Sunday, April 13, 2014

Talking Back

God gives good gifts.  Do you believe that?  Scripture says...Every good and perfect gift comes from God.  He creates in us a talent we can develop for His glory if we are called according to His purpose. I truly believe this, and I understand it in my own life. Quite honestly I squander my gifts. Or at least my older son tells me I do, much like him, as he also said.  Funny, I can see the potential in others, help them develop and use it, but when it comes to myself...well, my confidence wanes. But I am here to encourage you, the reader, so I don't want to talk about my own shortcomings, and believe me, there are many.

As we grow older, most give up or give in, but I think a new day can dawn if we dare to brave the challenge.  I am trying to think long and hard about what I want to do with the rest of my life.  I no longer care what I am good at doing, I want to work on the things I want to finish my journey, my lifetime doing.  Always, always I believe we should want to help others, and I always will regardless of what direction my life flows.  My friend commented that she reads about health issues to find solutions, alternatives, new technology.  All good stuff!  The day we stop learning is the day we may as well crawl into our coffins and have someone lower us six feet under.  Active minds keep us alive, because they are pumping new life, new understanding into our minds, bones, organs, tissues and cells.  It is when we sit on the couch sulking in our pain, loss, illness, poverty, and whatever else holds us back, we cease to live, because we cease to be.  As for me, I won't give up or give in, and like Peter Pan, I won't grow up!  Like Robin Hood I will give back!

Many of us do not have the luxury of traveling all over the world, but we can all go the library, use a computer, or otherwise gain a perspective of discovering new places, new things, people.  I call it mental travel, but even so, it can ignite a place in your mind or heart, and dreams can become reality.  So keep reading, continue to learn, and grow in faith and courage to accomplish the dreams that now lie dormant within the recesses of your unconscious mind. 

Music also unlocks the soul, expounds on knowledge, and stirs up the creative mind.  Trust in what inspires your soul, as music can also relay an opposite message, as can wrong movies, literature, or the people with whom we encounter.  If you are honoring God, seeking first His kingdom, then...all other things will be given unto you.  Be careful what you ask for!

Susan Boyle stunned the world, but it became too overwhelming to her at one point.  Still she is an example of realizing her dream.  I love her music.  I studied voice once upon a time, because I too longed to sing.  My first church solo was "Via Dolorosa", and the impact on my life was amazing.  After my divorce something died within me, and I never felt like I was good enough to sing Christian songs for others, but I am now finding that the desire is coming back.  So who knows!  I say go for your dream!  Live your passion!  Do not let anything, and more precisely, anyone, hold you back!  There is always a way.  God is rather impressive when it comes to creation, wouldn't you say?!

- Dedicated to my friend IF. Thanks for believing in me! 


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