Monday, January 1, 2018

New Beginning

Image result for image of scripture Jeremiah 29:11

As the old year fades into new, fresh hope for tomorrow fills our hearts. Together, as a family, much has been overcome, and the hope for a better year is breathed in prayer. Our hearts are renewed in faith in the One who holds us all together and brings all things to pass. Our church family is small in number but large in faith. The past year presented many challenges, heartaches, but as we met together on New Year's Eve, we recounted the many blessings and praised the faithfulness of our Lord.

Although I have not been diligent in blogging, I have been faithful in my journal writing, and I have made it a habit to write down at least one blessing each day. I have also tried to write down quotations that have inspired or otherwise kept me going, thinking, and evaluating my life. I read quite a bit, especially when I am trying to sort my way through troublesome times. I pick up a dear friend and re-read, reminding myself that I am never alone, and things always work out when we commit them to God.

This year, added to the one before, has been really tough for me, and I have felt isolated and alone as I endure this test. Holidays are difficult for so many people, how I well understand as I advance in age without being near family. But I also trust in the lessons I've learned, especially at those times when I am broken in body and spirit, so desperate for resolution.

There's a movie on Pureflix called "Hoovey" about a young man in high school with a bright future for a scholarship to play basketball who meets with sudden health issues that threaten to end his career. Rather than give up he chooses to face impossible odds. His strength and courage come from a higher Power, and his faith is rewarded as is the hope of an entire school. In the midst of his trial while talking to his parents one day, choosing to see the impossible as possible, he said, "It's not what happens to you, it's what you do with it." These are the words I share today.

As we enter a new year, we can choose to see the baggage of the previous one trying to limit the potential for the future, and we can either allow it to bring us down and hold us back, or we can shake it off, and begin anew. Fighting back can be hard. But when we put our faith, our hope, our trust in the One who holds the future, we do not need to fear. It's not always easy, but it brings lasting peace, and I for one need peace in my life.

My God is so faithful. The babe we celebrated only a few days ago is the Savior of the World. In the end we have nothing to fear, and the promise that all things will be made brand new. I am going to trust Him and believe in a brighter new year. May it be for you also!

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