I'm a simple person. I have few needs, and I don't really desire much in the way of "things." I try to think practically, sometimes to my own detriment. I'm satisfied with fixing up the old home I have, thankful that I have a home especially in today's economy. I enjoy cutting the grass with a push lawnmower - although it is more weeds than grass now days - sitting in the shade of the maple tree or among the smaller trees in my shaded little haven. I enjoy the smell of the earth after a rain, the smell of nature's blooms of summer, gentle breezes and birds playing in the bird bath. And, in spite of my already noisy head, I enjoy the sounds of frogs, crickets, and other insects of the "peace" of night. I anticipate the daily visits of the neighborhood Maine Coon cat hungry for food and hugs with her tussled, matted fur and playful nibbles to elicit more hugs. I'm content with a bowl of beans slow-cooked overnight in the crock pot, rather than a gourmet meal in a fancy restaurant. I do, however, miss chicken tacos with guacamole and green salsa from El Parasol or green chili chicken enchiladas from Rancho de Chimayo or La Cocina. Road trip to New Mexico here I come!
I enjoy sitting around an open fire with friends sharing, singing, and worshiping while we roast hot dogs or toast marshmallows. I miss those days, but I fully intend to make one of my up and coming projects building a fire pit. It used to be something we did often as a family and as part of a larger church family, before we moved to New Mexico. After that much changed, including priorities. Later on when I was on my own, I enjoyed some great times of fellowship with my friends and church family, but we never got around to using my fire pit.
I think I've found a new church family, and soon maybe I'll become a real part of the community. It takes time, but when the conversation is focused on Jesus and the furthering of His Kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven, for me, that's when the good times roll. Jesus is the most important person in my life, and I can talk to Him all day long. I'd rather talk to Him about national and world events than anyone, because He is after all the one who created this earth and everything in it. When in doubt He gives us the Owner's Manual, the Bible, for direction and clarification on any topic. So what I don't understand is why don't more people ask Him about things rather than listening to gossip, hearsay, or the opinion of biased news accounts that only cause more unrest. It's much easier to go to the Author and Finisher of our faith. Many times people just are not grateful for what they do have on this earth, so selfishness and the thirst for power and more comes into play. I will never understand why a person has two homes, unless the second one is to share with someone who doesn't have one. Same goes with cars and other stuff. What makes that more attractive to a person rather than helping someone who has a real need? I guess one thing is trying to fill up the empty places in a heart. I am thankful that in Jesus I am complete, but I do have my dream of a home for "misfit toys" such as myself. A place where no one is turned away or discounted, a place where new life begins. One day.
Although I see more clearly each day as an aging adult, I realize that God has had His hand on my life since the beginning. As a child I grew in the wonder of knowing Jesus, and as a teenager and young adult, going through different phases in my life, my life ebbed and flowed, but I never lost my desire to serve Him. Over the many years of being alone I have witnessed the overwhelming pursuit of God for one of His fledgling children and His relentless love. I have come to understand the outrageous price paid for my redemption, the torture, pain, humiliation Jesus suffered on the cross for me, for my sins and healing. The blood to redeem me from the curse of death. He ransomed my life, and I am seated in heavenly places at His right hand according to Ephesians 2.
There's no better friend and confidante than Jesus, and He gives His Holy Spirit as my continuous guide. Whether I'm in the desert heat, the wilderness wandering, or the valley of the shadow of death, or ascending the mountain on hind's feet to high places, He is with me. He is faithful, true, always with me, never leaving or forsaking me. He's my shelter in a storm, my hiding place where I can rest in safety and peace. I want to be like Him, an example to others, to shout to the world Who He is and of His great love and compassion. I want to share my personal experience so that others will not see tragedy but redemption and an amazing adventure and know that they too can share this life just by believing in faith and calling on His Name.
This morning I heard a song, "I Speak Jesus," the lyrics say it all. Listen to the words:
"I just wanna speak the name of Jesus
Over every heart and every mind
'Cause I know there is peace within Your presence
I speak Jesus.
I just wanna speak the name of Jesus
'Til every dark addiction starts to break
Declaring there is hope and there is freedom
I speak Jesus.
'Cause Your name is power
Your name is healing
Your name is life
Break every stronghold
Shine through the shadows
Burn like a fire.
I just wanna speak the name of Jesus
Over fear and all anxiety
To every soul held captive by depression
I speak Jesus.
'Cause Your name is power
Your name is healing
Your name is life
Break every stronghold
Shine through the shadows
Burn like a fire.
Shout Jesus from the mountains
Jesus in the streets
Jesus in the darkness over every enemy
Jesus for my family
I speak the holy name
Jesus, Jesus.
'Cause Your name is power
Your name is healing
Your name is life
Break every stronghold
Shine through the shadows
Burn like a fire.
Your name is power
Your name is healing
Your name is life
Break every stronghold
Shine through the shadows
Burn like a fire.
I just wanna speak the name of Jesus
Over every heart and every mind
'Cause I know there is peace within Your presence
I speak Jesus."
Music speaks to the heart especially when the one singing has knowledge of the journey. These words are powerful and the invitation so clear. I'm walking with someone through some hard times today, who needs to feel the truth of these words. My prayer is that others who may read this blog will reach out to Jesus. If you don't think He doesn't understand, just read His bio in the four gospels. He has literally endured anything and everything anyone has ever felt, done, or been tempted to do. When the song says, "Jesus paid it all...." trust me, He did.