Monday, March 3, 2025

Day 59 Write the Story


This may contain: a mouse sitting at a table reading a book 


"Your imperfections are a canvas for 

God's strength to shine."

Gather25 ended late in the evening, and as with all good things, my head was spinning. Many thoughts are going through my already too occupied brain, but memories are hard to stall. It's late, the conference was inspiring, and I feel old and useless in many regards. "See your vulnerabilities as opportunities for faith to flourish, for it is in our weaknesses that Christ's power finds its true resting place." (60 Days of Prayer)

Recently there has been a flurry of emails, snail mails, and invitations to attend live online events, among other things. I have been wanting to take a long, overdue hiatus just to clear my head and get a good rest. It seems as if I am dropping off to sleep in my chair again, but rather than investigate, I'm going to let that one slide. Lately I've had to cut back on some things, and spend time resting. I used to enjoy community work, but it has become different. That's all I can say. 

I drifted off to sleep in the wee hours of the morning, but my computer screen flashing made it impossible to sleep, so I stayed up most of the night watching. I must say that it is encouraging to see so many young people excited about Jesus, many who will follow the call for missionary work. I remember when I wanted to go to the mission field when I graduated from high school. How I wish I could have had someone encourage my passion for evangelism. Even as a young adult, I was introduced to YWAM (Youth with a Mission) and attended meetings faithfully. I even met some of the founders when I was attending the Nazarene Church, but my husband was not interested in my passion, and I had children to care for, so that dream was put to rest. But the passion still remains. It was great seeing so many older people still active, plus a number of people I follow who participated in the Gather25 Conference.

Francis Chan made a video appearance. He explained that about a year and a half ago he had dropped out of accepting invitations to conferences and other events, because he felt God wanted him to learn more about His presence. He said at first he thought it would be six months, but it has turned out to be much longer, and he shared that he didn't know if he would return. Pressing into Christ, allowing Holy Spirit to draw him into the presence of God, was all that mattered, aside, of course, from his wife and children. Francis has always been impassioned when he spoke about the Lord. He has visited and spoken at Jesus Image in Orlando many times, and he has spoken at the conferences. I've missed him, but until tonight, I hadn't seen much of him. He, like Mary, has chosen the better way. Sitting at the Master's feet. I understand this call, because it is mine as well.

Recently, I've had to cut back on some things I'd been doing, even prayer calls. This event was one I made time for, as I have adopted some colleges to pray for in the State and one in Burkina Faso. They do not have anyone praying for them, so I am trying to fill that void. I hope the students have parents who pray for them, but there's nothing active as far as this group knows. I can't really walk the campus. If I walked the campus of my alma mater, I'd be walking a long time, as Virginia Commonwealth University has grown considerably since I graduated. It's said that Gen Z is not interested in God, but from what I saw, and from what I hear, that is not completely accurate. They hunger for truth, and they are searching for something to believe in...or Someone. We as Christians can talk a good talk, but these kids need to see the walk. They need to experience the love, the drive, and compassion for others that comes only from knowing Him. This cannot be faked. It must be from the the heart of the broken and crushed who realize they owe their very lives to Jesus Christ. That's me! I've seen His face, hanging on that cross, dying for my sins. That another sight you cannot unsee, and it makes it real.

Gather25 encouraged older Christians to be available to the younger, but our stories are important, our testimonies. So, I'm not too old to do something. God told me to write "the" story, and I've been laboring over that for quite awhile, until this January I decided I'd go back to blogging, trying to write daily, other than my journal and my notes for ICEJ. All I can say is, I'm trying, Abba. Just show me how.


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