Sunday, March 11, 2018

Days 20 - 26 Season of Lent

 Image result for images of birds

11 March 2018

Each day as I spend quiet morning hours alone with the Lord, I listen for guidance. Monday the message in Jesus Calling instructed me to "Make friends with the problems in your life." I have been struggling for as long as I can remember, trying not to make friends with challenges. I've just been attempting to survive with a smile on my face. The Bible affirms that "all things work together for good to the called according to His purpose." If my heart's true desire is to walk only in His way, listening for His voice, then I need to believe that whatever comes my way has a purpose for building my character.

Tuesday was a particularly intense day, as I read "I am every where at every time, ceaselessly working on your behalf." I'm just wondering if You were with me when I got lost in the dark on that back country road? Well, yes, I found my way out to the highway, so I imagine in some way that too was a test and a blessing in disguise. It did bring a chuckle to the people with whom I shared. From there the week just got better and better, in a manner of speaking. I suppose I am just learning to see the miracles in the bumps in the road.

A thought was posed by one author, "Consider what you need to give up in order to know Jesus more." Many things contend for my attention each day, and sometimes those quiet times become shorter and shorter. Life gets harder, and time seems to fly. It's not intentional. I've learned that I cannot begin my day without talking to Jesus. I am very much aware of my need to remain focused on the Author and Perfecter of my faith. God is jealous for us, and He wants to be first in our lives. When a crisis arises, who's the first person we call? We've all been there. I'm learning that although my friends and family are very important to me, the only voice I want to hear is His. Nothing else really satisfies. And we don't have to worry, because He always answers our calls.

This Lenten season I want to see Jesus in each day in a new way. I want to show gratitude for all He's done for me, and I want to pay it forward in showing His amazing love to someone who needs to know that He is "ceaselessly working" on their behalf. This is a season of giving, of sacrifice, and of love. Lord, I want to know You better.

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