Friday, August 18, 2023

Distractions and Truth

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Recently a young friend asked me why I attend so many worship services locally and online. I guess the question really wanting to be asked was, "Isn't one church enough for you?" The question was posed after I had been sharing what I had learned from one study or another. We read more than one author at a time, so I suppose the practicality of listen to more than one pastor could be confusing to another. I began to explain to her why I attend Shabbat services on Saturday and different online churches on Sunday including a local body of believers. Then, as I thought about it, my reason for doing what I do is that I am always hungry for the Word of God and seeing how lives are being transformed. I told her that I have a condition called "insatiable hunger and thirst for the Word of God."  She seemed to understand that idea, because she has been searching for a family of believers or "tribe" as my Jewish friends called it, for quite some time. 

Likewise, I love hearing about and participating in missionary efforts. Why I am as I am is a question I have asked Father God often. This "hunger" dates back to my early childhood, although I really did not understand it back then. I can't really say it was how I was raised, although I had many spiritual influences in my life as I was growing up, and my mama always had us in church whenever the doors were open. Maybe that's why I loved revivals so much. But then, questions remain, but they're good questions, the answer I receive is always the same, "Write the story."

 We all have the stories of our lives to tell. My life, although traumatic in many ways, can be summed up in one word - AMAZING! I can say that, because I have witnessed the presence of God in my life, and how Romans 8:28 about working all things for good for those who love God and to the called according to His purpose. And this is where the WHOLE counsel of God must be studied in His Word. Context is the key for every believer in Christ Jesus.

Today, I have been asking Father God about the distractions and accusations that are part of the chaos of our world today. It's one thing to witness it in the natural world, but quite another to continually hear  accusations against this person or that church or something along these lines. It has become an every day occurrence for many, sadly. I believe, as Jesus says in Matthew 24:5, that there are many deceivers in our world today, people pretending to know the Word, but who are not really His. This is why we need to be connected to a local fellowship and sound, Biblical teaching, using the Word of God as our source. If what someone is saying is not grounded in the Word of God, and if the one saying it does not have a life that lines up with His Word, then a pastor should warn and shepherd his flock based on Biblical truth. A wise pastor knows that he will be judged for how he tended the sheep God entrusted to him. The same with anyone who teaches the Word of God. It's a serious matter to God.

I'm an avid reader, and as such, I am familiar with a great number of good authors, but even then, I am careful to be selective in what I read and by whom. I have a particular passion for the late greats, like Oswald Chambers, Andrew Murray, A. W. Tozer, E. M Bounds and Watchman Nee. I have some "newer" authors in the sense that they are still living, but they are seasoned in my eyes and understanding. I've become quite concerned about some things, however, pertaining to some people. I tend to handle things differently than most. When I have a question, I prefer to go to the Source rather than as a person. This way I avoid hearsay, gossip, slander, confusion, and gain clarity from God's perspective. When I was still working from home, we were not given a dress code per se; however, as a professional one knows how one should or should not dress to visit clients. I still wear long skirts to church, because it is my preference, and I like to wear them on the job, because they are comfortable. Once while visiting a patient who was a pastor and whose son-in-law was now the pastor since the elder pastor was sick, I was told that I dressed like a Christian, but that my hair needed to grow out and that I needed to be baptized using the name of Jesus. He was so adamant that I change my ways or burn in hell that it disturbed me. I went home, pulled out my Bible and looked to see what Jesus had to say about it, as He is our authority. There it was in red to be baptized in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. In the books of Acts the Apostle Peter, on the day of Pentecost, told the people to be baptized in the Name of Jesus. So if there confusion. I don't believe so, as Jesus is the Son of God and God Himself. When we study the Trinity, many find it confusing, but I never have. In the book of John, Jesus explains the connection He has with God the Father. He said, "I am in Him, and He is in Me," and then He says that we are to be in Him. Whereas my conclusion may read strangely, I think you can understand what I am trying to say. God is the Three in One, so it seems as if this gentleman, although well intentioned, may have been picking at hairs, so to speak. But in praying, God assured me that my conversion was true. This is a small thing compared to what is happening in the church today. And I can understand why some may be confused, because each of us is at a different stage of our growth as believers, our level of maturity, but I don't believe we need to tear each other down if we disagree. If Jesus is returning for a spotless Bride, then we need to be in unity with each other, in spite of petty disagreements. But then, some are saying that those words are heresy, because we can't have unity with those who do not believe that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God. But then, there may be some discrepancies in the way something is said or interpreted. And on it goes!! Is it possible for us to even be unified?! 

I have become somewhat concerned with prayer movements that seem more visible than I believe intercessors should be. Jesus says to go into your prayer closet, close the door, and intercede to the Father. So, why are we in need of back slapping and national, even international, acclaim? Again, my go-to folks are Jesus, the Word, and great men of God who lived a simple, quiet prayerful, abiding-in-God faith, like Tozer, Murray, and Rees Howells, who was a great intercessor involved in the Welsh Revival. So when I have questions, I tend to quietly seek and wait. I don't stop ministering in an area, unless God so instructs through Holy Spirit, who is here to guide us to the truth of the Word and point us to Jesus Christ. There's even some new confusion about people worshiping Holy Spirit! Yikes! 

Distractions! Confusion comes from the author of confusion, and it is not God. So we know it comes from the deceiver who wants nothing more than to steal your joy and your faith. This is when you delve deeper into the word. If you are diligent to study the Word, God will meet you where you are at. In the book of Jeremiah, chapter 29, verses 13 and 14 we are told that if we seek for God with our whole heart, He will be found and deliver us from our captivity. Proverbs 3:5-6 instructs us to "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not to thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct thy paths." The Bible has the answers to all our questions, but we have to sit quietly and wait for Him to respond.

I have been noticing everything that has been happening for the past few years, particularly in this present administration goes from bizarre to incredibly repugnant. So much has been happening, at such a rapid rate, that anyone with any gumption should be able to see clearly the distractions are to throw us off our focus which needs to be on one Person - Jesus, the Way, the Truth, the Life. We are told in scripture that we see in part and know in part, so why can't we understand that truth. Regardless of what happens, no matter how it affects us, we must keep our eyes on Him. What happened recently in Maui was catastrophic, and I grieve for the people, but I am not going to speculate on why it happened. I am going to pray and tangibly help the people. I am not able to go there or I would, but I can support in other ways. We all can, and we all should. The same goes for anything that happens to our fellow Americans or in the world. Since I am involved very closely in missions, I can tell you more than you'd like to know, but I won't. But loving and caring should be universal. Jesus told us to love our enemies, do good to those who despitefully use us. He taught us to forgive. Another subject for another time. And if you want the truth, stop listening to every wind of doctrine on the news channels. Just so you know I support the work being done by Tim Ballard, Jim Caviezel and others to end sex trafficking, because it is true, and children are being exploited. And yes, it happens in the United States, more than you'd care to know. I am personally aware of that also, as I have noted before. I also support Greg Laurie and the Jesus Revolution film. If you disagree or have "heard" or read something, check it out for yourself. NEVER take someone else's opinion as your own. Study to show yourself approved...!

In closing, I'd just like to say, there are many things we do not know, and we will not until Jesus takes us home. Until then, as believers, we are told to obey God's laws, spread the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and be ready for His return. He does not want fence sitters or lukewarm ones. Revelation, Chapters 2 and 3 are wise to be remembered. Make sure you know your salvation is sure. Know who you are in Christ and abide in Him.

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