Sunday, July 12, 2015

Day 193 - Still Waiting

 Praise The Lords

"Happiness turns up more or less where you'd expect
it to be - a good marriage, a rewarding job, a pleasant
vacation. Joy, on the other hand, is as notoriously
unpredictable as the One who bequeaths it."
Frederick Buechner

Sunday rolled in and rolled out in a blink of an eye. I've been so tired this weekend, not really accomplishing much, but in a strange way I have found rest for my soul. I still have so many questions that need answers, but for tonight I can rest my head, content to wait for what comes next.  I have to believe that God is holding my "future and hope" in the palm of His hand, so I need to relax and wait, confident that He, who is not a man, will do what He says He will do. He hasn't failed me yet, and I know He never will.

Tomorrow I get my windshield repaired, as it has spread quite a bit over the weekend. No me importa, as I know there's a reason for everything. Perhaps God wanted to remind me who is in charge of my life, that is, if I want Him to be! The answer to that is a wholehearted AMEN!
It is amazing how a tiny, tiny speck of a rock can cause so much damage, and yet, that is the way it is with all things. It doesn't take much to turn things upside down or to right themselves again if we just have faith. I'm counting on that little piece of wisdom, as I need to figure out the response God wants me to have regarding some open-ended questions.

For now I want to get back to the simple life I have been living, although it is less than simple at times. At least the vision is simple, clear, and in the works. Obedience is better than sacrifice, and I just need to keep my eyes on the One who holds my future, ya know, the plan with a future and a hope! It's all about focus.

My prayer for today is simply this, "To God be the glory!"  Thank You, Lord, for bringing me back to a place of good memories today, and for allowing me to take another step of faith. May Your word continually light my path!

"Bless every humble soul who, in these days
of stress and strain, preaches sermons
without words."
Peter Marshall 
Praise the Lord....Sing Praise!

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