Saturday, June 18, 2016

Unforgettable Me

Unforgettable | PARISCINE

Sometimes words come easily for me, other times, not so. Today I am caught in the middle of the two worlds. I rested well last night, I think, even though I had to sleep on ice for awhile. Ice numbs the pain...eventually, but it is a good hurt. I felt pretty good when I greeted the day, but as the morning progressed the all too familiar routine commenced. Nonetheless I determined to do something that I wanted to do today besides cook and clean or stay "on ice." Seldom do I choose to do either of those two sports - cooking and cleaning - actually. Before leaving my house to rush to the post office and do errands I received a call from my friend. She saved me from the drudgery of cleaning my toilets. It seems toilets are in most of my blogs these days in one form or another...perhaps another metaphor? That is not saying much about my life, is it?! I was complaining to my friend about the hard water deposits that are so difficult to clean, and she suggested I try Dr. Pepper or Coke. I thought, "why not!" Well, from this end, I must report that rumor did not prove accurate, as all I got was brown, stained toilets and more work. So I pulled out the always faithful vinegar that destroys my sinus membranes, and my stand-by-baking soda. Once more in my zealous attempt to rid my toilet of these stains I only ended up making yet another mess that cascaded over the sides of the bowl into my otherwise clean floor. Not the day I had planned.

Prior to the mess I did run my errands, eat lunch, and I went to the movies to see Me Before You, the story of a young man, cut down by a motorcycle as he was crossing the street with resulting quadriplegia, and about the young woman who became his caregiver/companion. It really is a wonderful story of compassion and true love. There were only four of us in the theater, as most patrons decided on Finding Dory. Initially I had planned to do a double feature and picked Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 or Alice in Wonderland Through the Looking Glass, but the one movie did me in, so I opted for home and Old Dogs with John Travolta and Robin Williams that always makes me laugh. A great way to chase a tearjerker!

I really don't have any great wisdom to share from my ordinary day, except the movie had a profound effect on me, and although I know what I am feeling I am unable to adequately express it. I do know it did not end as I had hoped, but it had a somewhat happy ending in certain ways as it produced life in the midst of tragedy. It also shows once again the lengths to which parents go to love their children even when their wishes are not easy to grant or accept. I know I have had to make concessions, and I have also had to walk away and allow freedom to make choices that were not the best. Still everyone has a choice to make in life, and regardless of whether our children make wise or not so wise decisions, we still love them...regardless. I never thought my life would be this way, but I am grateful for the person I have become.

Many people go through life always wanting to live any life but their own. They are never happy with who they are, where they live, the color of their hair or eyes, and on and on. I may not be a knock out beauty, but I am glad I am "me" in all my silliness and multiple personalities. Although I have some pretty serious pain some days, I still choose to continue on a bit longer. At least until I have walked...or crawled...the El Camino de Santiago. I won't allow myself to be held back again. I was meant to fly!

For tonight I am grounded a bit, and I need to get back to cleaning up my messes, so I can relax awhile before end of day. I feel like dancing though, so I may put on my dancing shoes, turn on Nat King Cole and grab a teddy bear and slide across the dance floor to the tune of Unforgettable. Sounds like a sweet, mellow end to a busy day, and appropriate! I am after all...unforgettable!

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