Saturday, September 16, 2017

Ten Seconds

It's Saturday! Realizing it was not a work day, the first hour and twenty-one minutes of my awakening I managed to squander in trivial pursuits. Don't get me I woke up refreshed, I was cognizant that I had actually had a good night's sleep! So, after my "Good Mornings" first to Abba and then my stuffed friends, I began to enjoy a day without plans after weeks of coming and going!

My life often becomes a vicious cycle of work and personal commitments, and I am suffering the painful consequences of sitting in front of a computer screen for countless hours on end working on care plans and assessments, involved in work that never ends. Such is my life. So, after successfully being able to "catch up," I decided I had to make some changes.  At the end of my proverbial "shift" I turned off my computer on Thursday evening, and on Friday, although I had to enter in my work for the afternoon, I only did what was needed, and I left the rest for another day. Very liberating to take control. Let's hope it lasts!!

Wednesday, my day off and "mental stability" day, I happened upon a little book in World Market that caught my eye and ended up coming home with me. It's called "You are doing a Freaking Great Job and Other Reminders of your Awesomeness." So I thought, hmmmm....why not?! I have been keeping a list of "Blessings and Miracles" posted on my refrigerator door since December 2016 to remind me of something good each day. It keeps my mind focused on "good things" rather than negative ones. So now, in addition to this pursuit, I am adding my little quip for the day from my little treasure. As I opened the book I see the introduction: "An (encouraging little) Introduction."
Then, these words:

"Keep your head up.
Take your time.
Be proud of yourself.
Always remember: You are right where you're supposed to be."

Breathlessly, I was compelled to turn to my first reassurance, and it said: "You deserve all the good things." Wow! I resisted the urge to turn to the second page until tomorrow....

These words give me pause to consider the meaning of "good things." How exactly does that apply to my life in this season of endless waiting and wondering when the next phase of my journey will begin and what it will bring. I have been purposely not thinking about anything stressful, rather I am choosing to focus on the moment, the here and now. It does little to be concerned about things I cannot change. I'm stuck, and I have to make the best of things until I get my release and marching orders. But, in the meantime, I am going to look for those "good things."

This morning I posted a video on Facebook about Mr. Rogers, the beloved man who shared his day with children around the world on his daily television show, encouraging them to live wholesome lives. In his speech, towards the end, he asks us to take ten seconds to think about people who have made an impact on our lives, who have been an encouragement, or something along those lines. He said he would keep count as the audience considered the question quietly to themselves. So, I did just that, but I allowed a bit more time to ponder as the gears of my brain kicked into motion. I'm sure if each of us truly took ten seconds to be still, we'd come up with at least one person whom we remember in that way.

As for my memories, I have shared in the past about people in my life, some I cannot remember their names, but whom I will never forget. Mildred Green, the school librarian at Midway and a family friend, taught me the love of reading, and I remain an avid reader to this day. My grandparents always believed the best in me, and my papa took me on many adventures to Jamestown, Williamsburg, and Goshen. He loved seeing new places, and my parents often remarked that he would have loved New Mexico, the open spaces and unique experiences. I know my daddy did, as he secretly wanted to be a cowboy, and he donned his jeans, shirt, boots and hat each time they visited. I have often wondered if my parents and grandparents would be proud of the person I have become, the work I do? Will I leave an impression on someone's life? I sincerely hope I make a positive impression on someone. That is a good thing to do. I want to be remembered for my compassion, my wonder, and my love for others. I want to be know for my crazy ideas and coloring outside of the lines. Let's make a memory!

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