Saturday, July 26, 2014

Wayne's World

Friends are special people, and I have some pretty great ones!  I'm taking you into the heart of one of my friends who enjoys snapping photos of the simple joys of life, and he shares them with me!  Who could ask for more.  When he's not fly fishing, puttering around in his wood shop, or hanging out at the church, he's home taking care of a zillion cats running free in the neighborhood, hanging out watching westerns with Miss Kitty, his house cat, and his dog, Sassy.  He has a recent addition to the family named Wally Woodchuck who lives under the wood shop and enjoys giving the cats grief. He enjoys his quiet life and special friends, and I'm always anxious to receive new pics and home town news!

Pretty soon I'll be back in Virginia at the Dinwiddie house catching up on all the goings on, and hopefully doing some sightseeing of favorite old haunts and some new discoveries.  I used to love exploring the azalea gardens, going to parks, especially Maymont Park in Richmond.  When my children were little they loved going to visit the animals, especially the skunk who, although de-skunked, still had an alluring aroma clinging around him like Pig Pen's cloud of dust!  For some reason my kids always looked forward to seeing the ole guy!  Any day was a good day to enjoy a picnic in the park!

When I was a kid my papa used to take me to see Pocahontas in Jamestown.  I loved riding the ferry boat, and I hear it has been restored, so perhaps I'll get to take a ride while home.  Wouldn't that be a hoot!  Whatever I do I know I'll have fun relaxing, and I definitely can use some of that!

The best spot of all is hanging around home, swinging on a porch swing, watching the sun go down and the critters frolic on the lawn, catching fire flies, then watching them light up the sky as they are set free!  Memories!

Enjoy the pics!

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