Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Day 35 Turning Off the Noise

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Morning came early for me today. I'm still hassling with this runny noise, hacking cough, an aggravating headache, but all in all I'd say it's going to be a beautiful day. The sun is high and radiant, and the wind is a gentle breeze with momentary reprieves that allow playful artistry with my hair. Much prayer slated for today, but every day is a day of prayer and praise and thanksgiving even in the most tumultuous times, such as now. Honestly, I feel a peace that speaks louder than the thoughtless comments I read in the news. Or hear second hand from my son whose been tainted by gossip and slander by another about someone. In my kitchen I have a wooden heart with these words printed: "Choose this day whom you will serve...but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD" (Joshua 24:15). Maybe that's why my son is asked to go out for coffee and the conversation that follows. My son is learning that "Words aptly spoken are like apples of gold in settings of silver" (Proverbs 25:11). Sometimes it's a difficult lesson to learn with so much negativity in the world. Over the years I've learned to silence the noise I hear in the world. I had to do that with a phone call that was lingering on, going nowhere.

In attempting to blog daily, I try to write down my thoughts in my journals. I have one for daily prayer calls, and the other is my own personal one, with insight gleaned from prayer calls or impressions I receive from scriptures or readings of other trusted authors. Often Abba will give me a single word, then I have to wonder what He meant. Or He'll give me a seemingly crazy dream that I'm clueless to interpret. But, I'm finding that if I dream and remember it, then the answer will come, because it was important enough that I remembered it in the first place. My daily devotionals ebb and flow with each other, but I always see something that may not catch the attention of someone else. Succinctly put, I receive inspiration as the wind blows. I sincerely hope, though, that I'm a little deeper than that, spiritually speaking. But as my little friend above put it, "To hear the whispers of God you must turn down the volume of the world."

I remember Elijah's trek to the cave to seek God after the incident with the prophets of Baal and Jezebel's prophets, all whom Elijah mowed down with the sword, making Jezebel more than a little upset. So, Elijah had a few bad moments of depression hit him, but he sought the Lord. That's the way it's supposed to be done, about everything. I find it much easier to ask Abba, than waste my time listening to or reading the opinions of man. The only opinion that matters is God's!


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