The cold weather here, graced with rain, cuts through my aging bones; unlike the bitter, dry cold of Northern New Mexico mountains on a snowy day. I imagine my body has so adapted to the there, that it is hard for me being here. That and the several bones I've managed to break over the years in my silliness. The heating pad brings comfort, but I tend to have more testy days than otherwise. Right now I'm nursing a runny nose and mild headache, but it's enough to make me cranky. My poor son!
I'm feeling a bit melancholy at this writing. I received some sad, unexpected news this morning that one of my neighbors, who also attends the same church, had died last week. I missed him last Sunday, but no one said anything about an illness, and he was always so jovial and friendly. This was not news I needed today. Since being home I seem to receive more dismal than affirming words. Of course, he loved Jesus, so he's home and at peace. I really didn't know Bubba all that well, as I only chatted with him at church. He was very kind and friendly towards me, and he seemed to be well liked by everyone. He liked to hug and kiss me on the cheek, and call me "his girl," but he probably said that to all the gals. He wasn't obnoxious, rather he treated me in a sisterly way. I appreciated his mannerisms, as I still have some hangups. One of my only true friends, and now he's gone too. Like a breath! I've seen too much death since my return. It makes me realize more and more that our days are numbered, and how fleeting.This August, if all goes well, I will be three quarters of a century old. It's hard to believe, as I don't feel old. The mirror in my room often gives a distorted view of my rare sensibilities, but although I managed to cheat aging (due to good genes) for many years, when I hit 65, the grass began to wither. The photo at the top is not my own, however, but just it some time, and it might be! I'll be sitting on a park bench feeding squirrels!
I was reading a little journal, and the story contained an article about setting New Year resolutions. I'm not one who does that, because I would rather be more sensible and pick words or scriptures for how I hope to live out my days. The word says that we are not to worry about tomorrow, because today has more than enough concerns (Matthew 6:34). I took a quiz one day that was supposed to size me up, my interests, and desires, to determine my "word of the year," Mine was "create." I used to have my own little online designing business, but many things have changed over the years, and I don't really have time to begin again. I do help the Dolls on Mission Ministry by painting the dolls' faces, and I do other tasks in assembling these dolls to be shipped off to missionaries or for local churches. It's fun, and the fellowship is nice. We meet on Mondays, but I won't be going out due to this nasty cough. Instead, I'm going to make chicken with rice soup with a smidge of green chili. That "smidge" is quite enough to clear up any congestion, and the flavor is wonderful.
My daily read posed a question about prioritizing our days. It asked for the three top priorities of my day. That was easy for me: quiet time alone with Abba listening, studying, worshiping, initial prayers; second, my daily prayer call with continuation after, as there are always more urgent prayers from every direction. Sometimes I throw up my arms and wait. Third, writing and necessary tasks. The author encourages more time spent with God as the number one priority, but I can't start my day without Him. Still, how much of this quiet time is spent unburdening myself to Abba and not being silent to get my daily schedule directly from Him. I think, if people are honest, none of us ever gives up our free time or much of it to sit at His feet. Since the war in Israel broke out 10/7/2023 I've had the daily prayer calls with the Christian Embassy in Jerusalem, and although I love the time spent with others, it does take away from the time I used to spend with Abba. I go to bed so late, or early really, that getting up prior to 7 am, and sometimes even then, is very hard to do after four hours of sleep. Still, the time I'm awake is well worth it, and it is very quiet. My problem is biting off more than I can chew. At the close of day, I seem to always be running behind. My prayer for my "prayer life" is to spend more time listening and discerning. Just because we have a new President in office, he has his work cut out for him. Under-girding him in prayer for protection and wisdom is necessary. We always pray for our elected officials, according to 1 Timothy 2:1-2, as they need it with all that's facing us. So, as part of my early morning prayers, it is commanded that we put on the whole armor of God, so that we can stand against the wiles of the devil (Ephesians 6:10-18). I hope my readers are taking the time to read this long psalm and begin to "suit up" each day. Also, in order to grow in your personal relationship with Jesus Christ, it's important to cultivate this relationship by reading the Bible daily, hooking up with people who love and serve Jesus. There are several good resources that I know about online, so ask your pastor for some suggestions, and then run the race, ensuring you will always make time to help the widow, orphan, or child. I love to visit the shut ins and give gifts, but there are many emotional supports needed as well. The enemy plays hardball! So stay focused, and love what you do!
Blessing and honor be unto our LORD!
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