Saturday, July 9, 2016

Touch the Sky

"Silently the Divine Surgeon reached into His kit and pulled out a needle
of faith and a thread of hope. In the shade of Jacob's well He stitched her
wounded soul back together. 'There will come a day...' He whispered."
Max Lucado - God Came Near

The past few months have been very difficult for me as I endlessly have waited medical treatment for an injury sustained in March. Two weeks ago I came to the end of my rope, my mental grasp, and my physical endurance, but God...! On the evening of June 29th I fell asleep, resting from my mental anguish and physical pain, knowing that everything was in His control, because I asked Him to take it from me. As I fell asleep I rested well, and when I woke up on June 30th He encouraged me with a response from KLOVE the Christian music station I follow with the words from Proverbs 20:22, Don't say "I will get even for this wrong." Wait for the LORD to handle the matter. How much clearly could He answer. In spite of calls and rejections attempting to rob me of my peace, I survived the day, because I filled my home with Godly music, and I have covered my walls and computer monitor with scriptural promises and happy thoughts and prayers. My home office may seem foolish and childish to some, but to me it is a safe haven, and I reject any further attempts to steal my joy!
Each morning I receive emails from my dearest friend, and the first words from his mouth or fingers on the keys come blessings for the day, freedom from emotional, mental, and physical pain, and rest. He is the kindest, dearest person I know, and although sometimes I want to ring his red neck (not a slur, just a familiarity with Southern men's ways) for not listening and hearing what I am saying, I don't know what I would do without him. Daily the notes of encouragement come telling me what the weather is like, what his plans are for the day, about his pets and vagrant moochers - his adored cats and kittens - are up to for the day. The he ends by saying he doesn't have anything else to say. Strange thing is that when I speak with him on the phone he has volumes to say on certain days. So I gave him a little test to "expand his horizons" I told him. I asked him to tell me ten blessings. I also told him I wouldn't speak to him if he didn't play my game. That's just the way I am, so he goes along with my threat knowing full well I would relent after a few days. He knows that no matter how much he infuriates me, I always speak to him. Pray for this crazy ole man!

Faithful, as he is, the morning email contained ten blessings. No, you do not get to see his answers, but you do get to see the response I made to him:

Ten Blessings:

1) Wayne is my best friend, and I love him dearly; I can tell him anything, and he still loves me. Even when he doesn't understand, he listens and tries to offer support. The future rests in God's hands.

2) Yolanda and Haamid, my true brother and sister. I don't see them often, but nothing changes. Our friendship remains the same. My dearest friends - Irma, Sharon, and Flo who love me unconditionally. Irma is also my staunch prayer support along with my dear intercessor Ruth. Priceless gems in God's Kingdom!

3) I am blessed because my children love me unconditionally, even if they do not always show it.

4) I am blessed at the first sounds of morning - birds singing joyously outside my bedroom window. The morning sunrise that lights my day or the smell of freshly falling rain and rain-soaked earth.

5) I am blessed because to some my life has purpose and meaning, and I am a blessing to them. I am blessed, because I can make them laugh on the darkest of days under the direst of circumstances.

6) I am blessed to have had jobs that allow me to grow in knowledge and understanding, so I am better able to serve others.

7) I am blessed that God has given me a vision, planted it in my heart to help others who need a home and a place to belong. I know He will give me the means to fulfill this dream, because when God calls you, He supplies.

8) I am blessed with spiritual gifts, callings, and natural talents.

9) I am blessed mostly because God loves me, accepts me, and fellowships with me daily. He promises a future and a hope, restoration, reconciliation, and vindication. He has erased my sins and shortcomings and is restoring the years that the locusts have eaten away. I am HIS! Bought with a price too precious to understand!

10) I am blessed that although my natural eyes are dimming, my heart is broken, and my hearing is altered, I have eyes to see, a heart to receive, and ears to hear spiritually. And if I die today I can see His precious face, feel His love, and hear the words, "Well done, My good and faithful servant, enter in!" At last I am healed. I am free! And I can thank Him face to face for the amazing journey.

My next little test for my friend who says he has nothing to say was this, "... tell me 12 things God has promised you directly, either by word, spirit, the scriptures, or a friend. Here are some of mine:"

Twelve promises He has given me:

1) He loves me with an everlasting love. I am His!

2) He has cleansed me of all unrighteousness, and I need to listen to Him and not the deceiver.

3) He is my Abba - He has called me from childhood.

4) My daughter Kristie will not die but live and declare His works. My sons, TJ and Daniel also hold special places in His service, although both know it, one fights it. All three all called to missions.

5) To just trust Him. My family will be okay.

6) He wants to entrust me with great wealth. This was confirmed by a stranger who was as confused as I am.

7) He never wants me to lose my curiosity...the wonder! Told me thru a stranger, whom I believe was an angel, Cristeo, as he literally disappeared after he spoke the words to me. His exact words to me were: "My Father told me, never lose your curiosity." To which I responded from the words God had spoke to me, "...the wonder!" The he walked away and disappeared in a parking lot at a quick stop.

8) He promised on June 30, 2016: Don't say: "I will get even for this wrong." Wait for the LORD to  handle the matter!

9) He promises to vindicate and validate.

10) I know in Whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed to Him....

11) I can walk thru fires and not be burned; go through floods and not be drowned; tread on serpents and scorpions and not perish!

12) I am the head and not the tail, above and not below. I am His child. I am royalty.

The next test, or series of questions and responses, I have allowed Wayne to choose. I may be in trouble, as he's a tricky one. But the point of the exercise is to begin to see that we all have blessings and promises, and we all have something to say. I have dear friends, an elderly couple in their 80's who are going through mental & emotional challenges and physical health issues and concerns. They have become embittered with God for having to go through these and other trials, but they fail to see the blessings. Who can say they have been married for 65 years or better and say every day was a honeymoon? What a blessing beyond belief! And yet it is proclaimed with each conversation from the mouth of the dear lady and confirmed with a head shake by the elderly gentleman. I can only imagine that joy.

No matter what we go through, no matter how difficult, how unfair it appears, remember God does love you, and He does have a much grander plan for our lives than we could ever imagine. Our ways are finite, but His, infinite possibilities! I was born to fly!

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