Saturday, December 28, 2013

Even If...I Will Trust You

Holidays are very difficult times for me, especially since my daddy passed away last year just before Christmas.  It was a bitter sweet passing, as he had suffered so long, and he missed my mother so much.  Mama died on the very same day, three years prior to daddy's passing.  The day before my daddy died he asked my sister if she knew what day it was.  He knew.   I believe mama and daddy had a date, and she was waiting at heaven's gate to welcome him home.

As I think about my family tears come to my eyes, but also, a smile lights my face as I remember.  Childhood can be a wonderful memory if we choose to view it as a blessing even if it really was the opposite at times.  Terror to a child comes in many faces, yet also grace abides to protect in ways we cannot see at the time.

I was sharing with my younger son this morning that I have lived to see so many historical moments, both exciting and cruel.  I still get teary eyed and a bit angry as I recall certain injustices, mockeries, atrocities of war, and the mistreatment of others.  But what concerns me more is that even as advanced as our present culture has become, the injustices, mockeries, atrocities, and mistreatment continue.  Prejudice and hate fill the hearts of people in a diverse world where it should not be so.  Who can look at the face of a homeless man, woman, child and not have compassion?  Who can see a hungry animal and not feed it?  Who can see an old woman fallen on the sidewalk, or even worse in the street as she attempts to cross it, and not stop to rush to her assistance.  Compassion, honor, integrity.  Are these not present in our hearts today?

While reading my Daily Walk Bible this morning I began to think about my children and the things they have faced in their lives,  things that continue to challenge them daily.  I think about all the children of the world who face challenges, heartbreaks, misfortune, and I pray.  I pray for broken relationships to be healed, reconciliation with one another, but mostly I pray that God would break their hearts, as He has broken mine, for what breaks His heart.  This is a mighty prayer, and it is not to be taken lightly, as I promise you that He will show you things you wish you did not see or know.  But it also gives you strength to know that God cares about every aspect of your life, your being, every breath you take.  Try it.  I promise, you will never be the same again.

In December of last year, as I was working in my office at home, I heard God's voice clearly saying to me these words, "Trust Me." I stopped and listened, and finally I said, "I will trust You, Lord, even if...."  After that my world changed so dramatically.  I don't think that any part of it has not been tested including my work, my personal life, my family, my church, my friendships, my world in general.  And even though it has been a bumpy ride, I am still trusting God to make all things good again.  Some may feel this is naive of me, considering certain events, but I don't share that belief.  The older I grow, the more I am convinced that God is able to do ALL things, nothing is impossible with Him.  And even if things don't turn out as I had hoped they would, still I see blessings in what has transpired all around me.  It is a choice I have made to trust Him, even if.  I invite you to do the same.  It's worth it!

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