Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Lessons I'm Learning - 2

Image result for images of moderation in living

Today is my day off, so I am home resting. I keep hearing that I am one of the vulnerable ones since I'm in that senior age category and my autoimmune system is a risk factor. But I don't feel like I'm compromised. But, since I'm still working, I need to ensure the safety of my clients as well as my daughter's, so I am laying low today.

I've been asking the Lord to teach me what I need to learn and how to apply the lessons learned in the way in which I conduct my life, including speech, actions, and attitudes. Previously I've mentioned the importance of letting people know how important they are, especially during this crisis. Being kind and having an attitude of gratitude towards others. Being available and sharing encouragement. Now that tighter restrictions have been set many more people will become afraid and anxious. It's important to reassure one another and give hope. We can't pray and ask for miracles if we don't believe they will happen. Today I was reminded of God's faithfulness by a quotation from O. Hallesby:

"If we pray for anything according to the will
 of God, we already have what we pray for the moment 
we ask it. We do not know exactly when it will arrive; but we 
have learned to know God through the Spirit of God, and have 
learned to leave this in His hands,  and to live just as happily 
whether the answer arrives immediately or later."

Before they call, I will answer, and while they
are yet speaking, I will hear.
Isaiah 65:24

Life is definitely slowing down because of necessity, and it allows time to consider many things. The hoarding of certain items, toilet paper being the primary thing, has made me think about how much we waste as Americans. Speaking for myself, I have been noticing for quite some time how much food that goes bad before I eat it. Not because of an over abundance, as I don't keep very much food on hand. I live very simply and prefer soups, stews or casseroles that last more than one day. Since I work it makes it easier for me to eat sensibly without much fuss in preparation. I live alone, so it make sense. Still, I tend to let fresh vegetables and fruits go to waste by not eating them on time. I'm trying to change that habit.

I'm also learning that one roll of toilet paper goes a long way when it is used sensibly. After having to stand in line one morning in order to buy a package, I gained a better perspective of how things really are when the world is in an uproar. I have had an equally difficult time finding some staple goods, but I believe that is getting better. After all I really don't need that much for myself.

I'm sure I have much more to learn as the days go on. I want to grow in this experience, as I believe there's a purpose for every thing we endure in this life. My life has been an example of how the Lord  relentlessly pursues to fulfill His purpose. I am trying to keep learning and growing each day. Thankfully I still have time, and God is very patient and kind with me.

I hope things are going well with you as we journey along.

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