and this period of time has been a period of growth and refreshment in my personal faith and walk with Jesus. Abba holds me firmly by His righteous right hand. It has been a time of introspection and worship as I join in prayer and repentance for our nation and world with fellow intercessors according to 2 Chronicles 7:13-14.

This nation has been established as One Nation Under God with a motto that is written on our currency, our buildings, and it has been inscribed on our hearts and spoken of in our churches and schools. That motto:: "In God We Trust." Today our nation is in chaos, because this truth on which our Constitution was formed as well as the God in Whom we trust, is being abandoned for a lie, a deception as old as Genesis. The great deceiver who comes as an angel of light has manipulated the truth of God's Word, so we will be drawn away from the life God ordained that we should live.

Today in Tony Evans' message entitled "The Enemy of Truth," that I have posted on my Facebook page and is available on YouTube, Pastor Evans lays it all out in simple terms based on the scriptures so that anyone who wants to understand will be able to do so in clarity. Sadly, few who post or follow Facebook want to devote the time to messages requiring greater than 5 minutes. I doubt seriously that this blog is read by many, because it requires longer to read than a scripture verse or short quotation by a noteworthy person. But that's okay

When I write, I do so because I feel compelled by Holy Spirit to speak out and Abba has asked me to write. I admit that I have not been as faithful to what the Lord has been sharing, because sometimes it is very blunt and in your face. Don't get me wrong...I don't really care who unfriends me or if I get censored. In fact I have already been censored, and I suspect unfriended. But I have to be faithful to God before anyone else, because the scripture is clear on the matter. Jesus tells his disciples the following in Matthew 10:37-39: "Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; and anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it."  Prior to these verses Jesus is explaining to His disciples that anyone who acknowledges Him, He will acknowledge to His Father, but those who do not "own" Him will be disowned before His Father in Heaven. Basically, you are either for Him or against Him. There's no middle ground. And if you are "for Him" then you must surrender your independence and follow Him. Many become confused and feel that the Old Testament is not relevant today, but the scriptures make it clear that Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. The Book of John explains that Jesus has existed before the beginning of time as part of the Triune Godhead of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and John called Jesus the Living Word.

I say all this to say that the entire Bible is based on the Word of God, and it is the inspired, God-breathed truth by which we, as followers of Jesus Christ, live daily. As I began this post I noted that our world is in chaos, and that is a direct result of people walking outside of the will of God in disobedience to His decrees and regulations set for a peaceful existence.

I respect Pastor Tony Evans and consider him a man who rightly divides the Word of Truth. His purpose is to teach Kingdom principles and make Kingdom disciples who will walk out their faith in their homes and communities. Kingdom living is God's Kingdom not man's. The message today, as I mentioned previously is part of a series he is teaching to shine God's light on what is happening in our world today. His message today is based on John 8:42-45 identifying satan as the deceiver, but Pastor Evans takes us to the beginning in Genesis to explain the initial act of deception. When satan rebelled against God in heaven, he was able to manipulate and deceive a third of the angels in heaven. His purpose in doing so was to become autonomous with God. Because God is Truth satan wants to discredit Him. And this led to satan's and the deceived angels' fall from heaven. His first act was to deceive Adam and Eve by the question in Genesis 3:1:"Did God really say...?"

Today satan is very active in government, society, culture, schools, businesses, families, and, yes, churches. Satan who wants to be like God is not omnipresent as is God, so his fallen angels, better known as demons, are sent to do his work in our lives. The Bible says that many will be deceived and fall away from the truth, and history demonstrates this truth. It can be witnessed in all our lives, as the Word say that "All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23)." 


"If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves

and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins,

he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and

 cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:8-9)."


I hope you will take the time to listen to Pastor Evans' messages, as he delves into the complexities of the lies we are facing today. But there is one more thing I want to say to address the issue of the sin of abortion. I am an advocate for life, and I have been standing against abortion since the beginning, and I will continue to fight for these unborn Americans. I want to share a scripture with you that should forever settle for anyone seeking the truth about the origin of life, one Pastor Evans shared this morning. Psalm 139:16 "...your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be." Psalm 139 is written by David celebrating our lives before, during, and after. It cancels abortion. 

It is my sincere prayer that pastors will teach the Word of God and not shy away from the truth. As believers and followers of Jesus Christ we are to be "clothed" in his character meaning walking in truth, love, kindness, compassion, but in clarity. The most loving act we can do is to tell someone the truth. Sadly, our churches have failed, but a great awakening is in the works. God's Army is rising, and Truth, Righteousness, and Justice will prevail.



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