Sunday, March 29, 2020


Picture of Dinotopia: The Series

I've been spending the afternoon lost in the fantasy world of Dinotopia where dinosaurs live with and communicate with humans. I realize that my time may have been better spent in contemplating the important matters that concern us today, but quite honestly I need a break. Especially since tomorrow I head back out into the real world where the stress is real.

Today I was reminded of when the expert in the law asked Jesus this question: "Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" Jesus responded to him, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind." Jesus told him this was the first and greatest commandment, but He also quickly added, "Love your neighbor as yourself." The author of the devotional I was studying was speaking of the over 600 regulations that the Pharisees argued over religiously. She was comparing it to the thousands of pages of tax codes and how regardless of the laws, there are always loopholes that really have nothing to do with looking out for the welfare of others. The only one who could actually fulfill the law perfectly back in Bible times as well as today is Jesus. He came to fulfill the law of the Prophets. It's all rather overwhelming, as noted in the devotional, which is why we can run to Jesus when life gets demanding and confusing. God wants us to have a relationship with Him through Jesus. That's the whole point. And it's especially in times like these that we need to run to Him where He waits with open arms. As my pastor says, if God loves us, then He's concerned with everything that concerns us.

Again I reference David while watching the sheep in the fields, or while running for his life from King Saul. When he wrote the Psalms he was being real about how he felt at the time. He called God his rock, his shelter in the time of need. But David also wrote psalms of praise to God. He had lots of time to think about and realize who God really was to him and what his relationship meant to him on a daily basis. This is what getting to know and love God is all about.

Spending time with the Lord at the beginning of my day is very important to me. In fact my day just doesn't go smoothly unless I spend time talking with my Father before I have to leave the house, especially now. If I don't fill up on Jesus, then I have nothing to give to the people I encounter during the day, and now is the time to shine when the world is anxious and afraid. I have to sit in my Father's lap, talk, write in my journal the thoughts that come, and find out what He wants me to do each day. Many mornings I cry when things become so overwhelming to me, but I feel comforted just knowing He's there holding me. It's kinda like falling down, being picked up, dusted off, and going on your merry little way. Some days are more difficult, so I make sure I play praise music or listen to uplifting talks, anything to encourage me so I can in turn be a light for others.

I don't know what any of this has to do with watching Disney or other movies to temporarily escape reality. But then, maybe it's because I know Jesus likes the same movies I do, especially when good overcomes evil. I hope you enjoyed your day today! If not, it's not too late to put on a funny movie. Laughter, after all, is good medicine!!

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