Friday, February 28, 2025

Day 57 Make the Time

 This contains an image of: girl


When I was a little girl some of my favorite memories were being with my grandparents. I know I've talked about this before, and I probably will again, but it's true! I loved spending Saturday at their home, then getting up early to eat breakfast and clean up before we go off to church. My papa could make me smile and burst out in laughter over the slightest thing. He loved to tell stories, and grammy used to tell him he was lying. Then the loving banter would go on for awhile. Papa used to love to watch Roller Derby and wrestling. Grammy loved her soaps and Lawrence Welk on Saturday nights. Perhaps that's why I'm so old-fashioned and nostalgic about older people or taking road trips in the area to see what hang outs are still operating or what's new. Even some of my high school friends don't remember some of the places we'd go. Times were different then, yet not so different. Just more discretion, more mischievous as opposed to evil.

As I mentioned yesterday, I attended my second cousin's funeral today. The church was packed with folks all dressed up in their finery. I guess I looked more like a hillbilly, but my cousin and my aunt were thankful that my sister and I came. We sat and chatted quite a while before the service, and my aunt spoke to me about her sisters, besides my mama, one has already gone home to be with our Lord, and the other is forgetting things, but at 90+ she does remarkably well. Later my cousins from my older aunt told me that we all needed to get together, because the only time we see each other has been at funerals. This is the third time in three years. When our grandparents were alive we would all get together on Sundays to eat dinner. So I grew up with my cousins, but as we aged, and I moved 2,000 miles away, things changed. On my mother's side, there were eight children. Only three remain. On my daddy's side all three siblings are deceased. My cousins on daddy's side still live close by, but one died last year and so did his wife. I never had the chance to meet her. My dad had three sisters, who raised him after his mama died when he was very young. 

I miss times when families grew up together, lived close, and visited each other routinely. I miss Sunday meals together and special get-togethers, like holidays or birthdays. When I lived in New Mexico, it was the same. As long as the patriarch and matriarch of the family were living, everyone gathered. But if one died, then things changed, and when both died, everything changed. Just like here in the south. It's a shame. I always loved the Walton family on television, with grandpa and grandma living with their son and his wife and all the passel of children. They had their problems and disagreements, but they remained together at the big table, that grew bigger as the family grew larger, living in the home of the grandparents, that was passed down from generation to generation as well, I guess.

I remember when my mama passed away, before daddy. She'd been sick a while, and daddy cared for her and loved her until her dying day. They were always together, and for the most part, did things together. Mama didn't drive. Oh, she tried once and ended up in a ditch. No more attempts after that! She put us in the car, my brother, sister, and I, and she drove us around the block. When we arrived back, she missed the driveway. The driveway is wider now. I really miss my parents, and I regret that I couldn't spend more time with them. Living in New Mexico, almost 2,000 miles away, and working a full time job, didn't afford me much time, but I tried to come twice a year. Since I moved back in October 2021, I have not returned to New Mexico. My daughter still lives there, plus my friends, so I need to go. It seems as if time goes by so quickly, and it makes me realize how important it is to redeem the time.

There's so much loneliness in the world. People are unhappy, never content, always searching for more. Families are so important, and rather than talk about getting together, we need to do it. My sister and I are going to try to formulate a plan. 

Recently, I've been praying about how my time is spent. I've not been well since Christmas, so I really haven't been to either my knitting group or my dolls group. I miss the ladies, but I am beginning to wonder whether I am meant to continue on. Today I was talking to Abba about the trauma care needs in Israel for the children and the adults, but the children need so much healing, and they are not able to articulate their grief as easily as adults. I remembered when I used to design memory bears. I wondered if this might be  a help, a memory. ICEJ (International Christian Embassy Jerusalem) has trauma horses, a petting zoo, and will be setting up trauma rooms, and other services for the children. Right now the young adults are fasting and praying for the youth in Israel, including bridging the gap between Arabs and Jews. Churches are praying for the Arab population, and there is so much going on on a daily basis to try to unite Israeli and Arabs and deal with trauma. We have so much work to do.

I don't like to see or think about anyone being sad and alone. Although I lived by myself for many years, I rather enjoy being here with my son. Sure, it's an adjustment, but life changes all the time. Serving others is always a place I love to be. I learned from the best - my grammy, my mama, and a hosts of other moms and grandmothers who were friends. I count myself blessed.

Think about your family. Life's too short to live with unforgiveness, grievances, or whatever reason that would keep you apart. Just put yourself in the place of the one alone. How much is it worth to you to see another person smile?!

Day 56 Difficult Days

 This may contain: winnie the pooh and piglet poem


My older son texted me that the world was on fire, and he's angry about the way things are going in the United States. His tech company downsized in December, a couple of days before his birthday, leaving him without a job, health insurance, and a diagnosis of cancer. He lives on the east coast where real estate is out of range, and he just bought his home, so he has a substantial mortgage payment each month, I imagine. Where does this leave him? His new home which was renovated has had two major incidents with bursting pipes, one water, the other sewage. Repairing that took a substantial chunk from his savings, if he has any. His friends are in similar dire straights with loss of job, no health insurance, and families. He can't get a job, because there are freezes and not hiring. He hasn't seen his oncologist in three months or better, and he needs further treatment or surgery. This is not pleasant, and it is well past a difficult day.

Tomorrow I attend a cousin's funeral in North Carolina, one of many I've attended since moving home. It seems trouble is all around. He was only 30 years of age, but he was wrestling with a chronic medical condition, but he lived the years to the utmost. Each day I receive prayer alerts from a few sources locally, as well as internationally. It's hard to do it all in a day, but I try. My daughter calls them A to Z prayers, because the needs are so great.

We received word from Open Doors that 70 Christians had been beheaded in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. No one is reporting it, and support is low. When our group prayed for this initially the count was 19, and here they report 70 slain. My heart grieves for my brothers and sisters in Christ.

Nigeria, as well as other nations in Africa, is high on the watch list for persecution, imprisonment in barbaric conditions and inhumane treatment. Nigeria had been on the persecution list at the White House, but it was removed a year or so ago. But this is not a new problem, and it will not be the only place with causalities. I follow Open Doors, International Christian Concern, and Voice of the Martyrs, as well as other news sources, who work with other ministries, so I receive updates daily. They each have "apps" for alerts, but I don't really need anyone to alert me to pray. I receive enough emails daily to keep up. I did have an "app" alert once, but it beep continuously. Sort of like the one for Israel for people to run to the bomb shelters. It never gets easier for Christians in remote areas of the world. But then, in the United States, we are having wave after wave of hate propaganda spewed out against Israel and our government in the form of protests. The jihads will hunt down anyone who supports our nation or Israel to push their agenda. I heard it said that Israel is known as little satan and the United States the big satan. That's unfortunate. Distressing.

Cancer has been on the rise along with young, formerly healthy people, who now have chronic medical conditions not usually seen in younger adults or teenagers. One has to wonder why? I have my theory, but no one wants to believe it, although the statistics prove I am correct. We need a miracle.

The only answer for any problem is Jesus. It is my prayer that with a new administration, making every effort to return our nation to God, that eyes will be opened, beginning with the church. These are not popular subjects, but it should be no doubt in our minds that our world is under attack. Not only in physical locations, but spiritual warfare. 

Where should our focus be? My focus will remain on Jesus Christ, and my position will be on my knees or on my face asking God for mercy. I feel that He's already given this nation another chance to get it right. I pray that we open our eyes to see it, instead of complaining and not taking the time to check out the information and validity of the source. 

In the midst of all this drama, there are innocent victims and causalities, and support is needed. The best help we can give a person is our time and a listening ear. Time to sit with someone and say nothing. Just listen. I often hear criticism again God not doing this or that when we think it should be done for us now. Perhaps if we take the time to sit at His feet, our hearts open, our mouths on mute, He will speak. Let's  give it a go, shall we?! 


Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Day 55 Mulling Over

This may contain: a teddy bear sitting on top of a tree in the snow


Early this morning I felt encouraged as I waited quietly for the day to begin, sharing a cup of coffee with Abba, considering the day ahead. Later, our prayer call was tender and insightful. Israel is having a tough time, and tomorrow the Bibas family will be laid to rest. It's impossible to remain untouched, although many do.

There's something that troubles me about the way people pray. As you know I'm nearing the age of 75, so I am from a different world. Still, the Bible is our guide, in all translations, whether rigid "thees" and "thous," or modernized version of "you" and "yours." The scripture also tells us that God is the same, yesterday, and today, and forever, right? His Word is forever settled in heaven, and I could name more, but I think my point is made. We are taught in Romans 12:1 not to conform to the world, so I cringe when I hear certain ways of expressing prayer, particularly. More and more I hear younger pastors or young people say that God "downloaded" information to them. Yesterday I heard a woman way past my age say it, and I snapped. God is not a computer or a jukebox or any other machine. He's the living, breathing God. As I've mentioned before, if we are truly born again, then we have Holy Spirit living inside of us. Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity; He is God. He is a person, not an "it." We have the scriptures, God's word, active and alive contained in the Bible. Do you get where I am going with this? We ask God for wisdom, and He does speak through Holy Spirit within us, through His word, through others, music, and on occasion He has spoken to me out loud. I'll probably be called a heretic for that comment. What I am saying is, do not use the words of the world. Be careful. Be respectful. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think if you ask God you may just hear Him reply out loud as on Mount Sinai. 

I felt so strongly about this that I talked with my younger son about it. He seemed to understand and agree with my feelings, saying it is how people are. He did not speak favorably, as he feels that much of what people say is cliche and is not heartfelt. Sometimes I feel like this little bear, stuck in a tree, looking off into the trees, eyes steeled forward, not really looking at anything in particular, not what's in front of me or behind me, but caught up in my world, until something happens to break my trance. I've caught myself doing that, looking in a direction, then when I come back to myself, more than once, I've seen someone looking straight at me, probably wondering why I'm staring at them. Once it was at church at a meal, and someone was chowing down on a plate of dessert. Embarrassing moments. I can't explain it. I drift off into my little inner world, and I'm stuck on whatever I'm mulling over, until I come back to reality. I've always described myself as a dreamer and a thinker.

I exercise in the evenings before I go to bed. My son has a Gazelle, and it's like skiing in the air. It's not strenuous, but it is effective. When I am experiencing back or leg pain, it helps to swing back and forth, losing myself in the motion. While I'm swinging back and forth, I put on a movie, a familiar one I love,  that helps me while away the minutes. Right now I am re-watching the Beauty and the Beast series, and I'm in the third season when the main character, Kathryn, dies. It's a real tear jerker, and no matter how many times I have looked at it, I still bawl! Exercise helps keep the old age spread in check, and it is restful. My sister has been doing chair exercises, so I may look at those. I used to life weights, until a renter at the condo above my place in Angel Fire decided to permanently borrow my weights and exercise ball. That was years ago, so I guess it is time to reinvest. Honestly, I much prefer riding my mountain bike, in the mountains, but I no longer live in the mountains, and riding around the block isn't as thrilling as ducking tree branches and avoiding pot holes and animal "stuff." The view is great, and I love nature smacking me in the face. I enjoy walking and hiking, but it has to be on my terms. O, New Mexico, how I miss you. Still, Virginia offers much in the way of opportunities to enjoy the great outdoors. As a kid I loved being outside playing in the woods, riding my tree horse, or piling up sticks, leaves, and pine cones to form a fort. I could stay outside all day back then, and in truth, if I had the opportunity today, I'd go for it.  

My life has always been simple. I never needed to keep up with the Jones, and I have everything I need. If I had to simplify my life any further, I'd be happy with my Bible, my pen, a notebook, and my two steady friends, Charley Horse, aka Charles, and my bear, Schlep. Maybe my My Pillow, fleece doggie sheets, and grandmother's quilt. I'd better stop there, as I'd add a ton of books. I tend to read and re-read the late greats. I can make my own music, but the old Baptist Hymnal would be helpful. When I'm asked if I'm happy, I just repeat the words of Paul, "I have learned in all things to be content." Inwardly, I have many years of loving Jesus, and I know Abba still isn't finished with me quite yet. I still have a race to finish, and I have a group meeting to prepare for tomorrow, so I had better get at it.

" He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep

to gain what he cannot lose."

Jim Elliot


Monday, February 24, 2025

Day 54 Seated in Heavenly Places

This may contain: a woman riding on the back of a white horse next to a quote from an angel



I slept very soundly last night; in fact, I went to bed earlier than I have in a very long while. So when I woke up this morning, I discovered that, although I thought I'd accomplished certain daily tasks, I forgot some of the more important ones. So, I said my sorries and finished up, and I decided to begin to make finish these studies first thing in the morning as part of my early morning devotional time. My day still started well, as I always hope it will, and the prayer call worship lifted my spirit higher and higher.

Different worship leaders always begin our call, but the gentleman I favor most is Ken Soltys whose ministry is Project7thTrumpet. He blows a mean horn  - trumpet, plays the piano, and blasts the shofar. I'm sure his musical talents extend more widely, but another of his talents is speaking from his heart the mysteries of God. Well, actually, he shares what God has taught him, as he leaned in to listen to God's voice or sought Him regarding portions of the word. This morning as he began, he reminded listeners of some important truths about our position in Christ. He spoke things I've been trying to get folks to understand for a long time, and it is spelled so simply, yet eloquently in the writings of Paul. 

Ephesians begins with Paul speaking of Christ ascending to Heaven, taking the seat at the right hand of Our Father, where He makes intercession for us, His followers. Sound familiar, as I've said it before, probably more than once. I tend to repeat myself, but it's important for every believer to know and understand. Because in the second chapter, Paul reminds us that we are seated beside Jesus, spiritually, so we have a great vantage point from the Heavenly seat, as we pray. This "seat" is our position in Christ, and it is one of victory over our enemies. Our battle is not with flesh and blood. It is spiritual. 

Ken was speaking about people gathered to worship God, inviting Him to come to them. I sometimes feel like I am being judgmental when I hear someone say, "Let's invite God in the house (church service), because if believers have Holy Spirit indwelling in them, why would He need to be invited?! We should desire for our worship to so please God, that Holy Spirit lifts us high into the Heavens into the presence of God. He doesn't come to us. He indwells or abides in us as we abide in Him. Remember what Jesus said about that in John 15. So, He already is with us when we walk into the church building, unless we left Him home. I was excited that someone finally said it out loud! Besides me, but I just talk to God about things, and perhaps a few others when I'm in preaching mode. For me it was another "my cup runs over" moment, because someone felt as I did. In fact, his exhortation was well received by all on the GPC.

He sang older songs, too, some of my favorites - "You Are Awesome in This Place" and "I Exalt Thee." Two older songs, but wonderful all the same, and meant to be sung daily. They set the tone for my day, and brought a new song to my heart. What a way to begin a morning! A week! A particularly difficult one actually, or perhaps, just more challenging. But who knows how it will go, as our prayers ascend to heaven, as sweet smelling incense to our Father. That's the proper mindset! Have a blessed day!


Day 53 Think About It

This contains an image of: PLACE CALLED INNOCENCE.....(Item #111)... Prints or Greeting Cards...No Zen to Zany watermark on prints


 Sunday morning brought a smile to my face, as I awakened in anticipation of a brighter day. As I hurried to ready myself for church services, the day was prefaced with the morning call with Israel and the beautiful worship of Gitten singing sweet love songs to Jesus. I always love singing hymns and melodies of worship songs and scriptures, lifting me high into heaven into the presence of God. If this doesn't set your day in order, nothing will. Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness.... That's how the scripture goes.

Our focus this month at my church is on the study of Galatians. It seems as if this epistle is the one I am meant to ingest, as I am involved in an online discipleship study of Galatians with Harvest Ministries, and I finished up a previous study on it about three months ago. It doesn't matter what I study, as long as I'm reading the word with people who love Jesus and desire to walk in His perfect will for our lives. I am looking forward to joining the Wednesday night studies once my life settles back down. As you may recall, I have a funeral to attend this week, and my sincere prayer is that our family remains healthy and whole. 

I've also been consumed with the issues involving the hostage release and other pressing matters in Israel,  our country with a new administration, and other nations where there is extreme persecution for Christians. Things seem to be heating up all over, but that is more reason to resist the enemy, stay in the word, and put our trust solely on our Lord. Isaiah 26:3 says "He will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee, because he trusts in Thee." My daily devotional offered this timely wisdom: "Obedience is not the essence of a right relationship with God, but it is evidence of it."

Generally, Sunday afternoons are spent listening to messages, catching up on reading, preparing my calendar of meetings for the week, or phone calls to friends and family. Once in awhile I'll watch a movie, a favorite series like The Chosen, but today I decided to watch the movie "The Help." When I was finishing up my message from Harvest Ministries on YouTube, I noticed in the right side of the screen a list of other videos, and among them was this movie. I remembered it vaguely, and so, I started watching it. It was about mistreatment of blacks in the early 50's, when I was but a baby. I don't think my young heart could have handled the disrespect towards others at that time, and at 74, my heart cries over this awful, unholy truth still. It may not be popular to say that, as believe it or not, there are people who still hold the same distorted views of others being less than themselves. I will never understand, but I am blessed to not having witnessed it in my home. I do have flashbacks of some incidents, but they were never acts of unkindness. Still, I remember. 

I am glad that the new administration will be investigating the murders of President John F. Kennedy, Senator Robert Kennedy, and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Although I was young, these men touched my life, and I listened, and I heard, and I learned, and I practiced loving others better than myself. I become nostalgic remembering my friends I see once in a while at a reunion or our little get togethers. I lived in predominately Hispanic and Native American areas for 35 years while in Northern New Mexico, and I love and miss everyone. We make friends wherever we are, and together we make life interesting and our stories intermingle. Life's not perfect, but there are days of near perfection when our hearts are open to love each other as we are. Perhaps one day we will understand that truth. I pray so. Until that day comes, may we reminded that although life is not perfect, we can do our part by standing up for others, being lights in a world that seems so dark. I want to be one candle shining, how about you?!

Let your Light so Shine Before Men Scripture

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Day 52 Safe in His Arms

  This may contain: a drawing of a man holding a lamb in his arms, with one hand on the other


I have this print on my wall; it's very special to me. When I'm tired and run down, I sit in my rocking chair, and I feel just like this little lamb - safe in the arms of my Jesus. There's no place I'd rather be than with Him. My little bedroom at the back of the house is my safe place, my prayer room and hiding place  all wrapped in one. It used to be my mother's room when she was ill close to the end of her life. She's since graduated to heaven, so I've taken up residency, but I feel her close. I think she'd like my print, and she'd love to see how well worn my daddy's Bible has become. I have a tendency to wear them out rather quickly, but they have been well loved by more than one. I inherited many treasures from my parents, probably most no one would consider useful. Books and Bibles, with maps and drawings of the Holy Land, prayers for different persecuted groups and prayers for Ramadan. Scriptures cards and articles from the news. I even found a letter I had written one Christmas. I think she kept every little scripture care or book mark my daughter gave her, every trinket from my sister's children. Memories help me feel less lonely, they help me remember better times with my mama, before she got so sick.

Today was a better day, in some ways. I was up most of the night into the morning, watching the news, so I didn't get much sleep. My Shabbat began celebrating the life of a new friend from church. I didn't the opportunity to get to know him well, but I can tell you that he was kind, affable, and he gave good, safe hugs. Although I regret that I did not have the time to become better acquainted, I know I will see him again, and we'll have eternity to swap howdies. He was a "howdy" kind of person.

Four dear ones arrived safely back home this morning, my time. For them it was an all day thing. It was a drawn out procedure, but at least that's four more reunited with their families. Bittersweet moments, as we mourn those who did not return thusly. After they were released, Hamas released a video showing two other hostages in one of their "show vehicles," watching as the others were released. When will these sick games become tedious. This Thursday four more caskets have been promised, but this is only the beginning. With God's help, the people will survive and begin to heal soon, and the high price Israel is paying to ransom their loved ones will be completed. Until then, I will continue to post their faces with names, and we will trust.

If we don't have hope, we have no reason to go on. But with Jesus we can believe and hang on. As we prayed this morning, we prayed for the children of Gaza. These little ones used to play with the other children. Arabs and Jews, playing, laughing, until one day the children from Gaza were told to hate and kill the them. In spite of all that has happened, Israel wants to live at peace with their neighbors, but this has not been possible because of the terrorists who took over. Even so, when we pray, as I pray, I ask God to save them, for them to have dreams of the man in white. I've mentioned this before, but there is such an urgency for the children. They deserve a better life, and until they are delivered of hatred, they will never have peace in their hearts.

Friday, February 21, 2025

Day 52 What Do We Do?

This may contain: a black and white photo with a quote from the book how do you pick up the threads of an old life?



Frodo from Lord of the Rings was tasked with a mission he never should have gone through. His uncle Bilbo Baggins had discovered by chance the ring of power on his adventure years earlier, a ring that was very evil and very powerful. In the end, the ring is destroyed, and Middle Earth is saved, and the rightful king returns to the throne, and when it ends, all is well, except for Frodo. It reminds me of the scripture verse in Luke 12:48, "to whom much is given, much is required; and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more."

Today was difficult beyond description, and at this writing, there still is not a concrete resolution. Honestly, I don't have anything within me to discuss the events of today. If anyone cares to know, they can check my Facebook page that chronicled events one after another. All of the details are not given, but I have learned things I would rather not have known, and the terror has only begun, as we wait for the return of the hostages today, very soon, in Israel. Normally, I wait with everyone else, but I'm not sure I can do it tonight, or this early morning. It is nearing 11:30 pm here in my little piece of America, and it is about 6:30 am in Israel. I'll find out all too soon.

Tomorrow I have a funeral to attend at the church across the road. The man was my neighbor, and we visited each Sunday morning I attended, and I found him very pleasant and friendly. He seemed to be known by all and well loved. I remembered him from my daddy telling me that he, or his brother, had helped him with his yard work. Somehow, I think it was him. I've not attended church for a couple of Sundays, as I've had a "bug," and I didn't want to share it, but I remember he wasn't there that day, as I made mention of it to a mutual friend. After he did not show up another Sunday, according to what I was told, they found out he passed away. This broke my heart. Although I have not known him very long, I feel that I should have invited him over to our home, as my son lives with me, and he was alone. But, I never did. Now, it's too late. The obituary only contained his name, date of birth, and the fact that he attended the church. That was it. No interesting facts, except he was loved by family and friends. What family? What friends? We have to do better than that. 

Conviction and regret flooded my heart, and I wept and wept. But this type of story is more the norm than the Hallmark movie accounts of beloved friends and loved ones with a packed church, and people standing in line to pay their respects or speak about the life of that one. I hope I am mistaken, and that tomorrow will bring memories from people who knew him, and then, perhaps, a better obituary can be written. But I am broken and confused.

I've had a lot of loss in my life in recent years, and it becomes very lonely. I did not move back here to stand beside graves crying over missed opportunities. I have friends who think about their chronological age, and all they do is talk about dying. Although I am very aware of my age and my life expectancy based on my parents' and grandparents' lives, only God knows the number of our days, and we must continue the race set before us until our race is done. In short, we have purpose. There's no understanding of tragedies, such as Israel is facing, but for the average person, we simply do not know. Life is fragile, and we need to make the most of the time we are given. I think that's another quote from either Lord of the Rings or The Hobbit trilogy. Here ya go:

 This may contain: an old book with the words all we have to decide is why they came from them


And as for Israel, we need to mourn for the evil that exists in this world. How can things become so deplorable, but then, for Israel, there has always been hatred. Since October 2023 when this all started, there has been an increasing surge of antisemitism. Why? All Israel wanted was peace, and their friendship and acceptance of the people in Gaza proved that point. The 83 year old man whose body was returned today, Oded Lifshitz, was a friend to the people of Gaza. He routinely took them to appointments or other places, and he was a great humanitarian and activist, I heard, for these people. Why didn't the people he'd help stand with him that day? Why didn't anyone help? 

It doesn't help to speculate, and the hour is late. I am tired, and tomorrow is a busy day. I pray for Yarden Bibas, and for Oded's wife, Yosheved. Dearest Lord, watch over them, give them peace, and manifest Your presence in their lives. They need the arms of their Savior, Yeshua. Bless them, O Lord, I pray.


Thursday, February 20, 2025

Day 51 Hineni, Adonai

jesus hugging a woman crying


We awakened to a beautiful blanket of snow that continues at this writing. Everything seemed crisp and pure, not a foot print had traced a path across the white carpet. For one brief moment in time I forgot the day, the time, or what was unfolding elsewhere in this world. For one little breath of time I inhaled peace and safety, tucked snugly into the warmth of my fleece bed sheets.

All too soon the reality and extreme sadness returned, reminding me of my day watch and called me to the wall. Our global prayer call meeting this morning was led by our precious leader, who has suffered so much of last year and into this one, but he has returned twice to lead our call on days like this one. I love my ICEJ family, but Jurgen Buehler is our anointed leader, and his soft-spoken, yet strong, rational voice settles our hearts and bring us into our solemn assembly, as we enter into the presence of God with praise and worship to our King. Worship is the heavenly protocol, and is the start and closing of every meeting. 

As all of Israel and much of the world once again watched, four of our family were returned in caskets, while the enemy cheered. The release even of the deceased was treated with disdain and disregard for life, even for the death of innocent civilians, two ages 5 and 2. Even children lined the street cheering the death of these beloved ones. Oded Lifshitz, 83, has been confirmed as one received dead. His wife, Yocheved, who had been taken hostage, released in November 2023, mourns, as we do with her. We are awaiting identification of the bodies said to be Shiri, 33; Ariel, 5; and Kfir, 2. 

I have no words to say. I do not understand such cruelty and hatred. I can only pray, and stand, and watch as we wait for Shabbat to come, and six living hostages are promised to return. Hamas changes its mind so often, it is hard to process it all. So we stand at the wall, and we remain strong as we wait, and we bathe Israel with tears and prayers ascending to our Father in Heaven. 

Hineni, Adonai. Here am I, Lord.


Day 50 Shalom Will Cover

 This may contain: a drawing of jesus holding his head with the words, when your heart is being crushed and ripped into pieces jesus is there



Do you dream at night, and if so, are you able to remember them accurately? I seem to dream a lot, but most of the time I only remember a snatch here and there, or not at all. But when I do remember, even that "snatch," I know that it holds meaning, and often with a sense of foreboding. Each night I ask Abba to speak to me through dreams, and I ask Him to speak to others, for salvation, deliverance, healing, and direction. Psalms speaks of seeking the Lord in the night watches. Tonight is a special night of watching. Tomorrow is a day we never wanted to see. There have been so many of those. I speak of Israel. But I also speak of my own family, as my cousin has lost a son. Since returning home to Virginia in late October of 2021, I have stood at the side of too many family members and friends. I have learned of special friends in New Mexico. I have visited with cousins at recent funerals, only to turn around and attend a death of one. I know God numbers our days, and He holds us in His palm, but it is never easy for those who are left behind.

Last night, or more probably in the early, early morning, I dreamed about a room with two persons, that led to a darkened hallway where a child was covered head to toe in winter clothing, dancing while many looked on. There seemed to be no danger, as the child singing and laughing ran down another corridor of light. I tried to follow close behind, but I woke up. I wonder if that was God's gift for me to see no more suffering or pain, no more fear of the darkness for one or more, who have been delivered from darkness and cold to freedom and light. My thoughts always go to Israel. Just now as I am writing these words, it's as if Abba is reassuring me of His love, His grace, and infinite mercy.

As I finished my reading of Numbers this morning, the introduction read, "...God's blessing was designed to touch every person in the nation. The only prerequisite for enjoyment of that blessing was believing faith demonstrated by obedience to God." Moses was dividing the land of Israel by tribes before they even entered into the promised land by letting boundaries, those boundaries never to be changed. 

If the Bible is the infallible word of God, why is there so much fighting, when all Israel wants is peace?! When any nation wants peace and solidarity. God knows the hearts of men, and yet He does not strive with man. Man strives with God. One day, one day soon, I pray, Jesus will return to Mount Zion, and His throne will be established in Jerusalem for eternity. There will be no more sadness, tears, only perfect, shalom peace of God.


Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Day 49 Do Not Fear

This may contain: a painting of jesus holding a lamb and a lion


"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

Joshua 1:9

Earlier Tuesday mornings I enjoy participating with Kehilat HaCarmel's prayer watch in Israel. Unless the siren sounds, and there's a dash to the bomb shelter, they faithfully meet, as we online "members" gather. Someone shared from 1 Peter 2:9, "But you, Israel, are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light." This scripture reminds Israel that God chose them to be a royal priesthood, to function as His set apart people. Many have not accepted Jesus as the Messiah, and they still wait His return. When we pray, we are using God's own words, speaking them into the lives of people for whom we pray. Jesus is the Living Word, and His words bring life. At the present moment the people of Israel are brokenhearted, as they wait, as all of Israel holds its collective breath regarding the fate of the hostages. They have endured so many challenges and severe persecution. I guess they don't feel "chosen" some days. But we know through scripture that the Lord will never go against His covenant. Continuing in verse 10: "who once were not a people but are now the people of God, who had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy." In the beloved psalms of David, Psalm 23: "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul." The word here in Hebrew means "to return," so as we pray, we ask for the return to what Israel originally was destined to be, and is in fact, "a royal priesthood, a holy nation." We as followers and believers in Jesus Christ as Messiah, Jews, Arabs, and Gentiles alike, rejoice in this heavenly declaration of 1 Peter 2:9 for the day Israel steps into the position intended, and all of Israel will be saved.

Israel is in the throes of evil and deep darkness, so we must stand in agreement for their restoration, just as the prophet Joel prophesies that God will destroy the years the locusts have eaten. We must stand strong and encourage one another with God's word. There have been reports from former hostages who gave glory to God for keeping them, saying they remembered scriptures they had learned in school and in their homes. They have boldly said their faith kept them going. Now, as they heal, as they learn what happened that horrific day, we know that the trauma will take time from which to recover. It has been unimaginable. But, it will take faith and courage and forgiveness. 

In like manner at home and abroad, the world faces much loss, trauma, hardship, and turmoil. God has shown His extreme mercy and grace by giving us men and women of faith in leadership, who desire to see this nation restored to One Nation Under God. Even so, the battle will be long and hard, so we must encourage each other and rest on the promises of God. We look to the Lamb, who is altogether worthy.

Shalom and blessings to all.


Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Day 48 Call for Prayer

This may contain: an old woman wearing a blue headdress and holding her hands together


Today is the 500th day since 10/7/2023 when Hamas perpetrated the massacre of innocent civilians in Israel. The hostage families called for a fast as they sought God on behalf of the hostages and their families, and an end to this war.

Also, in Israel a 40 day fast for the young people to come to Christ as Messiah began today. In our own country we are in the midst of prayer and fasting for revival and transformation in the colleges with The Collegiate Day of Prayers as well as other ministries joining the group. People everywhere, and especially among the youth, are running to God for answers. Collegiate Day of Prayer is asking participants to adopt a campus they attended here in the United States, and to adopt one in the State that does not have a presence on campus. They are additionally adding a request to adopt a campus from another nation for prayer. The Collegiate Day of Prayer global meeting will be aired online on 2/27/2025 globally. Generally, it is hosted by a university, but they have not announced any location. I pray that many will join us for this time of prayer for 250 million college students.

There are other ministries, prayers, daily intercessions, and on and on it goes. I am an intercessor so this is my life, but to many, especially new Christians, this can be confusing. Prayer is important, and even the simplest prayer is important to God. So, I hope everyone will pray for revival in our nation and world. I will be posting updates on my Facebook page. Below are some scriptures to meditate on. May you rest in the shalom of God.


Hold Fast Your Confession

19 Therefore, brethren, having boldness[a] to enter the Holiest by the blood of Jesus, 20 by a new and living way which He consecrated for us, through the veil, that is, His flesh, 21 and having a High Priest over the house of God, 22 let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water. 



By Grace Through Faith

And you He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins, in which you once walked according to the]course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience, among whom also we all once conducted ourselves in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, just as the others.

But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, that in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. 10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.



16 Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

Monday, February 17, 2025

Day 47 Rainy Days and Sunday

 This contains an image of: Rainy Day Activities: 123 Fun Things to Do When it Rains


When my younger son was little he used to love to stomp in mud puddles. It didn't matter where he was or what was happening, he'd find a quagmire, any bog was good for him. This was heaven to my little boy. Jumping, playing, splashing, and it made no difference how much mess he made or tracked into the house and on the floor. I can't remember if I made him clean it up himself, or if I just smiled, as I often did at his antics. You see, I always loved to play in the mud, too. I especially loved making mud pies at my Grammy's house. Either that or rolling down the hill into the pile of leaves I'd just raked up for burning. I always found a way to enjoy time spent at my grandparents' home, even if it was supposed to be work. Sometimes life's like that, the rains fall and the winds blow, but there's always a sunny day, or muddy one, if we look for it. 

This has been an interesting day for me, as I have been going through some family stuff. My response to difficulties is not always what one may desire, because I try not to worry, while I am concerned. I'm learning that I can't be all things to all people, and the One I answer to in my life sets the pace. It may not seem to others as if I pray and ask God's direction for the decisions I make, but I do. Many times my obedience is not received well or is misunderstood by others. Jesus said that we are to put God first in all things, and I try with the best of my ability to do so. Many times, in my previous life, I have not successfully done so. But now, and for many years, I have diligently sought to do things His way, the Only Way. And regardless of the storms coming my way, I choose to follow God's path for my life, even if it means moving away from a place I love to return to a home I do not remember.

In my daily reading today, the children of Israel were approaching the Promised Land, as the generation who rebelled against the Lord, had died in the wilderness during those 40 years of wandering. As Israel starts to make the trek towards the final destination, they ask permission to cross the land of Edom (Esau's descendants), and they are flatly forbidden. In fact, some of Edom's men actually picked off some of Israel's stragglers. When they got to the land of Moab (descendants of Lot), they were likewise forbidden to cross. The king of Moab, Balak, had seen the strength of the people of Israel by their sheer numbers, so he tried to hire Balaam, a soothsayer, to curse them. The story of Balaam and his talking donkey are familiar to many. Balak sent his men to beseech Balaam to come to his aid against the multitude of God's people that numbered as "sands on the seashore." Balaam sought the Lord, who forbade him from going. Upon receiving Balaam's answer, Balak sent the men back to beg assistance again. This time when Balaam inquired of the Lord, God told him he could go, but He told Balaam that he could only say what He told him to say. 

As Balaam sets out for Moab, astride his faithful donkey, the Lord, who is angry at Balaam for his all too joyful attitude about helping Balak, sends an angel to kill Balaam. The donkey's eyes are open, and it tries to avoid the sword bearing angel three times, being beaten by Balaam, who sees nothing. This is where the donkey's mouth is open, and Balaam's eyes are open to see the sword bearing angel. The angel instructs Balaam to continue on, but again warns him to say only what the Lord tells him to say. When Balaam arrives, he explains to the king that he is allowed only to speak as God directs him. Three times, in three different locations, Balaam is asked to curse the Israelites, but God has him speak blessings instead. Balak does not handle that well, so they are preparing to go their separate ways, when Balaam says: "Yes, I shall return now to my own people. But first, let me tell you what the Israelites are going to do to your people!" Then Balaam prophecies their destruction along with the other nations who came against God's chosen people.

God continues today to do the same for those who oppose His people. And this extends to those of us who have received Christ as our Messiah, our Savior and Lord. As part of Abraham's covenant with God, followers of Jesus Christ are also heirs to the promise of Abraham, according to scripture. Genesis 12:3 says: "I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you." Proverbs 26:2 puts it this way: "Like a sparrow in its flitting, like a swallow in its flying, so a curse without cause does not alight." God watches over His word to perform it, as Balak found out, and in recent days, the nations have discovered regarding God's love for His chosen people. God always vindicates a faithful follower, when someone tries to speak against or about someone. Many times, people will have opinions, or talk about things, or receive half truths, and believe the lies, then spread the gossip. I'm trying to have a thicker skin, but many times, it still hurts. Sadly, it is part of the consequences of failing to be all a child of God should be, but God forgives us. In my case, I have been forgiven much, and as I have testified many, many times, I am eternally grateful, as God chooses to use me still for His glory.

For anyone who may be reading this blog, please know that God's forgiveness extends to all who earnestly seek Him. Romans 8:31-39:

31 What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? 32 He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things? 33 Who shall bring a charge against God’s elect? It is God who justifies. 34 Who is he who condemns? It is Christ who died, and furthermore is also risen, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us. 35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? 36 As it is written:

“For Your sake we are killed all day long;
We are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.”

37 Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. 38 For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, 39 nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

To that I say, selah.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Day 46 Setting Boundaries

This contains an image of: Selmasln


Another long night. Last night I stayed up into the wee hours of the early morning waiting, watching, listening as the hostage release took place. Since the war began, I have watched the time, so I could pray for the safety of the young soldiers, for wisdom for the leaders, for peace for those in captivity, and for comfort for all who have lost loved ones, and for all who wait. A country caught in the crosshairs of a wicked power that seeks to destroy them, a spiritual force that has been unleashed on earth since the beginning of time. 

Our Torah portion today covered Exodus 18-21, including Moses' father-in-law Jethro's wise counsel regarding the delegation of authority to help with the oversight of the people when they came to Moses for issues and settling of grievances. It also included the giving of the law at Mount Sinai, and setting of boundaries to protect the people. Our shepherd, Bill Cloud, spoke about repetition contained in the scripture. In speaking to Moses, giving instructions to the people, God often repeated His instructions more than once. God knew these people, how rebellious they could be, and how they didn't listen, and He wanted to protect them from the consequences of not obeying His word. When they gathered at Mount Sinai, Moses was told to set a boundary around the mountain and to instruct the people not to approach it, lest they be killed. They had already witnessed the strong arm of the Lord when He meted out judgment for disobedience as the people wandered in the desert. Many times He grew impatient and tired of their grumbling and complaining, but because of Moses' intercession on their behalf of the people, God did not destroy them. The Bible says He is slow to anger, and when we journey through the pages of scripture, it's easy to recognize disobedience and wonder why God didn't just leave them to their own destruction. From the time God raised up Moses and gave him the task of delivering Israel from the hands of Pharaoh, the people tired easily and wanted to return back to where they had things better. How soon they forgot about the suffering they endured under the power of the Egyptians. Every step of the way as they wandered the desert round and round, they murmured and complained. But, are we any different today? Sometimes we hear about wanting to go back to the "good ole days"again. In reality those days were not that good. My generation grew up in a strict culture where we learned the hard way that our parents wanted to protect us. Looking back we understand that, but while we're in the moment, things appear differently.

God had to set boundaries and impose rules and regulations to guide His people. In the beginning when He created Adam and Eve, God longed for relationship with man. The Bible says He walked in the garden with them. When they sinned, God was the one who covered their nakedness, so they would not feel ashamed. As parents we know that regardless of what we say or how we teach our children, they will try to do things their way. We try to keep them from harm, from having to learn the hard way, but they always rebel in one way or another. It is just the human nature that we all inherited as a result of the first sin. As parents we would do anything to keep our children from harm, and we would go any length to ensure they have a healthy and good life. But there will always be problems. I wish it could be different, but it is part of life. I remember my mother, or it may have been my grammy, who said that rebellious children were hard-headed and had soft behinds. I came from the generation that knew what it meant to get a spanking or a "whipping," as we called it. Nothing has changed, except for those who wish to stop parental correction and remove children from the home if there is a difference in opinion, even it's a swat on the britches. No wonder the generation has lost its way.

Time to close shop and settle down and rest, so I can face the new challenges of the new day.


Friday, February 14, 2025

Day 45 Valentine's Day

This may contain: a painting of two people lighting a candle



Today is one of the most celebrated holidays, and one of the best sale days for Hallmark Cards than perhaps Mother's Day. Valentine's Day is the day we share words of love and appreciate to our love ones. It's one of the three days a husband can never forget, or the price will be costly. The other two, you ask?! Well, you guys will just have to figure the answer to that one yourself.

This year I allowed the day to sneak up on me, so my friends and family had to settle with text messages and Valentine - themed gifs. I just hope I remembered everyone. Actually, I forgot about my daughter, and I always make this day special for her, but she doesn't worry about my absent-mindedness, because she knows I'll still do something special for her, as I always do. She's the same way. We both enjoy gift-giving and sending cards.

My morning started with time spent with my on True Love in worship. I received the good news of the hostage release tomorrow, and I pray that this is the beginning of the end of this charade and horrible experience. That's putting it mildly. Settling down I began to think about my life, and how content I am in the things Abba sets before me. As I sat quietly listening, praying, I heard the words in Song of Solomon 6:3 "I am my beloved's, and my beloved is mine." These are the words spoken of King Solomon and his love, the Shulamite woman, and it characterizes the love Christ Jesus has for His Bride, the Church. The entire book is a comparison of the love between a husband and his wife, and it is truly lovely. It's also a great place to begin if your marriage is a little tense. Tennyson is also a great read, and the ladies will love it, guys. But, the words of Solomon are inspiring.

The music continued to play softly as I read, but the words to the songs were so worshipful and inviting, ushering in the presence of God. Listen to the lyrics of "Make Me a Bethany" by Jesus Image:

"And just like Mary
I will pour my oil out

And just like David
I will worship You alone

I want to move Your heart
I want to see Your face

Make me a Bethany
Make me a Bethany
Come and rest here and be pleased
As I worship at Your feet

Just like Noah
I will listen and obey

And just like Moses
I will live to seek Your face

Make me a Bethany
Make me a Bethany
For the Lamb I long to see
Is the only thing that’s needed

This one thing I want Lord
To pour my oil at Your feet
This one thing I want Lord
To sit and worship my King

There is only one thing that’s needed"

This beautiful song is speaking of Mary of Bethany who poured expensive, fragrant oil on Jesus' feet and wiped them with her tears and hair. She was criticized for this extravagance, but Jesus silenced them saying she was preparing Him for His burial. Once before, when Jesus was staying at the home of Lazurus in Bethany with his two sisters, Mary and Martha, Jesus had to correct Martha when she complained about Mary not helping her serve. Jesus told her that only one thing was needed, and Mary had chosen it, to sit at His feet and listen. Many times we become so busy with other things that we do not take the time to rest and listen to our Master speaking.
As I sat singing these lyrics over and over, another song came on, "Just Give Me Jesus," by Hillsong:
"… I don't want anything but YouYou're more than every dream come trueAll of the things I thought I wantedDon't come close to knowing You
Now that I'm Yours and You are mineOur love is the secret that I findI'll spend forever in the pleasureI found looking in Your eyes
Give me JesusGive me JesusYou can have all this worldYou can have all this world
More than silver, more than goldYou are the treasure that I holdNow that I've tasted of Your goodnessNothing else will satisfy
Just give me JesusGive me JesusAnd you can have all this worldYou can have all this world
Give me JesusGive me JesusAnd you can have all this worldYou can have all this world
Just give me JesusI only want JesusI only want JesusI only want Jesus
I don't want anyone elseI don't need anything elseYou are my one thingYou are my one thingI don't want anyone elseI don't need anything elseYou are my one thingYou are my one thing
Just give me JesusGive me JesusYou can have all this worldYou can have all this world
Give me JesusGive me JesusYou can have all this worldYou can have all this world
Oh, and I don't want anyone elseAnd I don't need anything else'Cause You are my one thingYou are my one thingI don't want anyone elseAnd I don't need anything else'Cause You are my one thingYou are my one thing"
Both are beautiful songs and especially appropriate for this day of remembering my Beloved on the Day of Love. He is my True Love, my Beloved, and I am His. As I sit here at His feet, He is my one thing, my only thing. Just give me Jesus!

Day 44 What is the Armor of God?

This contains an image of:


 Morning dawned on another cold, dreary, cold day, or at least it felt terribly cold, more so than usual, in spite of the rain and sleet mixtures we have had. I glanced at the furnace thermostat, and it was reading below 60 degrees in the house. At first we wondered "What is happening this time?" but it is after all a very archaic oil furnace, the last of its kind, perhaps. My son fiddled with it, and it would fire up, turn off; then fire up, and turn off. After thinking about it, we checked the oil level and found it wanting. Parker Oil arrived on their valiant steed, and the problem was solved. Normally, we fuel up once a season, but colder than normal weather made the use of it more frequent this year, and the rest is history. Now that I am getting older, we will need to fill up twice a season, as my daddy used to do. I've always been more cold natured, so it seems about right. One more rising price, but the important thing is that this was an easy fix, expensive, but less than a new furnace, so it's fine. I wasn't too concerned with it anyway. What does it help to get all worked up about what we can't control? Isn't that what Jesus said on the Sermon on the Mount?!

Today's study of Numbers found Moses sending the twelve spies to spy out the land of Canaan, and as the story goes, ten were less than optimistic. Moses sent one leader from each of the twelve tribes to scout it out, checking out the number people and size of cities, if they were well fortified, the surroundings, and the type of harvest the land yielded. They brought a bunch of grapes that were so big and heavy that it required two men to carry it. When the exposition returned, they advised Moses that the land was indeed flowing with milk and honey, but the cities were large and fortified, the men were strong and descendants of Anak, so they were afraid to go in. Two of the ten spies, Caleb and Joshua, brought a much different report, fully confident with that they could take the land, assuring the others that God would go before them and destroy the enemy, just as He promised. But the other doomsayers convinced the crowd, who cried and complained, and wanted to return to the safety and provision of Egypt. So soon they forgot, again. This led to God's angry, the ten spies death, and 40 years of wandering so the complaining generation would die and not enter the land of promise. This, however, did not end their murmuring and complaining, but God has always been slow to anger and merciful, as my life certainly demonstrates.

It's easy to become discouraged when things seem hopeless, or when it's one crisis after another. Right now in our nation as we are waiting things to become better, there is much fear, grumbling, wagging of tongues without validity, and so on, even, or I should say, especially, among believers of Christ. Why is it so easy to take our focus off of the Author and Finisher of our faith, and listen to the lies and conspiracies of the enemy, who wants only to kill, steal and destroy?! Where is our faith? Where is our trust? 

God has provided everything we need for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3), so our hope, faith, and trust need to be in Him, who only seeks a relationship with us. God will go before us, and He will fight for us, and He will uphold us with His righteous right hand, as scripture repeats over and over. The Word of God is here to remind us of His faithfulness throughout all generations for those who love Him. Daily walking through it, keeps our focus steadfast and encourages us to remain strong. The book of Ephesians teaches us how to be seated in Christ, how to walk in His strength and provision, and how to stand against the enemy. 

In the first and second chapters of Ephesians, Paul explains that after Jesus has ascended to heaven, He was seated at the right hand of the Father, where He makes intercession for us. He sends Holy Spirit, our Comforter and Advocate, who also makes intercession for us, to walk beside us, guiding us in all Jesus taught His disciples. Then in the second chapter, Paul explains that spiritually we are seated with Jesus in heaven, making this our seat of victory over our foes. Many people forget this, and I haven't heard many sermons in church about it, so it bears repeating, as I have shared it more than once. So, I'm going to share about the weapons of our warfare that God has provided for us to remain strong, walking in His might. 

Ephesians 6:10-20 is Paul, the Apostles, instruction to the church. He begins in verse 10 by saying, "Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might." When Paul says the word, "finally," we need to pay attention. The previous 5 chapters of Ephesians have been explaining our position in Christ, our spiritual walk, and now what our part is in standing strong. Paul continues in verse 11 by saying: "Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil," who is out to steal, kill, and destroy us (1 Peter 5:8). This needs to be done daily, as the battle gets more evil, as we await the soon return of Jesus Christ for His Bride, the church or the remnant. Verse 12 explains, "For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places." Many people think this is a metaphor, but I assure you, the enemy is very real, and although there are many evil-doing people in this world, the master mind is satan and his cohorts, the fallen angels, now demonic entities, who oppress and possess. So, if you are dealing with sickness, shame, abandonment, neglect, addictions, wrongful living and lifestyles, and a whole heap of other maladies, idols (anything that takes you away from giving Christ first place in your life), or any other "junk" in your lives, then it could be from him. But, the truth is that our flesh gets in the way also, because we want to do things our way, and sin, to many, is fun. Compromise is a way of life for many professing Christians. We think God understands and He does understands our weaknesses, but He's provided a way of escape from temptation that ultimately leads to sin.

Continuing in verse 13, "Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand." Recently, I was struggling in prayer about a situation in my family, and as I sat up in bed that next morning, I heard the words almost audibly, "Stand!" I got the message. It's important to remember that because we wrestle with spiritual beings, the weapons of our warfare are not physical. 2 Corinthians 10:3-6 provides the explanation: "For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. And we will be ready to punish every act of disobedience, once your obedience is complete." Through our prayers, based on the word of the Lord, we are able to engage the enemy and defeat Him through perseverance, keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus

As I finish up with putting on the whole armor, think about how a soldier protects himself with modern equipment. Paul, naturally, was referring to the Roman soldier, but it is the same meaning today. We cover ourselves (suit up) completely with God providing our rear guard (Isaiah 52:12 and Isaiah 58:8). Remember the cloud by day and the fire by night that accompanied Israel as they journeyed for 40 years? Even when rebellious, God watched over them and protected them. He fights for us (Deuteronomy 1:30). He is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8). He watches over the generations of those who love Him and seek Him (Deuteronomy 7:9).

Ephesians 6:14-17: "Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth ("Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father except by Me." John 14:6); having put on the breastplate of righteousness ("God made Him, who did not know sin, to become sin for us, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him." 2 Corinthians 5:21); and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace (The Gospel of Peace is the Word of God. "How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the Gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things." Isaiah 52:7. Also see, Philippians 4:7 "And the peace of God which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.") Above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. (This is where I remind the enemy of 2 Corinthians 10:5 about "casting down imaginations and every high things that exalts itself over the knowledge of God, and bringing all thoughts captive into obedience in Christ." The "thoughts" are all the lies the enemy is feeding you with day in and day out, trying to make you give up or give in. So persevere.) And take the helmet of salvation (the mind of Christ, 1 Corinthians 2:16, whereas we hold the thoughts, purposes and intents of His heart. Also, we fill our mind with good stuff as you can see in Philippians 4:8); and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God (Hebrews 4:12 speaks of the sword as being the word of God, and John 1:1, 14 identifies Jesus Christ as the Living Word; Psalm 119:105 "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, a light unto my path." Psalm 119:11-16 hiding God's word in your heart, and Psalm 19:14 and Proverbs 18:21.)"

I left some scriptures for you to look up for yourselves, and be sure to memorize them for your own defense and understanding. That leaves verses 18-20, beginning with "praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints - and for me (Paul includes himself), that utterance may be given to me, that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains; that in it I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak." I call this the "oil of prayer" as the lubricant for the armor, kind of like tin man in the Wizard of Oz. We are told in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 to pray without ceasing and also in Philippians 4:4-7. The oil of anointing is very important, so don't leave your umbrella at home!

So, there you have it, the whole armor of God, our spiritual weapons of warfare every Christian should put on daily in our prayers. There's one more thing. In 1 Peter 3:15 Peter tells us to be ready to give the reason of hope that is within us to anyone who asks. I like to connect this with Colossians 4:2-6 "Continue in prayer, and watch in the same with thanksgiving; withal praying for us, that God would open unto us a door of utterance, to speak the mystery of Christ (the good news of the gospel), for which I am also in bonds (chains/jail); that I may make it manifest, as I ought to speak (boldness, discernment). Walk in wisdom to those who are without (do not understand), redeeming the time. Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man." Wise counsel that I wish all men, especially those in public view and leadership should practice more carefully. So should we all.

With that, I will bid the reader "shalom," and ask that you please forgive the length of my discourse, as well as the punctuation. 

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Day 43 Abide in Christ

This may contain: a bunch of grapes hanging from a tree with the words i am written on it 


So many things are happening in our world daily, and the prayer updates continue to pour in, be it national, international, or locally. It appears as if the whole world is in a tailspin. That is one more reason why we need to remain focused on Christ and on what God's word says, and how we are to navigate. Honestly, I grow weary of the noise and rhetoric of the world, so I try to balance the day from the time I open my eyes until I close them, beginning with time alone with God.

It's getting close to Ramadan for the Muslim people, and it is a time of fasting during the day, with prayer and repentance, and then, feasting in the evening. I find this ironic, nonetheless, it is a time when I can pray, fast as the Lord leads, and pray for the salvation of the people. Reports say that as they pray and repent, some have visions of the "man in white," so this is a special time of anointing for Christians to pray for their salvation.

Passover and Easter are approaching, and since I observe them both, it gets a little interesting for family gatherings. But then, I get plenty of practice by observing the Lord's feast days, and it all brings me closer to God as He teaches me. 

Interestingly, my devotional reading was called "Center Your Heart" with the Bible reading from Jude 1:20-21 (MSG): "Dear friends, carefully build yourselves up in this most holy faith by praying in the Holy Spirit, staying right at the center of God's love, keeping your arms open and outstretched, ready for the mercy of our Master, Jesus Christ. This is the unending life, the real life!" The author went on to exhort us to immerse ourselves in Jesus' love. This reminds me of the time a pastor went to someone for counsel concerning the growth of his church, which was waning. He asked her, "What must I do?" She said, "Find the love of Jesus, and love Him back." Kind of simple, but oh so wise and true. Jesus said of Himself that He could do nothing without His Father (John 5:19). 

Abiding in Christ, surrendering daily to Abba's will, waiting and listening for His voice. Andrew Murray calls it "silent adoration." So many times prayers are drafted and repeated, but learning to listen for His direction, rather than cluttering my mind with declarations and decrees, is a better way, at least for me. Scripture memorization helps. I have learned that unless I worship Him, allowing my body to feel His shalom peace, then my day does not function as well. I must sit in His presence and breathe Him in. Brother Laurence called it practicing the presence of God. I've become very observant of ways churches worship and of the songs we sing One thing becomes increasingly clear to me, and that is, that what is called praise and worship is not. I have heard certain worship leaders say the same. Some have even changed their entire way of doing things, because they took the time to listen. Not every Christian song is anointed, they say of their own songs. We can't hurry off a few songs, jump and clap, and think Holy Spirit is impressed. We cannot watch the clock or give in to our grumbling bellies. It requires much more, but it begins in the heart of the individual.

The desire for revival that is growing in the younger crowd is so thrilling to me. I remember my earlier days when I was singing in church, and when I was a part of mission groups, or when I hammered out words on my keyboard in protest against persecution. I was so active for many, many years teaching children the love of our Father, the story of Jesus Christ, and I miss it. Ways have changed, things are more technical, but I can still share my love of Christ and encourage them to seek their purpose in life. I hope that by writing daily, someone is touched in some way. The young people are so hungry for truth, for Jesus! And so are so many adults who need discipleship. We cannot take for granted that because someone is older and appearing to walk in faith that they are. We need to shine for Christ, be cities on the hill, our light shining. The world needs to know that God is the same God, and He heals the brokenhearted and sets the captive free. These are exciting times, and I'm not missing out. I may be retired from the work force, but Christians never retire. I want to be active up to the end! Then I can say on that glorious day that I finished my race and was faithful to the end, and now I can eternally abide in Christ.


Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Day 42 Update on the War

This may contain: an older woman with her hands clasped in prayer


Jesus sure was right when He said that each day brings its own sorrow (Matthew 6:31-34). Of course, I'm paraphrasing his words, but the underlying meaning is there. 

Each morning I turn on Israel's news to check up on the status of the war with Hamas, especially now during this phase of the cease fire. Before I went to bed last night I read that Hamas was not going to release the hostages on Saturday, claiming Israel had violated the agreement. The first news I saw when I turned on my computer was the face of Shlomo Mansour, 86, who was due for release. The article was  announcing his murder by Hamas. I am still a bit uncertain as to whether he died during the attack and his body taken with others to the tunnels, or  if he may have been murdered in captivity. This hit me rather hard, as Shlomo was the hostage I had chosen to set a place at the dinner table here in my home on Thanksgiving of 2023 in his honor.


 May be an image of 1 person, napkin ring and text


I also read reports yesterday and today about three more hostages. The family of Eliya Cohen, 27, who is also on the release list, received proof of life information, saying he was weak and not doing well. He had been shot in the leg on 10/7/23, and the news said that he had never received treatment. The list also includes the name of two men who have been missing in Gaza for over a decade, so I am not certain of their condition, nor has anyone reported deaths, to my knowledge. One of the hostages released last week spent time in captivity with Alon Ohel, 23, and Alon asked Yarden Bibas to get news to contact his family. Alon is in poor condition, and he has injuries to his eyes. News was also received regarding Ziv and Gali Berman, age 27, who were listed in poor condition, living separated from each other. Alon, Ziv, and Gali are not included on this hostage exchange list. The psychological warfare Hamas uses, as well as the treatment during the exchanges, has been unconscionable. 

There is still no news regarding Shiri Bibas and  her children Ariel and Kfir. So the game with Hamas continues, as does the torment on the hostages and their families. Ultimatums have been issued by our President Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu. Our prayers continue with the hope that this nightmare will soon be over. As long as Hamas is active, they are a threat to the nation of Israel and to America. They call Israel "little satan" and American "big satan." How could our country ever provided support to an organization that is bent on the destruction of a small peace-loving nation and on us. I am grateful that my trust in is my God who never changes, does not lie, and does not play around. Lord, please have mercy on us all. 

So, I will continue to post the faces of the hostages daily. I've been doing that since early in the war, and I have a list of every hostage taken 10/7/2023, many whose bodies were in the slaughter and had been identified. It takes time to identify a heap of burned bodies. The process is tedious and heart-rending. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Day 41 Jesus Have It All



Magnets adorn my refrigerator, hiding the rust and ugly of this archaic, but faithful appliance, left to me when I purchased my parent's home. Just another treasure I inherited along with my aged home. This house is a treasure chest amidst much needed repairs, however, as it still works. Nonetheless, it is my home. I have always loved magnets with vibes and inspiration. I think it's important to surround myself with things that matter, and everyone needs motivation and encouragement, and mini pep talks.

Quotes about Life 

I think this speaks for itself, and I find it to be very accurate. True friendship is hard to come by, because people have so many hangups, and they cannot get over the shortcomings of others. Much like the Pharisee in Luke 18:9-14 who stands in the public square berating the man crying out for God's mercy: "The Pharisee, standing by himself, prayed thus: 'God, I thank you that I am not like other men, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even like this tax collector.'" This attitude did not bode well for him, as Jesus replies, "I tell you that this man, rather than the other, went home justified before God. For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted." 

"live with intention" card

 Wow, this one is packed with motivation, plus a kick in the seat. Yes, the Bible teaches us to live intentionally, as we influence others with our words, actions, and deeds. We need to seize the day, laugh, move from our comfort zones, but all in all we need to be responsible, learn from our mistakes, appreciate what we have, and who we have as friends. There is so much ingratitude in the world today, and people, including Christians, who should be the most grateful of all for God has done for us and is still doing, do not "see" with clarity. I wrote blog on being dauntless a year or so go, and I do believe in staring fear in the face, but we cannot be foolish and on go Fear Factor just to prove a point, notwithstanding win $50,000. If you've never seen the series, take a gander. The contestants show utter foolishness in putting their lives and health in jeopardy. Who wants to drink a milkshake made from animal organs, nasty bugs, and a mix of other repulsive and vile ingredients for money?! It makes me sick just thinking about it. So, do what you love, continue to learn, and practice wellness! This means stay away from runaway vehicles, jumping off buildings, and eating totally gross, unhealthy food. Try working a job you love to do!

Risk More Than Others Think Is Safe... Inspirational Quote 

Alas, this one is more sensible, at least to my way of thinking. Taking risks can sometimes be a good thing, particularly if you see a child in the road with an out of control driver bearing down on them. By all means, take the leap! This may seem to others to care more about others than one's own safety, but I understand this. My older son thinks that I'm nuts, because I "actually" care about people. He considers it both a low and high part of my qualities. I'm a huge dreamer, but I sometimes wonder if I will ever see them come to fruition. But on the other hand, I do expect more, and I believe in the visions I've been given. At the same time, I am getting older, but then Abraham had quite a wait, as did Joseph, and let us not forget the 40 years of wandering in the desert for Moses. I always tell my kids that they can do whatever they want to do, and I remind them that age is not a factor. I had an appointment with my "financial planner" this morning, and he said my values had merit. I laugh, because this is a puny account that I have, because I have cared more about others than what some may consider unwise. But in the long run I'd rather be able to say that I paid forward the gifts God entrusted to me with those in need.

This may contain: a woman is dancing on the beach with her arms in the air and a quote from mark twain that says, dance like no one is watching

Everyone should know by now that I love dancing! When I am discouraged or an inkling of self-doubt or self-pity tries to inch itself into my thoughts, I turn on the music. I'm listening to Elevation Worship perform the song "Praise" as I write these words. It's hard to just sit here and write. Singing is another up-lifter for me. Who can be down when we can sing. I used to sing in church, but I don't know if those days are over. So, I still dream. 

As far as loving like I've never been hurt...let me just say that when one truly surrenders and abides in Christ, sooner or later, His love will fill and consume your heart and mind. I often wondered what would happen if I encountered some of my betrayers and accusers, but when I did, I was pleased to say I passed the test. I pray this will be my response if I cross paths with any others. My love and compassion for all people, regardless of their shortcomings, are a result of His love flowing through me. So yes, I live in heaven on earth as long as I remember that this world is not my home, and one day Jesus is coming back for me.

A winner is just a loser who tried one more time. #CLOUT. Everyone’s a VIP in Something. 

Yesterday, I wrote about running the race of the high calling of Jesus Christ. It is hard, sometimes impossible, and we want to give in, but don't! The prize is so worth it, and we don't have to eat bugs, worms, and other despicable things. We simply keep our eyes focused on the Author and Finisher of our faith.

This may contain: a rainbow is in the sky with a quote above it that says do more of what makes you happy

I am doing what makes me happy every day. As I sit here typing this blog, I am sharing the amazing life that I've been given. In spite of the bad paths, thistles, and thorns, my life has been an adventure. I hear the words "Jesus have it all, Jesus have it all, blessing and all honor, majesty and awe." What makes me happy is making Him happy. When I am praying for others, being His hands and feet in the community, or sharing with friends, family, and anyone who will listen, then that's what makes me happy, because this is what He said do.

 What You Waiting Stock Illustrations – 151 What You Waiting ...

I'm waiting for the next step of my journey, whenever the call may come. In the meantime, I am occupying until He comes.

This may contain: a winnie the pooh birthday card with an illustration

And this quotation, my friends, is my final say, because I know that wherever I go, whatever I do, and whomever I meet, Jesus is with me directing my path.