Friday, July 4, 2014

As I Journey On

Much is required from those to whom much is
given, for their responsibility is greater.
Luke 12:48

The context in which this verse is taken is of most importance, because Jesus is speaking not only to His disciples, but to all of us, as He explains to Peter when he asks:  "Peter asked, 'Lord, are you talking just to us or to everyone?' And the Lord replied, 'I'm talking to any faithful, sensible man whose master gives him the responsibility of feeding the other servants.'  This portion of scripture comes from Chapter 12 of Luke when Jesus is speaking to His disciples of His return using the parable of the wedding feast. In verse 35 He begins, "Be prepared - all dressed and ready -- for your Lord's return from the wedding feast. Then you will be ready to open the door and let him in the moment he arrives and knocks. There will be great joy for those who are ready and waiting for his return. He himself will seat them and put on a waiter's uniform and serve them as they sit and eat! He may come at nine o'clock at night - or even at midnight. but whenever he comes there will be joy for his servants who are ready!" (35-38)

My greatest preoccupation while I await the return of Christ is to present myself to others as a true servant of the Lord.  Guarding my heart, my speech, my actions are paramount to the lifestyle in which I desire to live my life; but often, I fail.  As you know from my writing, in which I try to present myself as transparently as possible without bringing discouragement to the reader or regret to myself, I desire to live a life well lived, intentional, with one purpose in mind - to bring God glory.  God is so good to me, as the gentle urgings of the Holy Spirit who lives within me always brings my heart back into focus.  Which is the main reason for my finally hitting the "submit" button to begin my course "In Christ's Image." 

People have always looked to me for advice, although I do not see myself as a leader.  There will always be those who need encouragement, support, someone to walk beside, to teach, to guide, and I imagine if I have a role in life, it would be more of a trainer, a teacher.  Not a pompous, intellectual, philosophical sort, but one whose perspective flows from a life of twists and turns, sideways, backwards, up and downs. One who can honestly say, learn from my mistakes, pay heed and grow.

I've said it before, my live has been amazing, as it continues to be.  My education in the world's view may appear minimal, insignificant, but my life has been so incredibly inspiring and wrought with knowledge and wisdom that only comes from sitting at the feet of the Greatest Teacher of all time, Jesus, who just happens to be my Best Friend.  He's been my Friend all my life, and although I did not always follow His lead, we have talked since I was eight years old, when I could understand the voice I was hearing was not my own.

I am a visual sort of person, and I can see myself, seated on the floor on Christmas Day 1959, singing, eyes to Heaven, seated on the floor, swaying back and forth. I wore pigtails then, and my hair was disheveled, loose strands flying as I moved.  In my hands I held my Lassie stuffed dog, and at my feet was an open white Bible, a gift from my father, treasured, though tattered and well-used, to this day. I carry pictures inside my head that sustain me in times when I am feeling less than worthy of belonging to such a great God.  But I am His, and He is mine!  I want to honor His Great Name; I want to make my Father proud by being the best teacher and encourager I can be.  

I recently told a few friends that I don't like the person I have been lately, disgruntled, upset, as this simply is not the person I feel I am, the one others have always seen.  When others see me like this who truly know my nature, they become concerned, because it appears as if I am losing myself in the chaos, perhaps even the fear of losing my mind, or worse to them, calling it quits, giving up!  I have even said the words, "It isn't fun anymore."  And these words do not merely pertain to a job, but to life in general.  I have lost who Linda is, who I aspire to be, the person others look to for clarity and peace of mind.  And God is so faithful to send Holy Spirit along to remind me gently of who I am called to be at this time, and the fruit I want to produce in my life and serve to others who are desperate for sustenance the world cannot give.

So He brings me back to the place we have visited countless times, known to all as the Beatitudes found in Matthew, Chapter 5, beginning in verse 3, "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."  These passages have been my friends for life, and as I read through the Bible daily visiting old friends who've stayed closely on my heart, within my soul and mind over the years, visited in context yearly, I once more see, and I pray, apply. This is the person I desire to be, full of understanding, ready to listen, learn, apply, re-apply if necessary, but the key is consistently heeding the wisdom that comes from God, from others He places in my life as I journey through.

Proverbs speaks of the beginning of wisdom as the fear and reverence of the Lord.  It continues on with steps along the path of life defining truths that bring either life or death to the reader.  Lessons at any age we cling to if we want to succeed, if we truly aspire to inherit the kingdom of God.

I want to be wise, not in my own eyes, but in the eyes of God, the Giver of Wisdom.  It is my heartfelt prayer that as I begin my training, In Christ's Image, that my focus will be fixed on Him and Him alone.  In so doing my life will be one of generosity, compassion, patience and humility. Proverbs 12:15, "...a wise man listens to others."  Verse 23, "A wise man doesn't display his knowledge...."  Verse 26, The good man asks advice from friends...."  Proverbs 13:14, "The advice of a wise man refreshes like water from a mountain spring. Those accepting it become aware of the pitfalls on ahead." 

I want to be the person who listens, accepts, and applies change when I am wrong. I want the words I speak to be wise, strong, trustworthy and true. I want to lead by example having learned from the greatest leader of all time.  I aspire to be like Jesus, so others will know Him and love Him as I do, as we journey on in this life together, and on to eternity.

Pray for me as I sit once more at the feet of Jesus, learning from His servant, gaining new insight which brings welcomed change to my life and blessings to others. Thank you for being my friend, for always praying for and wishing the best for me and my family.  You are loved and you are treasured more than my simple words can ever express.  May you be blessed today, every day!

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