Sunday, January 7, 2018

Think About It

Image result for images of Philippians 4:6

I love my little church in Velarde, New Mexico! Pastor Steve has a way of taking three seemingly disconnected scripture passages, interweaving them together, to make sense not only in Biblical days but in the present age as well. Regardless of the context, he always brings light and life, and this is a very rare ability. He also teaches at the local high school, so I can imagine the knowledge and fun he brings to his students.

Today, I played hooky from church. It's one of those mornings, after an overwhelmingly stressful week, that I needed Jesus to heal my broken spirit and to help me focus on the truth of His word for my life. It was cold earlier this morning, and I was shivering, so I stayed warm under the covers and listened to a pastor share his testimony on depression. Pastor Greg Locke shared how he battled depression and anxiety, how many of the strong characters from scriptures suffered from these same feelings - David, Elijah, Paul, and Moses. He shared that's it's not easy to "explain the unexplainable" to another person, but he said that it's okay to express these feelings, and he urged us not to be alone. Many people feel that one who is depressed lacks faith, but this simply is not the case, otherwise our hall of witnesses spoken of in Hebrews 11 would be shot to pieces. No, depression comes to those who journey through life, but we need to be open, sharing with God how we're feeling and risking opening up to others. He ends by saying that people will say they understand how it feels to be broken, but unless that one has gone through it, walked that road, made that journey, there is no true level of understanding. It's okay to be broken. He ended his message with saying, "It's okay to not be okay. The middle letters of "broken" are "ok."

Pastor Greg shared one of my favorite passages of scripture from Philippians 4:6-7: "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." In some of my worst moments I have experienced this peace that surpasses all understanding, and God is leading me back today.

God has a way of bringing His message home, so to speak, but it's His special way of showing me just how much He loves me and is in control of my chaotic life. My friend Sharon sent me a subscription to Rick Hamlin's devotional "Mornings with Jesus," for my birthday, and yesterday's post continued Paul's message to the Philippians in Chapter 4. God takes my favorite passages, memorized as a child and carried through adulthood. Scriptures I quote often but seem to forget about when life tends to knock me off my feet. Continuing with verses 8-9: "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me - put it to practice.. And the God of peace will be with you."

Another faithful friend, Ruth, sent me an excerpt from Max Lucado's latest book Anxious for Nothing: Finding Calm in a Chaotic World, Chapter 9: Thing About What You Think About: Your problem is not your problem, but the way you see it. Yes, you've guessed it! The very same passage of scripture from Philippians 4:8! So as I am writing in my journal, acknowledging my worries, asking Jesus to help me keep my focus and mind trained on His Word, music softly playing from my radio amplifies, and I begin to listen to a series of songs.

"...whatever is true..." Who Am I by Casting Crowns:

"Who am I, that the Lord of all the earth
Would care to know my name
Would care to feel my hurt."

"...whatever is noble (honest)..."  If We're Honest by Francesca Battistelli:

"Bring your brokenness, and I'll bring mine
'Cause love can heal what hurt divides
And mercy's waiting on the other side
If we're honest
If we're honest."

"...whatever is right (true as a fact)..." Lord I Need You by Matt Maher:

"Lord, I come, I confess
Bowing here I find my rest
Without You, I fall apart
You're the One that guides my heart."

"...whatever is pure..." After All (Holy) by David Crowder Band:

"I can't comprehend your infinitely beautiful and perfect love
Oh I've dreamed dreams of majesty as brilliant as a billion stars
But they're never bright enough after all.

"You are Holy
Oh Holy
Holy, Holy, Holy"

"...whatever is lovely..." Jesus Saves by Jeremy Camp:

"Free at last
Every debt has been repaid
Broken hearts can be remade
Jesus saves
Sing above the storms of life
Sing it through the darkest night
Jesus saves."

"...whatever is of good report..." Jesus by Chris Tomlin:

"There is a truth older than the ages.
There is a promise of things yet to come
There is one born for our salvation.

There is a light that overwhelms the darkness.
There is a kingdom that forever reigns.
There is freedom from the chains that bind us.

"...if there be any virtue (excellence)..." The Proof of Your Love by King & Country:

"So let my life be the proof
The proof of Your love.
Let my love look like You
And what You're made of.
How you lived, how You died
Love is sacrifice.
So let my life be the proof
The proof of Your love."

"...if there be any praise..." More Than Anything by Natalie Grant:

"I know if You wanted to You could wave Your hand,
Spare me this heartache, and change Your plan.
And I know any second You could take my pain away
But even if You don't, I pray

Help me want the Healer
More than the healing
Help me want the Savior
More than the saving
Help me want the Giver
More than the giving
Oh help me want you Jesus
More than anything."

The music has now faded, and I no longer hear the songs playing softly in the background. Coincidence, you may say? Not on your life! This is the way Jesus works in my life and in yours, if you let Him. He quietly reminds us that He loves us in just the way we need at the time. He is always faithful.

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