Saturday, July 26, 2014

Simply Put

Receiving inspiration for blogging really isn't that difficult a task.  We can look all around us and see the wonder of the Lord in every bit of creation, in the people around us, and in the things that we do.  Each day as I take the time to meet with God and read His wonderful words of life I am amazed at how much He thinks about us, the plans He put in place before the creation of the world. 

I am reading the book of Isaiah now where God is telling His people His plans to use a heathen king to bring peace and restore the nation Israel.  He is speaking of future plans using a king who will not be born for centuries.  It speaks of the unwavering love of a Father for His wayward children.  In the light of all that is happening in our world today, what has already taken place, and our fears of what lies ahead, God's love never changes.

We do at times question His methods, ask Him why this or that happened, why a child was born with a disability, or wonder why when He can do "all things" He seemingly looks the other way.  I have no answer other than what He says so clearly in Isaiah 45:9 - 10

"Woe to the man who fights with his Creator. Does the pot argue 
with its maker? Does the clay dispute with him who forms it, saying,
'Stop, you're doing it wrong?' or the pot exclaim, 'How clumsy can you be!''
Woe to the baby just being born who squalls to his father and mother, 'Why
have  you produced me? Can't you do anything right at all?'"

We will always have questions as human beings struggling to understand the whys and whatnots of our age.  This is where the "Trust Me" comes into play.  We either do or we don't; there is no middle ground.  He is God; there is no other.

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