Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Conversations with God

I know most people ask God "why?" when trials come.  It's just normal for us to do, right?!  I have been trying to cultivate the habit of not asking God "why?" rather, asking Him, "What do You want me to learn from this, Lord?"  I must admit that sometimes the hits from satan come rather quickly, so at times I resort to the wondering myself. 

For the past week, starting with last Wednesday until this one, and even a bit before, I have been "hit" in my finances, my health, my family life, and, as always, my daily working stress.  I must say the latter was the least of my concerns, as it is a growing curve, or so I choose to look at it.  I am learning that I am no longer super woman, and some things have to wait.  Waiting is NOT my strong suit.

Financially I was the victim of fraud, but at this writing all money has been returned to me.  Whew!!  Health wise it seems I have some eye surgery which would make me feel older, but it is a result of head trauma from childhood and earlier adulthood, which makes it a little easier to swallow;  nonetheless surgery is starring me in the face.  No more roller blades OR roller skates. Still.....I may get bold again!  Remember my Peter Pan mentality.  I won't comment further on the events, as I am certain you get the happens.  I must say that my response to it was not as positive as I hoped.

With me, it takes several things to get me upset.  I can handle crazy, but I like my crazy organized.  I did learn a few things from my experience with the money matters, however.  Never use your debit card at a gas station! Besides that,  I learned that God has all things under control, and I need to be less concerned with how they turn out - I need to "trust".   It really wasn't the money, as God blesses me so much, how can I complain about anything!  But I do like to choose where my "donations" go.  What really got to me was the fact that people steal from others.  I guess I felt betrayed, let down, hurt.  But then, it gave me the opportunity to pray for people who do these types of crimes.  I learned to be grateful for a bank who takes care of its patrons.  Mostly, God reminded me over and over..."trust without borders."  Hopefully, I don't have to repeat the lesson any time soon.  He also told me, "patience does its perfect work." Yep, those were the words!

Another thing that happens to me when I reach the limit of crazy in my life is that I become too honest.  Hopefully, I didn't say anything hurtful, and then again, maybe it was time.  Point is I really need to try to focus on where my life needs to go.  I have been trying to be patient, wait on the Lord for direction, and I will continue to do these things.  But still I have to start getting back to making time to do certain things I need for "me" so I can enjoy the life God has for me at this time in my life.  Seems simple, but somehow simple does not seem to be part of my life.

Sometimes it helps to just talk it out with God.  So this is where I am today.  Hopefully, I am closer to the perfect work.  In the midst of all my emotional turmoil something positive did happen!  I have been praying for a friend, and yesterday she texted me to send her some scriptures quickly.  And I was able to send four that hopefully met the immediate need.  Satan does not like people to gain victory or to be strengthened especially with scripture.  He does not want us praying for each other.  He just wants to continue stealing, killing and destroying.  But we can rejoice, because God has overcome!  The battle is the Lord's!  No weapon formed against us shall prosper! God watches over His word to perform it!  I think you get the idea!  God is in control of EVERYTHING, and I need to learn to TRUST and CHILL.  Good advice from a loving Father, don't you think?

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