Sunday, May 22, 2016

Sunday Afternoon ZZZZZZ's

Reduce Stress and Relax Spontaneously - DrDietRight

Sunday afternoons are my special "no plans" days, nothing except resting in God's arms. Following  church this morning I was invited to lunch by a friend, and now I am home, with a full belly, relaxing and watching a good friend movie. To translate "a good friend movie" I mean a favorite enjoyed many times either to glean some insight from a "friend" or just to have the companionship of "noise" as I drift serendipitously off to sleep. I'm not sure in which category the movie today falls, nonetheless, I am contentedly hanging out.

This morning I was asked to present the message in Pastor's absence. Now don't laugh! Whereas I am as far away from being a pastor or minister in any shape or size of the imagination, I am a teacher, or better yet, a "sharer." When I was first asked I thought, "oh no, I can't do this! I'm too off the deep end and crazy." Then after Abba calmed me down, as only He can do, I realized, "Well yes, I can do it. I've taught at risk children before!"

I believe we all have a story to tell, relative to scripture from the perspective of someone who has endured hardships and trials of faith. Thankfully, after a Saturday afternoon of seeking and not totally finding, I awakened this morning from a good night's rest to receive the confirmation I so desperately needed about what He wanted me to share.  I guess He felt I needed a little more encouragement, so again I received the go ahead leading up to the time I was to be "center stage."

Because I had been lazy, not wanting to go out yesterday, completely forgetting my printer cartridge was empty, I had to lug my computer to church, as contained therein was my security notes! It's a good thing people love me at this little village church and accept me as the spazezoid (my word) I am. So I humbly confessed my slothfulness regarding the computer, and I set up shop as if I was confidently in my home facing the familiar smiling faces of my little Bible study group. The only safety net missing was a puppet attached to one arm and a rod arm in the other hand. This is my life. No wonder my son told me I warped his childhood. He said this with a smile on his face and laughter in his voice. He's as bad as I am. We're a family of nut cases and personality disorders!

But I did it, and I survived; better still, so did the church members!

So here I am lounging around, making every attempt not to think about anything or most definitely not to do anything. Just another one of those "sweetness days," remember..."Il dolce far niente?" Tomorrow is soon enough to consider any serious thoughts, and besides that I am mind traveling, on a new adventure, and having the time of my life. Not a bad way to spend an afternoon in paradise!

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