Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Knowing God

Two weeks have passed since the victory I received on my birthday hiatus from the noise and confusion of the world around me. Since then it has been a period of intense warfare to fight to remain in my peaceful repose, as the enemy has savagely attacked everything I hold dear. This is not news, as it is the price we pay as servants of the Lord Jesus. He said if the world hated Him, they'd hate us even more. This is so true, but the battle in this world is not one we see with our eyes, rather it is the warring in the spirit realm that transcends to the physical. spite of the turmoil I have encountered this week, I refuse to lose my joy of the Lord who is my strength.

I picked up the local Santa Fe Reporter last week, but I failed to read it until today. I try not to read the paper or listen to the news too much, as it is disquieting, and I deal with every day situations that are beyond disquieting at times. So much so that it angers to the point of not being able to function, so I have to lay it down at the foot of the cross just as I do for situations involving my family, friends, and those I care for in this world. That's a lot of people, but God is able to keep those I have committed to Him. This has been tested, tried, and true.

The disturbing things happening in the world today are not unexpected really, as they were prophesied long ago. Sadly we are following in the footsteps of so many generations who have failed to cry out to God for answers rather than following what others do. In Hosea 4:6 it states clearly "People perish for lack of knowledge," which translates "My people are being destroyed because they don't know me." Sadly, this is so, even in our churches today. The commentator of the Daily Walk Bible says: "Godly foundations and an abundance of churches are no guarantee of the knowledge of God. Remember, if the knowledge of God is to permeate your country, it first must be the experience of your life."
 The Santa Fe Reporter implied that our Governor is asking for a special session of the Legislature to vote on reinstating the death penalty. This response came after the hideous murder of a ten year old girl. Yet in the wake of this plea for justice our judicial and executive systems have been releasing over a hundred prisoners this week back into the system. I believe in rehabilitation, but I wonder how many will slip through the cracks and away from the watchful, protective eye of the law back into the crimes for which they were imprisoned. How many more children will suffer at the hands of those who played the game for release. The answer to these dilemmas rests in man crying out to God. My heart aches.

The Daily Walk Bible commentator shares this parable:

"A bird lies fluttering on the ground, obviously
injured. You respond by reaching out to try to help. 
Instead of recognizing your intent, the bird jerks 
free in a frantic effort to escape. You are the only one 
who can help, yet the bird refuses your assistance." 

This sad commentary speaks to our stubborn refusal to yield ourselves to a loving God who offers grace and help in troubled times. People want to blame God, but they fail to recognize that the fault is their own in choosing to do things their way. Hosea 7 says " one cries to me for help. Worshiping foreign gods has sapped their strength, but they don't even know it." 

In light of all that is happening in the presidential races, rioting as a result of the misconduct of the candidates, and the catastrophic weather changes and disasters worldwide with brutal and savage murders I can see the hand of a merciful God who loves us more than we love ourselves. The pages of social media are burning with outbursts of injustice, anger, revenge 24 hours a day, seeking the opinion of man rather than God. We speak of God and post nice quotations and scriptures, but how many of us are actually bowing down, begging for forgiveness for a nation pursuing a course of ungodliness. I am not a daily disciple of social media, but I still ask God to forgive me any time I choose to talk to anyone before seeking His direction on any matter. You can use the excuse of God giving us people for fellowship, but what I am talking about goes way beyond friendship. I want to know God and know what breaks His heart. I want Him to show me what to do each day, and I want to be faithful. We need to stand in the gap for our nation, our world, and our families before it is too late, and we become the victims of our own choosing.

Perhaps I will be labeled a fanatic, but I really don't care what man says about me. I only care about what God has to say about me. I love Him, and I do not want to let Him down. We all fall so miserably short of the glory of God each day, but we can ask forgiveness and go forward. He loves us. You need to know that God loves you, and He is concerned about every aspect of your life no matter how small and insignificant others may find it. To Him you are precious. Our world needs to know Him, and the only answer for our nation and world is Jesus.


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