Early this morning I felt encouraged as I waited quietly for the day to begin, sharing a cup of coffee with Abba, considering the day ahead. Later, our prayer call was tender and insightful. Israel is having a tough time, and tomorrow the Bibas family will be laid to rest. It's impossible to remain untouched, although many do.
There's something that troubles me about the way people pray. As you know I'm nearing the age of 75, so I am from a different world. Still, the Bible is our guide, in all translations, whether rigid "thees" and "thous," or modernized version of "you" and "yours." The scripture also tells us that God is the same, yesterday, and today, and forever, right? His Word is forever settled in heaven, and I could name more, but I think my point is made. We are taught in Romans 12:1 not to conform to the world, so I cringe when I hear certain ways of expressing prayer, particularly. More and more I hear younger pastors or young people say that God "downloaded" information to them. Yesterday I heard a woman way past my age say it, and I snapped. God is not a computer or a jukebox or any other machine. He's the living, breathing God. As I've mentioned before, if we are truly born again, then we have Holy Spirit living inside of us. Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity; He is God. He is a person, not an "it." We have the scriptures, God's word, active and alive contained in the Bible. Do you get where I am going with this? We ask God for wisdom, and He does speak through Holy Spirit within us, through His word, through others, music, and on occasion He has spoken to me out loud. I'll probably be called a heretic for that comment. What I am saying is, do not use the words of the world. Be careful. Be respectful. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think if you ask God you may just hear Him reply out loud as on Mount Sinai.
I felt so strongly about this that I talked with my younger son about it. He seemed to understand and agree with my feelings, saying it is how people are. He did not speak favorably, as he feels that much of what people say is cliche and is not heartfelt. Sometimes I feel like this little bear, stuck in a tree, looking off into the trees, eyes steeled forward, not really looking at anything in particular, not what's in front of me or behind me, but caught up in my world, until something happens to break my trance. I've caught myself doing that, looking in a direction, then when I come back to myself, more than once, I've seen someone looking straight at me, probably wondering why I'm staring at them. Once it was at church at a meal, and someone was chowing down on a plate of dessert. Embarrassing moments. I can't explain it. I drift off into my little inner world, and I'm stuck on whatever I'm mulling over, until I come back to reality. I've always described myself as a dreamer and a thinker.
I exercise in the evenings before I go to bed. My son has a Gazelle, and it's like skiing in the air. It's not strenuous, but it is effective. When I am experiencing back or leg pain, it helps to swing back and forth, losing myself in the motion. While I'm swinging back and forth, I put on a movie, a familiar one I love, that helps me while away the minutes. Right now I am re-watching the Beauty and the Beast series, and I'm in the third season when the main character, Kathryn, dies. It's a real tear jerker, and no matter how many times I have looked at it, I still bawl! Exercise helps keep the old age spread in check, and it is restful. My sister has been doing chair exercises, so I may look at those. I used to life weights, until a renter at the condo above my place in Angel Fire decided to permanently borrow my weights and exercise ball. That was years ago, so I guess it is time to reinvest. Honestly, I much prefer riding my mountain bike, in the mountains, but I no longer live in the mountains, and riding around the block isn't as thrilling as ducking tree branches and avoiding pot holes and animal "stuff." The view is great, and I love nature smacking me in the face. I enjoy walking and hiking, but it has to be on my terms. O, New Mexico, how I miss you. Still, Virginia offers much in the way of opportunities to enjoy the great outdoors. As a kid I loved being outside playing in the woods, riding my tree horse, or piling up sticks, leaves, and pine cones to form a fort. I could stay outside all day back then, and in truth, if I had the opportunity today, I'd go for it.
My life has always been simple. I never needed to keep up with the Jones, and I have everything I need. If I had to simplify my life any further, I'd be happy with my Bible, my pen, a notebook, and my two steady friends, Charley Horse, aka Charles, and my bear, Schlep. Maybe my My Pillow, fleece doggie sheets, and grandmother's quilt. I'd better stop there, as I'd add a ton of books. I tend to read and re-read the late greats. I can make my own music, but the old Baptist Hymnal would be helpful. When I'm asked if I'm happy, I just repeat the words of Paul, "I have learned in all things to be content." Inwardly, I have many years of loving Jesus, and I know Abba still isn't finished with me quite yet. I still have a race to finish, and I have a group meeting to prepare for tomorrow, so I had better get at it.
" He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep
to gain what he cannot lose."
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