Wednesday, August 17, 2016

The Road Less Traveled

This may contain: a path in the middle of a forest on a foggy day with sun shining through the trees

In seeking to live life sometimes we deviate from the road less traveled to the one that leads to security in the world’s eyes. This road well-traveled is not necessarily one that is evil or wrong. In fact it often leads to a wonderful life with pretty little cottages and white picket fences, children who adore their parents and who go on to become powerful and successful as the world views success. For others the results may not be as tangible. Many people survive on this road and live well-intentioned lives.

Then there’s the other road, the one less traveled that veers off onto this twisted little path leading off to who knows where, and there we go armed only with wonder and faith. The road snakes around a fork leading into an abyss of trials that may or may not lead to defeat. Defeat after all is just a matter of definition to the one who is living the test. The road winds upward, then slowly declines into a valley of gloom and pessimism, but all the while ahead one can see so distinctly, a pinpoint of light piercing the darkness if that one braves enough to lift their eyes and see, thus gaining the strength necessary to press forward even in the darkest trials, the darkest night.

It can be a lonely, sometimes terrifying experience as one stumbles along the path.  There may be signs of death along the way or others crouching in the darkness, too afraid to risk what may be ahead. Too afraid of not knowing what will be expected, what more to be endured.

It’s a choice really, a game of chance to some. But to the ones who truly want the best there is, who dare to risk it all based only on the promises written centuries ago on the pages of a book, it is the best life. Even if one endures unimaginable pain, suffering, loss and defeat along the way, the reward waiting at the end of the road less traveled is worth everything.

I have chosen the road less traveled. I have endured unimaginable suffering, but I am not dismayed, because I truly see the light beyond the darkest moments, and I have chosen to press ahead regardless of the loss for the One who truly loves me and waits for my return.

1 comment:

  1. beautiful Linda. When are you going to publish a book???
