Saturday, December 19, 2015

Days 341 - 353 Days of Reflection

Gypsyknits: Love Was Born

Since my last entry I have been traveling the pages of the Daily Walk from Titus to 1 John 2. It's been a time of purest re-discovery as I seek to find understanding and renewed purpose. These days have been some of the hardest trials I have faced this year, I believe, as I struggle not against flesh and blood, but against unseen forces at work. At this most wonderful time of the year when we should be sharing good will, love and happiness, there seems to be more dis-ease, greediness, and lack of love and compassion, especially among believers, in the One whose birthday we welcome each Christmas. I could say I miss the "good ole days," but it is not that so much as I miss the purity, reflection, and respect shown towards others in the days in which I lived and raised my children. There was an excitement over the joy in the air as opposed to what was found under the Christmas tree. What has happened to the wonder?

There are those who would respond to my question as they do to all questions posed in regards to things that go wrong. They blame someone else, other than take the responsibility on themselves. The problem is that children are not taught to value and respect authority, much less have respect for themselves. Everything is hurried, so discipline is overlooked or rather it is a passing reprimand without authenticity and meaning. Words without lasting value that are taken lightly if at all. I observe it often, and, sadly, it is observed in the church more often than not. My heart has been broken over and over, as I wait on the Lord for answers as to the proper response to these indignities. How does one respond and show the love of Christ?

In studying the life of Jesus I am reminded of His teaching style, and I am reminded of his dislike for the pious and unteachable Pharisees of His day. It is the same for this age. There will always be wolves among the sheep, and tares among the shafts of wheat. Yet while this is true, there is power in the one Christlike life.

"One taper lights a thousand.
Yet shines as it has shone;
And the humblest light may kindle
A brighter than its own."

Hezekiah Butterworth

A friend of mine who has been growing in the word was very troubled by seeing the things she was seeing in light of the words she had been studying in her daily walk though the Bible. She sadly asked me how we could help the ones who are so blinded by their actions. The answer is the same for any question pertaining to dealing with the perplexities of our life....  Our help comes from the Lord, so the answer is "on our knees." Very humbly we beseech the mercy, grace, and wisdom of God, the Only One who is able to help, the Author and Finisher of our faith. Trying to respond to a battle that is being fought in the heavens, albeit we are seeing it in the natural before our unbelieving eyes, is won only by prayer and standing in faith for what is right.

People want to see consistency. They do not need further condemnation, because in truth they probably have lived through much of that guilt and shame heaped on them over a lifetime. Even children are harshly shouted at, then shoved aside for greater preoccupations than a willful child demanding attention and love. In working with at risk children I have found that the unruly ones are the love-starved ones who behave improperly, because that is the only way someone pays attention to them. So I see it as a cry for attention, and mostly, it is a cry for acceptance and love. So if they can receive attention, patiently and compassionately responded to in love, as opposed to irritation and bursts of anger, perhaps...just perhaps, the consistency will evoke a response and change in their attitudes and behaviors. Love always wins out! And, hopefully, the change in the children will rub off on the parents and other adults who have thus far shunned or abandoned them in their short lives. Priorities are so mixed up, are they not?! And people are so blinded by their visions of themselves.

I want so badly to represent the love of God in my life towards all I encounter along the way. I don't want to pass them by, rather I want to give them the reason of hope that is within me, especially this time of year when there should be wonder in the air we breathe! The wonder of His amazing love, ransomed for me, for you, for all.
Walking the Walk: The Hope of Christmas

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