Wednesday, August 3, 2022

David Knew What I Know


 Last night at the weekly Bible study group we were studying about times we failed God and in effect developed a distorted view of Him. I know a lot about that failure. I, like Paul, consider myself the chiefest of sinners. But I have a Savior who rescued me from myself, so I don't think I have ever experienced a distorted view. I thank my Abba Father every day for His love, mercy, and amazing grace. How many people sing the words of that wonderful, old hymn, yet fail to take it inside and meditate on the scope of the message?! It's like that many times. We tend to go through the motions daily. Give God a little here, a little there, as long as it doesn't mess with our plans for the day. But Jesus deserves more.

In 1 Samuel 21 and 22 David is on the move, fleeing from jealous Saul. Even after being anointed King, David did not assume that position until after Saul's death, even though God had departed from him. There's a lesson to be learned in that respect for the "position" of authority, even though the person occupying the position may be corrupt. God expects us to pray for all leaders, all people in authority, but that is not the topic of conversation for today.

David was on the run, and he takes a side trip to Gath, the Philistine city, after David had slain Goliath, their champion. But David had a purpose, and he showed wisdom in creatively avoiding what could have resulted in a different outcome for him. The subject of the group discussion was fear, but I don't feel David had fear. Yes, we see that after he flees to the cave in Adullam, he does cry out to God in a despairing tone in Psalm 142, but then he ends by acknowledging that God hears his cries and will rescue him from his enemies. He also writes Psalm 34 while he is in the cave where he pens the words "Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him."

Some may see David as weak, fearful, and despairing, but I don't. David was a shepherd boy who spent day and night alone with the sheep, guarding them, protecting them from predators and the elements. He also wrote many Psalms while alone in the pastures praising His God. David knew His Father in Heaven intimately, and he knew a Father's love, even though he didn't appear to have the love and respect of his own. These quiet times in the presence of God, judging from the wonderful Psalms in the Bible, must have been glorious. Abiding in the presence of God, under the skies that proclaim his greatness, just as all creation shouts and sings! David knew about fellowship with God, and that is the friendship and relationship that Jesus wants for us to have with Him...abiding in His presence.

I understand that abiding presence. After a lifetime that has been quite chaotic most of the time, I can say, He has turned every physical, emotional, mental, spiritual pain, every heartache, every mistake, every loss and more into an amazing journey of love. I've testified of such many times, but I never get tired of shouting His praises. Jesus went through so much, and He gave everything for me. How can I not give Him my love?! He doesn't ask much in return for this amazing act of love. All He wants is everything! Our surrender, and I gladly submit. It's how I ended up back here in Virginia after 35 years in Northern New Mexico, a place and people I dearly love. But surrendering, allowing God to say "get in the boat and go to the other side" is a life of freedom and trusting My Father. It's all He asked of me - "Do you trust Me?" And contrary to those who shout for independence, I gave up everything, and I gained more in return. It's called abiding in the presence of Jesus, and it is glorious. David understood, and as yet, he had not met his Savior. But he knew, and God called him a man after His own heart. That's what I want! Oh, how I long to hear those words, "Well done, My good and faithful servant, enter in." Eternity with my Bridegroom! 

If you haven't experienced that overwhelming wonder of His presence, spend some time quietly listening, as he will speak to you. I find that worship music is the way I can face the most difficult days. Right now I'm listening to Elevation Worship. The song playing is "Worthy," but it's just one of so many that honors His Name. "Be exalted now in the Heavens, as Your glory fills this place. You alone deserve our praise. You're the Name above all names!" Lifting the name of Jesus can lead anyone from depression to extreme joy! He is worthy of our praise! And in His presence is fullness of joy!

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