Thursday, February 6, 2025

Day 36 How Long

 This may contain: a person sitting on a bench with an umbrella over their head, in the rain


It's still and quiet around me, but within me a storm rages. I'm trying to settle my heart, so I can simply share these feelings. I close my eyes just to rest them from the glare of the screen, and in that breath of a moment I'm shown a glimpse of a scene with people, many anxious voices. The past few days I have been suffering with an upper respiratory problem that smacked me off my feet causing me to actually have to lie down and close my eyes and rest. Easier said than done for me, as my mind is always racing. Yesterday was the worst day with congestion, headache, fever with chills, but I pushed myself too far before allowing myself to rest. So much happens in a day now. Yesterday was one of monumental change for good, yet few can see, much less understand, the importance of it. This is a disheartening reality, and it breaks my heart.

What will it take and how much longer do we have? This nation is coming out of four years of destruction, deceit, cover up, and in a word sheer evil and perversity. Yet, so many are blind or are simply overlooking it. For many, it is business as usual as long as it doesn't affect them. I don't understand why we are not on our knees thanking God for one more chance, and why the church is not explaining the spiritual significance of what is going on. Many are fasting and praying for revival, all the while counting the days for the super bowl. Why fast if all we can do is count the days for an event filled with goodies. Even then, they do not realize the need to be alert for the sake of our children as this is a time when trafficking is highest. How can this happen?

I was so pleased to witness how President Trump welcomed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to the White House, honoring him as the true dignitary that he is. Over the past sixteen months I have grown to admire and respect Israel's leader as I have witnessed his response to criticism, disrespect, and cruelty both in front of the camera and behind the scenes. In both instances he has shown grace, dignity, and decorum, even when openly mocked. This visit to the White House marks a new beginning for PM Netanyahu being welcomed and respected, but for President Trump as well. Although criticism against him is great, President Trump has shown great perseverance and resolve. The threats on his life changed him, woke him up to what is at stake at this time in history. More importantly, he now has a clear vision of his God. This has nothing to do with politics involving either leader. This has to do to an Almighty, Sovereign Lord saying enough is enough. Like Nineveh, God is giving American another chance. The choice of leadership at this in history is on God's prophetic timeline. It only takes the reading of the Word of God to understand what I say is true, and the church needs to be instructed on the second coming of Christ, rather than ignore it as insignificant at this time. I am not an eschatologist or any such word, most of which I don't understand or want to. My concern only is the will of God for this nation and world, and my obedience to the call He has given me.

I am trying with all the grace I can muster as a frail, imperfect person, to continue to sit in services where the truth of things destroying our nation are pushed aside, so no one will be offended or for fear of being accused of appearing politically incorrect or taking sides. Christians should realize there are only two sides - right and wrong or God's view or the world's. I wish people would change their way of speaking and just focus on what God has to say. Why is it that pastors say they spend all these hours in prayer before a holy God, and do not listen to Him?! How can they pick up the Bible and not see the spiritual battle that is going on?! Knowing the truth strengthens our desire to see all men saved and living for Jesus, ready for the soon appearing of Jesus Christ. Drawing close to the Lord we understand and come to know intimately His great love for all mankind. All He wants is surrender and obedience, but many feel defiant, because they want to pursue their own interests, no matter how many people are lost. What we do influences others, our children who watch us mostly. How long until our eyes are open?

On Wednesday evenings, I close my day by spending An Hour With Jesus, hosted by Terry MacAlmon, where we worship and relax in the arms of our Lord. It's a magical time in the presence of God, when all of life is brought into perspective. I'm grateful for the peace and rest as this day comes to a close. May tomorrow bring us closer to Him.


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