Saturday, April 12, 2014

Crawl Inside My Mind

Remember my Day 15 Mind Games?  Well after all this time, here is my explanation:
We begin life in childhood, eventually we grow up and enter parenthood, where we live in neighborhoods.  Eventually as we mature, putting aside our selfish pursuits of happiness or accumulating wealth, trying to fulfill expectations that have been placed on us by others or ourselves …we either become oblivious, critical, non-caring, OR we become reconnected with our sense of community and neighborhood, and become modern day Robin Hoods taking back all the injustice, lies, self-gaining avarice. Reaching out we develop concern and rebuilding neighborhood.  We accept the true parenthood of God the Father and enter into the kingdom, once more embracing childhood which is trust in a parent who is trustworthy.

We are born into families or "kin" and thus kinship results and as we grow up we develop friendships and relationships.  The best relationship is making Jesus Lord of our life with respect to Lordship.  Because we become en-grafted into the vine as believers of Christ we develop a kinship to God, the Father; Jesus, the Son, and Holy Spirit. We develop our relationship as part of the Body of Christ and the greater and closer the relationship, the friendship becomes.

As we live in the world we view things from a subjective view when it relates to us personally, our opinions, our development.  Life should be considered on the whole with more objectivity as it relates to all people.  Many of life's circumstances are closely related to each other, especially as we become closer to Jesus' return, so things are viewed with relativity as they play out in the end time scheme of things.  My use of serendipity does not really "fit" the rhyme and reason, yet I use it, because we cannot become so absorbed in what is, or what may be, or what will come; we need to always look for the serendipitous moments in life.  According to my study of the definition of this word, it means "a fortuitous happenstance" or "pleasant surprise".  Now wouldn't you rather walk through life pleasantly surprised as opposed to always looking over your shoulder or wondering when disaster will fall? Gives the phrase "occupy til He comes" more relativity, don't you think?!

To continue my above thought...we live in a world where the bureaucracy chokes the life out of society with the hypocrisy of the promises the bureaucrats make.  We see this not just in the political realm, but sadly even in our churches where religiosity supersedes the simple truth of the gospel. People feel insignificant, unworthy, not measuring up to the expectations, so the sheep scatter, the shepherd of the flock is too absorbed in his endeavors to miss the cripple, lame, and lonely sheep who drift away, unnoticed until they end up on the evening news. So, we see mediocrity becomes the norm where the world's response is inadequate or mediocre.

So, as followers of Christ what is to be our response?  We can follow the path of kindness and goodness in our selfless concern for the needs of others, offering forgiveness to all who fail, as God gave forgiveness to all through Jesus.  Or we can choose to live our lives mischievously involved in the affairs of others, devious in our pursuits, and grievous to the heart of God.

Make sense?  Maybe.

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