Saturday, April 26, 2014

The Difference

Yesterday this ole gal mangled herself pretty badly, so I've been resting today as opposed to working as I had planned to do.  Maybe things happen for a reason although the pain isn't too reassuring.  After eating a scrumptious meal of guacamole and chips, I decided to treat myself with a movie on Netflix. 

Finding a movie that is encouraging, fun, family friendly is often difficult, but I selected an animation called "Khumba" about a zebra with only half his body striped.  The music was African, so that was endearing in itself, as I long to be in Africa.  The story was about a young zebra searching for a magic pool of water that would make him like everyone else.  Along the way he learned a lot about himself and other animals he met along the way.  In the end he discovers that he wouldn't change a thing about himself; it is okay to be different.

I think this speaks to many people.  In many ways we long to be someone other than who we are.  We don't like our hair, or our eye color, or being short or chunky.  The world wants to give us dictates of what is acceptable and unacceptable, cool or not, in or out.  Growing up these days kids have more stigmas to overcome, but maybe not. Maybe people are more vocal about what they feel than when I was growing up.  Nonetheless, an outcast is just that, one who is cast out...different...does not fit in.

I'm so glad that God doesn't see things that way.  He calls us to be different, set apart.  Once we find our place in Him, we are set free from the stigma the world gives out.  We are free to be just who He created us to be.  Sometimes even as Christians we struggle with finding a place to belong.  I know for myself I cannot be who others want me to be, or say what they feel I should say, or do what they do.  I am myself, or at least I try to be, and that isn't so bad.  I know God is always with me.  I have been set apart for a special work, and although at times I still wonder what that is, I try to live each moment in anticipation of what He has for me ahead.

Being different often means being alone.  I've been alone most of my life.  You can be surrounded with people and yet be alone.  But it isn't all bad.  I hear better when I am alone. And honestly, although I am alone, I am never alone, because my Best Friend walks beside me, in me, always a part of me. I may not own property or have the things other people have, but I have what is most important in life, the Presence of God.  So really, like Khumba, I really wouldn't want to change a thing!


  1. Linda, thank you for your words of truth and love in our Lord Jesus Christ! I read your writing and it couldn't have been at a most perfect time. Often times we make decisions that place us in situations where we find ourselves casted out of our family, circle of friends, and even our closest loved ones and we stand alone. I have faith and hope that as long as I can feel the presence of God around me I can feel love.

    1. Thank you so much for your comment. My only hope in writing and sharing my heart is that I can encourage others and share the love of Christ. I welcome your comments and thoughts. Take care! I miss you!
