Friday, June 20, 2014

The Saga Continues

I know you've all been waiting to hear the end of my story from my last blog, right?!  Well, before I start I think I'll back up to how I got to the MRI point in the first place.

On Good Friday as I was getting ready for work an important thought came to me, so important I felt the need to sit down on the side of the bed to write it down.  As I was hurriedly getting back up to finish getting ready I found myself sailing through the air, heading head first into the door facing which happens to be rather sharp.  So in order to avoid hitting the "good side" of my head and avoid more head trauma and perhaps my last, I stuck out my left arm to grab the door jam, had to twist to avoid slamming my face in the wall, then went down on the left knee.  So that was a series of three maneuvers to avoid a worse calamity of splitting my skull. 

After the averted disaster, I found myself screaming in pain from the pain in my shoulder.  Being the ex-EMT that I am, I decided that I may have dislocated my shoulder, so I laid down on the floor and lifted my arms over my head to pop anything that may be out of place back in place.  I do this often with my left hip.  After slapping some ice on the shoulder, I finished getting ready for work, then made my way across the living room into my home office to start my day. This is not the best Good Friday I have had!  So I was able to get through the day, barely able to type, but it was a day in the office, so I could take my time.  I slapped a pack of frozen veggies on my shoulder and laughed at my stupidity. 

Sleeping wasn't so bad unless I moved, but by day 3 I began to notice a pooling of blood in my arm, then on the 4th day it had grown considerably, so I decided I may be in trouble and had better call my doctor to find out what I had done to myself.  I had limited movement, but being the person I am, I continued doing what I could do, slapping ice on it when I moved too much.  Plus I managed to schedule my visits and do my work. I am famous for not missing work especially when it is not the smart move.

When I eventually saw my doctor, she ordered an x-ray which showed absolutely nothing, as x-rays do not show torn muscles or certain other important things....obviously.  Next step was four intensive weeks of physical therapy which were not pleasant.  When I arrived at my last session, an MRI was ordered as I was not progressing as hoped.  Ya think!

Now we're back back to where I actually have the MRI which is over a week from when it was ordered on 6/6/14.  Are you counting the days?  So on 6/17/14 I have the MRI, and on 6/18/14 I get "the call".  I have a fractured arm!!  More specifically the proximal humerus which, folks, is not so humorous!  Unless pain makes you laugh hysterically!  Even I have my limits.  I also had some tears to the rotator cuff...yet another fun time!  So I am sent packing to the orthopedic surgeon.  He was a young guy, pretty great actually, and definitely down to earth.  He congratulated me on the good job I did at injuring my arm, and of course, being the cynic I am, I remarked that "anything worth doing is worth doing well!"  He agreed!

So here I am....!  Moment of truth.  The decision is that since I still have quite a bit of edema and inflammation after all this time ( I wonder why?!), he will let me continue my self treatment, using my "head" to not over use the arm and not lift anything.  Now there is the rub! He isn't ruling out surgery, but for now I have until 8/6/14 to heal. No more physical therapy, obviously.

So that is my exciting tale of woes.  Actually, not so, as throughout this ordeal I have maintained my sense of humor...or perhaps I have finally lost my feeble mind and am, in fact, ready for the "rubber room"! Whatever my mental state I am continuing to go through the motions of life, avoiding sudden moves or raising windows.  Actually that is not quite accurate, as I was forced to raise my window tonight, as this morning I discovered a leak in the water line to my swamp cooler, so that has to be repaired.  Another wake up call I had this morning at 6 am!  Fortunately, I have a sympathetic handy man who is also a good friend who didn't mind his 6 am wake up call to rush over to save me from water shortage.

So now we wait...!  What will the verdict be in two months?  We shall see, shall we not?

For now, stay on your own two feet, and by all means, do not listen to inspiration in the early morning hours.  You could be in for a fall!

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