Sunday, July 5, 2015

Day 186b - Singin' and Dancin'

 Anna and the King / Genç Kız Ve Kral Replikleri (1999)

Being the sap that I am today I have comforted myself by re-watching an old time favorite movie. Yes, Ragamuffin, of course, for the umpteenth time, but Anna and the King is another I find irresistible on days when I am reminiscing about my vision and my hope. No doubt God understands, and He must enjoy these respectable movies as well. I wonder what His all time favorite movie would be? I guess that's another question I have for Him when I see Him face to face.

 Walter Lang | The King and I

I just awakened from a short afternoon nap. I almost turned over and went back to sleep, but I feared I may not rest as well if I did not complete my tasks. Simple things like pay an insurance bill, write some sympathy cards, and make my airline reservation. I am always putting things off until tomorrow, something I just cannot stop myself from doing. At least they are not earth shattering tasks, or we'd all suffer for my procrastination. 

Okay, one thing down...airline flight ticketing in process! Leaving New Mexico on 8/5/15 and returning after I have aged to my 65th year! In layman's terms, returning to New Mexico 8/15/15 unless I decide to do something out of the ordinary, but then, I always do things out of the ordinary! So we shall see!

I have two more tasks to complete before calling it a night so I best get at it. I decided that while I am finishing up for the night I'd pop in a favorite CD, The Sound of Music with Julie Andrews.  I love singing along, and hopefully, Kenya won't start her usual howl along with the music. I haven't seen much of her and her two sidekicks whom I have lovingly named Brownie and Ruffy, but I'm sure they'll bring me some offerings in the morning, such as an old shoe or torn up paper trash. Ugh. Cleaning up after puppies brings back memories!

My movie is starting, so good night, dear ones.

Fifty Shades of Cinema: 1965 – The Sound of Music

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