Looking at this photo above, I am reminded of Peter trying to walk upon the water. He was fine until he took his eyes off Jesus and began to see the turbulent storm and the water beneath him. So bravely he told Jesus to bid him get out of the boat and walk on the water, come to Him, and Jesus says "Come." Why is it so easy to call upon His name in one instant, and in the next moment, forgetting all that we know and have seen, we take our eyes off of Him and sink back down into our miry pit of despair and desperation?! His name is mighty, and His word is Truth. Why can't we take Him at His word?!
I've been spending the evening praying over some prayer requests that came in from a group I have been with for many, many years. When I read over the requests for prayer, I feel so empty sometimes, not knowing how to pray, which scriptures to share. I try to put myself in their place, which is often quite easy to do, as I've been through so much muck and mire in my life, but it takes time to look into the soul of another whose name and need are all that is before me. Yet, Holy Spirit knows, and if I wait, pray, quiet myself, the words and the scriptures come. He is always faithful to me. Tonight is the first time in a long time that I actually submitted scriptures ahead of time. Usually, I continue on past the time, hoping I've heard correctly. They call it "spiritual insight," but I'm not sure that's what I'd call it. I second guess myself a lot, but isn't that the same as with Peter walking on the water?
Today was another day of war, watching the uprising in Syria. The new leader seems worse than the last regime, and Turkey is trying to enter the war, not for the good. We pray for the Christians in Syria, especially the the Bedouin tribe, the Druze, who are strong allies of Israel, and Israel will defend and protect them. Lebanon has a new leader, who seems to want a peaceful relationship with Israel. The situation in Judea/Samaria is still urgent as so many terrorists have been released back into the area, and there have been incidents against the Jewish citizens, with murders. In the meantime, Hamas has once more become uncooperative regarding the hostage release, so President Trump and his emissaries are assisting. I pray for Prime Minister Netanyahu and his dear wife, Sarah. Imagine how a wife feels watching her husband go through the trauma of this ordeal, plus being wrongfully accused of crimes by the international courts, and having gone through major surgery and not allowed to rest and heal. And that is putting it briefly. The soldiers in the IDF are so young, and all of them have been on duty for way too many months. I pray for their stamina, for their health, and for those who do not know Jesus as Savior, I pray for salvation. Those who entered the war not having any belief in God have turned to Him, remembering their upbringing and the study of the Torah. This has been the testimony of many of those who have been released. Remembering scripture or reciting the Shema helped them survive isolation and torture. During this time of Ramadan I pray that Muslims will have dreams and visions of Jesus and reach out and take His hand. It has happened so many times, and it is my prayer, not only for this time, but for each day I pray during the year, that God would manifest Himself to these people who are deceived so badly and hate so deeply.
In Africa the slaughters continue in Nigeria and now the Congo, but all the time, in so many locations, those who believe in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord put their lives on the line. I receive regular updates from missionaries and organizations regarding prayer needs. I'm sure what I hear is only a drop in the bucket to what is actually going on. In Eritrea alone there are many who have been in prison for five years or better. I have a bulletin board with the faces of some, but there are so many, many more. My heart cries out for the families who wait and hope. At least they can endure the hardships better, because their hope is on the solid rock of our faith.
In our country, America has been embroiled in what the politicians call "lawfare," but I know it to be spiritual warfare. The enemy is trying to kill, steal, and destroy, using whatever schemes he can devise, for his last hurrah. He knows his time is short, and it is time for the rest of the nation to realize the same. I speak of this often, so I won't belabor the point. But, my prayer for our nation is focused on the church waking up, heeding the message of Revelation 2 and 3 while there is time.
I'll end with the words my Father gives me when I am bowed down, standing in the water, as the man above, making it personal to me:
Isaiah 43:1-2
"But now, thus says the Lord, who created you, O Jacob (Linda),
And He who formed you, O Israel (Linda):'Fear not, for I have redeemed you;
I have called you by your name;
You are Mine.
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you;
And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you.
When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned,
Nor shall the flame scorch you.'"
This is my prayer, my hope for each dear one today. May you be blessed with the shalom peace of our God.
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