Thursday, June 13, 2024

The Battle Belongs to the LORD - Part 1

Concord Baptist Church 

 It is not uncommon for me to wake up with a song in my heart. For the past two days, once I opened my eyes, my gaze toward heaven, I sang the words "the LORD God is a strong tower; the righteous run into it, and they are safe. The LORD God is a strong tower; the righteous run into it, and they are safe." On our prayer call this morning, day 251 of the war in Israel, the worship leader spoke these same words from the scripture on which this song is based (Proverbs 18:10). This brought so much joy to my soul! Adonai often provides such confirmations to what He is showing me or speaking to me through His word and dear brothers and sisters in Christ, and in this instance, through worship. This dear one was leading worship from Fiji in the wee hours of the morning. Such dedication to the LORD is obvious for all who have remained constant on these important calls. My cup runs over.

As we discussed the situation in Israel and surrounding countries ruled or greatly influenced by evil, more and more I saw clearly the battle being waged in the heavens. In prayer and intercession, combined with fasting, God responds with His counsel, wisdom, and might. As we were praying, I remembered things in my life and the lives of others that have been overcome or are in the process. More than ever, no matter what the situation, we cannot lower our shields. This battle is the LORD's and He fights for us, yet as in 2 Chronicles 20, He expects us to suit up and be present, sometimes to engage with Him, but other times, to watch Him do what only HE can do. So many times we feel that "we" have done something. Well, if you are one of those who is of that persuasion, kindly open your eyes and look at the mess in our present age all over the world. Leaders thought they could "help" God, and just like with Abraham and Sarah, God has His timing, and His ways which are perfect. Had Abraham and Sarah waited, perhaps we would not be in such a mess in Israel today. Only God knows. And that is the key, God has known our every move since BEFORE He created the world, and YET, He still created man. Why? Because He wanted fellowship with us. That is a huge mystery to me. God is the three in one, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He is complete in Himself, but He wanted relationship with us. Go figure?! One thing I do know, when all is said and done, the message will be, "the LORD did it!"

Scripture says, God's ways are higher (Isaiah 55:8-9), but He has a plan for each of us to give us a future and a hope (Jeremiah 29:11). The Word of God is full of promises, and whatever He promises, He does. This can be traced through all the scriptures. Today, we were encouraged not to grow weary in our prayers, especially when we do not see the fruit of the labor being manifested in real time. Hostages are still being held and tortured, used as pawns, the war continues, people are dying, and rulers are playing games when they should be consulting the LORD. Regardless, of what is not being said and results not happening, He is in control. Sometimes I wish God would open the eyes of His people all over this world whose faces are set in faithful intercession day and night, so they could see His glory. In 2 Kings 6:17-20, the prophet Elisha asked God to open his servant's eyes to see that although the enemy surrounded them in great numbers, Heaven's Army was greater. I know the vision of this army, and it is indeed vast. I wish that all could see how great is our God who fights for us, and our Savior, who sits in heaven beside the right side of God, where He continuously makes intercession for us (Ephesians 1 & 2;  Romans 8:34). The verses in Ephesians describes our position in Christ and in prayer in the heavenly place. The book of Ephesians is a great study of spiritual warfare and living the righteous lifestyle, and I recommend it be read as a reminder of God's great work and power through us as believers. If you have never read the entire Bible through, you should. Trust me, you'd be greatly encouraged, plus you'd see today's events playing out prophetically in real time. Study to show yourself approved.

I'm trying to keep this shorter today, but my hope is to do what God told me to do some years ago and speak out. If you are sincerely desirous of a personal and close relationship with Our Father, I hope encouragement has been received.


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