Friday, February 16, 2018

Day 1 - Season of Lent

 Image result for images of Lent

14 February 2018

Today begins the 40 days of Lent as we lead up to the celebration of Easter morning. It is a time of preparation, reflection, and introspection. A time to draw closer to God as we remember the price He paid so we could live in communion and fellowship with God.

As I was read through the Bible this year, I want to grow closer to the Lord and really listen to His voice. Events in my life are changing, and I need to make the right decisions. I was sharing with a friend today about Newton's third law - "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction." The choices we make have an effect on others, so we should always choose wisely.

As I was reflecting on my life, recalling how I ended up in New Mexico, I began to understand more closely the chain of events that followed in my family and the lives of others at home. It's like time travel that changes the course of history if any event that has already occurred is altered. When we fail to heed the word of the Lord, we face consequences, and the innocent suffer. I see more clearly, and it makes me sad, but I can now go past the mistakes. God promises He will turn wrongs into rights and bring good from bad if we are called to His purpose. I trust that.

As I journey these 40 days I want to do so with anticipation each day knowing that God is working all things for good in my life. So no matter what happens, if I can trust His promises and keep my focus, I know I can endure anything.

I trust these next 40 days will bring you closer to Jesus and that you'll share what you learn with others about His extravagant love.

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