Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Rosh Chodesh Elul

     Happy Elul!

It's been a busy day, not particularly in actions, but in thoughts, cluttered with "to dos." So much happens so quickly that I find I am requiring more time just to process my thoughts. Too many distractions, not necessarily bad, but untimely. My focus needs to be turned to one thing. Like Mary of Bethany, I need to sit at the feet of Jesus, choosing to do the better thing. Only one thing that is necessary, Jesus told Martha, and He would not take it from her. Sitting at His feet, gazing intently into His face, soaking in every word. Worshiping.

Today, Tuesday, 9.3.2024 is the first day of the month of Elul on the Hebrew calendar (year 5784). It is a time of introspection, personal and corporate, leading up to the High Holy Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur, which is followed by the feast days, the most notably the Feast of Tabernacles. During this time we enter days of fasting and repentance, finding comfort in drawing close to the Lord, examining ourselves on every level. The month of Av that preceded was a time of mourning. As I write these words all of Israel mourns the past year of heart-wrenching horror and the helplessness many feel. There is no peace in the waiting, and for many the pain and insidious evil grows as the enemy taunts. Six precious souls executed as the enemy fled.

The events of October 7, 2023, changed everything. It's been such a difficult time for people waiting for the release of their loved ones, trying to find a sense of "normal" as daily the sirens are going off somewhere, many displaced from their homes because of the impending danger. Media has given the wrong impression of Israel and her response to this terror. It is without regard for the feelings of others or for the decisions that weigh so heavily on Prime Minister Netanyahu. Bearing false witness against a neighbor is something God hates. It seems much easier to pick up the chant of paid trouble-makers or ignorant naysayers than to seek truth and follow it. This includes the ones who profess to follow Jesus. For the most part the silence of the church has been deafening. A token prayer goes up for Israel, a brief comment to show sympathy without truly mourning or understanding, too busy to stand in support of our closest ally, a friend.

I'm weary, but it not in well doing. What frustrates me is waiting for the church to arise. The hour is late. I find it difficult to articulate what I am feeling. Years ago I asked God to break my heart for what broke His. I was newer to intercession in those days, but He heard my prayer, and He answered me. From that time forward He has led me to "see" more clearly and to listen for His direction in prayer. When I learn something new, I find that I hardly know anything at all. Praying His prayers are not for the weak kneed or faint of heart. This year alone has made me question so many things about myself. I've been privileged to attend daily prayer meetings with the International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem. Getting to know leaders who support Israel, many Gentile believers like myself, has been such a blessing. God told me He would set me, the solitary, in families, and He has. In October 2021 He instructed me to move back to Virginia after spending 35 years in Northern New Mexico. It has not been an easy move, and I have encountered more change than I thought. I have experienced much heartache over the loss of loved ones here and in New Mexico. Two strong supporters, one in each State, both died unexpectedly. It seems as if it is not permitted for me to get too close. I don't understand, but God does, so I follow, and I trust Him. It's all He wants, my obedience, my trust, and my love. Dwelling in His presence. The best place to be. The only place for me.

The hour is extremely late, and a new day has begun. Time for sleep, a time to dream.Shalom.

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