Sunday, July 5, 2015

Day 186 - The Gifts & Callings

I will rejoice in doing good to 
them, and I will plant them in
this land in faithfulness, with all.
My heart and all My soul.
Jeremiah 32:41

Today I wrote the Preface of the collaborative work between God and myself. It's basically His idea, but for some reason He has enlisted me to write it all down and share it with the world. Pretty huge undertaking, but He has faith in me as His child. 

As I was sitting in Abba's lap one day, feeling particularly vulnerable, He began to share with me His ideas of how the book should begin. "What book?" I asked. "The one I've chosen to begin it all...about the farm."  I scratched my head and twisted my mouth saying, "You mean 'island,' don't You, Lord?" "No," He responded. "That's the movie. We're going to buy the farm!"

"An infinite God can give all of
Himself to each of His children. He
does not distribute Himself that each may
have a part, but to each He gives all of
Himself as fully as if there were no others."
A. W. Tozer

It always bring a smile to my face and a lift to my spirit when God begins to share His plans for me with me. I should never doubt He'll guide my way, especially if He's the One doing the dreaming and vision casting. I have an unbelievable imagination, but nothing compares to His! I agree with Rich Mullins when he said, "God's a wild man!" Hence, the song from Rich that rocked the contemporary Christian world, Awesome God.

This morning was a day God also gave me some pretty great songs, but unfortunately I don't think of writing things down, as it breaks the spontaneity of the blessing. Some things are not meant to be written down and shared with others. They are meant only to be shared between Abba and me. If He has a mind to want things differently, I know He'll let me know, as He always does. Wild, indeed!
He's also so trusting of me. Imagine it, God trusts us too! He entrusts us with gifts and talents, dreams and visions, fully knowing whether we'll accept them in gratitude or squander them. He always wants the best for His children, and He knows how to give the best gifts. So be sure to thank Him! Scriptures says, "...for God's gifts and his call are irrevocable." (Romans 11:29)

"I dare say that all of us have witnessed our sandcastle promises
swept away by the pounding waves of panic and insecurity.
I imagine that all of us have seen our words of promise and 
obedience ripped into ribbons by the chainsaw of fear and fright.
And I haven't met a person yet who hasn't done the very thing
he swore he would never do."
No Wonder They Call Him The Savior

 Rich Mullins Quote on knowing God's will for your life. More

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