Sunday, November 29, 2015

Day 313 - I've Just Seen Jesus

According to a Mormon...: Do Mormon's Believe In A Different Jesus?

Memories keep flooding in and out of my mind today. It's been a bittersweet day thus far, and although I have been lonely, I am not alone. I'm never alone. As I read the pages of scripture today I am reminded of things long ago, things I had forgotten or that were deeply embedded into my subconscious. Lessons that were not only taught to me but that were shown to me developing my character, quickening my senses.

As children we learn most from repetition, emulating what we see our parents and other authority figures in our lives do. Behaviors - good, bad or indifferent. One can learn a lot by taking the time to listen to a child or by simply observing their reactions.

Being the middle child carries different responsibilities. They, or I should say "we," are often stereotyped or identified as having specific "traits." Labeled. I really don't like being categorized or told just because a certain thing "is" I cannot do it. Maybe that's considered as rebellious, but having an opinion should not be considered so. To have an opinion means I care enough to speak up for myself and others. Yet, always responding respectfully. Now, there's a term that is lacking badly in our society today - respect!

My childhood memories are isolated to certain moments, times, and places. I have a somewhat photographic memory, so if I focus I can be transported back, so to speak, and see things as they happened. Many memories have been blocked, however, until God wants me to remember, I guess. Even though I remember something tragic, my feelings do not change, and I thank God for healing me. This is not generally the case for those who suppress memories, as it is a safety against being injured in some way. This is why so many people are in therapy, simply because they are trying to deal with the painful experiences...memories.

Holidays are difficult, but they provide glimpses of happiness from days as a child as the season unfolds and family gathers to celebrate together under one roof. At least for others that is the way it happens, but it's not that way for me. It's these times I become a little melancholy, but I am able to enjoy the quiet times and memories even though I don't have the good fortune of having family around.

One day soon things will be different, and I have the hope of once more spending the holidays with those I love. For now I am grateful just being alive, well, and in the presence of royalty.

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