Wednesday, March 25, 2020

As We Wait

What does it mean to hear birds chirping outside your window? - Quora
I love listening to the sound of birds singing in the early morning as the sun rises over the mountains. A gentle breeze plays a sweet melody on my wind chimes as the sun illuminates my day. Even the discordant, relentless buzzing in my head cannot distract me from the music of nature I love.

I've always enjoyed mountain biking. The scenery is magical as I fearlessly whiz along the paths. The air stirs and rustles the trees, and the harmonies blend into a beautiful symphony as all of nature joins into the chorus. Music always awakens the wonder within me, whether it comes from a radio, a concert, or my imagination. God fills me up, and my cup runs over!

Even at a time like now where many are staying home, we can still enjoy the sights, sounds, smells of nature just by opening a window or cracking a shade letting in light. Light always dispels darkness. One of my favorite movies is August Rush about a young musical prodigy who hears music in all the sounds and sights around him - kids playing basketball, traffic, voices, dogs barking, or wind blowing over a field of wheat.

My Mornings with Jesus devotional reminded me of the magical moments gifted to us each day. The author shares,

"My commute has become special as I savor the sounds around
me and realize that the sound of humanity is a gift from God,
just like birdsong or a babbling brook. I hear Jesus speaking
to me in this diverse human chorus, and I marvel at His
beauty and wisdom." 

-Elizabeth Berne DeGear

So take the time to listen today. Jesus communicates with us in many ways. Just listen!

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