Saturday, February 24, 2018

Day 11 - Season of Lent

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24 February 2018

Deuteronomy 8:2 "Remember how the Lord your God led you through the wilderness for these forty years, humbling you and testing you to prove your character, and to find out whether or not you would obey his commands. He did it to teach you that people do not live by bread alone; rather, we live by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord." 

"Remember the Lord your God."

Day 10 - Season of Lent

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23 February 2018

Weariness threatens to overtake me. Fear inching its way into my heart. "In the day of my trouble I will call to you, for you will answer me."(Psalm 36:7) Reminders to "pray continuously...."

This is my time of separation, remembering, focusing on the victory at hand. Living in His Presence, focusing on the Light.

Laughter comes, and I am revived by Your Spirit.

Day 9 - Season of Lent

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22 February 2018

Yesterday God welcomed two saints into His Glorious Presence. One a man the world revered, Reverend Billy Graham. He was known and admired through the world for his boldness and love in preaching the gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ. The message of the gospel is Jesus Loves You. He introduced us to a world of peace and holiness before a Holy God. His message was simple, "Come...." Thank you for the message of hope shared in a lifetime of service. You touched my life and made a difference.

Another saint, known only to some of us who live in a small area of New Mexico, passed on to glory. A lady who called me "Hita" and loved me and welcomed me into her life. She always welcomed people into her home, fed them, and pampered them. She was a gift, and I will treasure her friendship and grieve her passing. My life is richer for having known and loved her.

Two people. Two influences. One love. Jesus Christ.

Day 8 - Season of Lent

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21 February 2018

I slept well, and as I prepared myself for this day, Father reminded me that He goes before me. In Deuteronomy 1:29 - 31, He speaks to my giants, "Don't be shocked or afraid of them! The Lord your God is going ahead of you. He will fight for you, just as you saw Him do in Egypt. And you saw how the Lord your God cared for you all along the way as you traveled through the wilderness, just as a father cares for his child. Now He has brought you to this place."

Continuously, I am reminded of His Presence in my life, of His unconditional love for me. He only asks that I trust Him, not only for this day when the enemy is seeking my destruction, but each day as I put my trust in Him alone. He asks me to always remember His faithfulness throughout my life and to focus on His peace.

The author of my Daily Walk writes, "A wilderness is never pleasant. It tends to be dry, barren, lifeless, and uncomfortable. You tend to get thirsty there and find yourself yearning to be in a place of rest and refreshment." He also writes, "You cannot get from Mount Sinai to the Promised Land without passing through the wilderness."

May I focus on His Presence today.

Day 7 - Season of Lent

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20 February 2018

My life is full of many struggles as I prepare for a difficult day tomorrow. The enemy tries to steal my peace and send a multitude of distractions to take my focus from the God of all Peace. I purposely lay down my life at the foot of the cross and reach up and touch the hem of His garment, receiving my healing. The healing of my mind. As I steady myself and gaze into His eyes of Love, I can see how much He loves me. Just as I am, He loves me. In all my turmoil, He chooses to reassure me of His steadfast Love for me. He is with me, every day, each step of the way, so as I prepare for tomorrow I breathe more easily, and I find rest.

Day 6 - Season of Lent

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19 February 2018

Today is President's Day honoring two Presidents, George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, each one honored for their contributions to our Nation's history. For many it is a holiday, but for others, like me, it's another work day. Still, we remember these men with gratitude for their service.

Each day is a gift, and there are many miracles if we just take the time to appreciate life. Waking up to a new day, being able to get up out of bed, having sight and hearing, the simple act of breathing, walking, just to name a few. The best part of opening our eyes in the morning is seeing the Presence of God our Creator in everything and counting our blessings.

My scripture for today is taken from Luke 1:37 "For the word of the Lord will never fail." As we journey each day, especially in troubled times, we can be confident that our battles have been won in God's strength and mercy. He promises to never leave us nor forsake, and His Word is true. He also promises to go before us and make a way.

The message of Lent is found in John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believed in Him would not perish but have everlasting life." His Love is the gift of Lent.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Day 5 - Season of Lent

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18 February 2018

Sometimes at the most unexpected times we come face to face with ourselves. In seeking to grow closer to Jesus, becoming more like Him, I am finding that I am so far off. Just when I begin to press in, listening, I discover my insecurities and lack of sensitivity. It can be a horrifying discovery about oneself, but it can also be a time of growth.

God is a merciful Father who adores His children, but He is also a just One. His desire for us is to become like Jesus, and to love the world as Jesus. We are in desperate times, as noted previously in my writings, and our response needs to be appropriate. It's easy to become enraged and respond to violence with violence, but if we are following Jesus, that is not the response we should have as the Body of Christ.

I used to think that the older I become, the more sensitive I become, but I now realize that the more closely I desire to be in my walk with Jesus, the more I feel what He feels, so my response is becoming more loving than angry. I sense the emptiness in others' lives, and the feelings that arise are sadness and compassion.

As for me, as I seek, I pray I find more of His likeness in my character.

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Day 4 - Season of Lent

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17 February 2018

In early days when Moses was leading God's people of Israel to the promised land, holy days and festivals were established to set apart as worship, atonement, remembrance, all manner of days of sacrifices to a holy God. These observances were commands to be followed. In my limited sensibilities I cannot begin to imagine how these instructions were followed by so many people. I remember the sermons of Jonathan Edwards, "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God," and I shudder to think of the reprisals for those who fail to obey the letter of the law. Just consider, Jesus paid the price for our sins. He ransomed us, and there is no more need for sacrifices. Not that there could ever be enough blood to make up for His ultimate sacrifice. To show our love we now dedicate our lives to His service. He asks so little of us really.

When asked the greatest commandment, Jesus said to love the Lord our God with all our hearts, and the second is to love others. It sums up all of the ten commandments. And yet we fail so miserably in putting other things before Him or the needs of others. We have become callous and insensitive to the needs of people. Voices cry out to be heard. How can we turn our backs or a deaf ear to the voices?

As I continue my journey of peace, I cry out to Jesus to break my heart for what breaks His more and more. I want to see, and I want to hear, and I want to love. Victory comes through peace and  trust in my Lord Jesus to deliver me through trials and temptations. I want every stronghold broken in my life, and I want to listen attentively, shutting out the distractions, the lies, the thoughts, and compromises. I want only to hear His voice. This is my prayer.

Day 3 - Season of Lent

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16 February 2018

My third day of Lent was a calm, peaceful day, for which I was so grateful. I am trying to devote my time to acts of kindness, prayer, and keeping a journal of daily lessons I am learning. As I prepare my heart for instruction, I am learning that the motives of my heart may not always be pure, although I certainly want it to be so. It is so easy to become sidetracked by the struggles of life. While I am trying to listen, the phone rings or another distraction occurs that completely destroys my focus. I know this is part of the great deception, and I am beginning to realize it more often before it takes a foothold and disturbs my peace.

Today the sadness remains from yesterday. I guess I am way too sensitive to understand the lack of compassion in others. I see or hear something hurtful, and I respond from the heart. Others experience the same situation with resolve. To me everything matters, and to others nothing really disturbs their day. Perhaps that sounds too harsh, but it what I observe. And it saddens me.

I often wonder my purpose being here in this world at this stage of history. I don't feel I am making any particular contribution to society. I feel so helpless at times. Yet, I know that I do have a place in this time, so I am waiting, watching, and praying. Someone will need a shoulder. Someone will need what I have to offer. Jesus.

Day 2 - Season of Lent

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15 February 2018

When we open our eyes in the morning and greet the day, we never know what the day will bring. We schedule, make plans, and just as everything is going "according to plan," the unexpected happens. The phone rings, and the world turns upside down again. Over the past six weeks I have attended too many funerals and seen way too much death and heard too much tragic news. One week ago I received such disturbing news on the eve of my close friend's mom's funeral. Today I learned of a friend's death, and it hit me very hard. My mind keeps going back to the lunch we had, plans to go to the movies, for just spending time. Now it's too late.

Ironic that earlier in the morning I was sharing with a client about focusing on the moment rather than worrying about what will happen tomorrow or next week. Living in the moment. To some this may seem a bit irresponsible, fly by the seat type of thing, but perhaps there is a place for such things. Waiting to have enough time is a poor excuse. Being too tired is just as bad. Time is precious. We can't be running around like Chicken Little waiting for the sky to fall. For some it has already come crumbling down.

Regrets, I've had enough. I want to make the days count.

Friday, February 16, 2018

Day 1 - Season of Lent

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14 February 2018

Today begins the 40 days of Lent as we lead up to the celebration of Easter morning. It is a time of preparation, reflection, and introspection. A time to draw closer to God as we remember the price He paid so we could live in communion and fellowship with God.

As I was read through the Bible this year, I want to grow closer to the Lord and really listen to His voice. Events in my life are changing, and I need to make the right decisions. I was sharing with a friend today about Newton's third law - "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction." The choices we make have an effect on others, so we should always choose wisely.

As I was reflecting on my life, recalling how I ended up in New Mexico, I began to understand more closely the chain of events that followed in my family and the lives of others at home. It's like time travel that changes the course of history if any event that has already occurred is altered. When we fail to heed the word of the Lord, we face consequences, and the innocent suffer. I see more clearly, and it makes me sad, but I can now go past the mistakes. God promises He will turn wrongs into rights and bring good from bad if we are called to His purpose. I trust that.

As I journey these 40 days I want to do so with anticipation each day knowing that God is working all things for good in my life. So no matter what happens, if I can trust His promises and keep my focus, I know I can endure anything.

I trust these next 40 days will bring you closer to Jesus and that you'll share what you learn with others about His extravagant love.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Love to You

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A heaviness surrounds me as I sit here this morning at the keyboard. When does life become so hard that a person would decide to give up rather than continue to fight? Why do we run when we could be living? Is facing the road ahead so painful or so frightening that we cannot take the next step? Even when one is surrounded by friends and family? Aren't we called to fight the good fight of faith? Or to finish the race? This weighs heavily on my heart today.

For many years I've had to face my battles pretty much alone. My family is scattered or otherwise occupied in the pursuit of sanity. I know depression and loneliness, as I have mentioned too many times in my writings, but I do so to make a valid point and never to call attention to the momentary affliction. When I say "alone" I am referring to humanity, not to Deity, as Jesus walks beside me - more often than not carrying me - every day. That's why I can't give up. However, He created people to help each other in the walk of faith.

I understand that there are reasons people choose to pull the plug, figuratively speaking, but that's not what has happened in this case. I'm not sure I should even be sharing these thoughts, but it's part of the world in which I live. I see so much daily that it boggles my mind how people can turn a deaf ear to the needs of others. And if we do respond, if we do reach out in a random act of kindness, do we make the deed public knowledge? As messengers of Christ's love we are not to let the right hand know what the left is doing. Otherwise, what's the point?

Today's Valentine's Day, and I am spending my day with Jesus. I'm glad my day off falls on this day, as perhaps I can focus less on the insanity around me and rest securely in the assurance that the Author and Perfecter of my faith is holding my right hand. A few weeks ago, I shared with my church congregation that I may not be able to control what happens outside of my home, but I can control what is allowed inside. This is a place of peace and solace, and whomever comes across the threshold will feel the Presence of the Lord, I pray.

A dear friend faced an unimaginable loss last week, and I so pray she can find peace in the midst of this suffering. Tragedy strikes every day as we are bombarded with the news of countless acts of human depravity. Recently, such a crime was committed just a short distance from me, and my heart cries out to God. And yet, in these times, when people cry out "Where is your God?" I know He is right there in the midst of it. For those who are seeking an answer to this question, I recommend your reading The Shack by William P Young or watching the movie of the same name starring Sam Worthington and Octavia Spencer. I assure you, your questions will be answered.

For today perhaps, I will attempt to breathe a bit more gently and focus on the love that surrounds me and the love I want to emanate to others. Muhammad Ali was quoted as saying, "Don't count the days make the days count." And I say, "Don't waste the time, embrace the time." Either way, you get the idea.