Thursday, September 18, 2014


Touched down in Richmond around 2ish this afternoon after a brief blink of an eye in Atlanta.  The trip from Albuquerque to Atlanta was nice and relaxing...until me and a lot of other passengers realized we were going to be late for our next flights.  My trip from Atlanta to Richmond was scheduled to start boarding at 11:25 am, leaving at 12:05 pm.  We arrived at Gate T at 11:32 pm, and my flight, as well as my fellow pilgrims' flights, was leaving from Gate A.  By the time I huffed my way to Gate A, it was 11:50 am, but they were still boarding.  Hope the other airport trotters made it safely to their respective gates in time. I didn't know I could still walk that fast!  Maybe I should be a sprinter!  Hopefully the trip home will be more relaxing.  But I'm here, all safe and sound.

Tomorrow I'll spend the day with my sister frequenting our usual haunts. I usually like to have a taste of Martin's, formerly Ukrops, special birthday pound cake, but alas, I cannot risk tasting a single crumb else I pay the price - Celiac Disease.  Maybe one day they'll make a gluten free recipe!  Better still maybe after I retire I will develop my own recipes, but let's not hold our breath for that day.  Retirement doesn't seem to be in the cards for this gal, at least not quite yet.

Enough said for now as there's supper to fix.  It's always nice to have home cooked country-style grub!  Yummy!  My sister is a great cook, just like my mama and my grandma.  Don't you wish you were here?!

Have a good one!

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