Thursday, February 13, 2025

Day 43 Abide in Christ

This may contain: a bunch of grapes hanging from a tree with the words i am written on it 


So many things are happening in our world daily, and the prayer updates continue to pour in, be it national, international, or locally. It appears as if the whole world is in a tailspin. That is one more reason why we need to remain focused on Christ and on what God's word says, and how we are to navigate. Honestly, I grow weary of the noise and rhetoric of the world, so I try to balance the day from the time I open my eyes until I close them, beginning with time alone with God.

It's getting close to Ramadan for the Muslim people, and it is a time of fasting during the day, with prayer and repentance, and then, feasting in the evening. I find this ironic, nonetheless, it is a time when I can pray, fast as the Lord leads, and pray for the salvation of the people. Reports say that as they pray and repent, some have visions of the "man in white," so this is a special time of anointing for Christians to pray for their salvation.

Passover and Easter are approaching, and since I observe them both, it gets a little interesting for family gatherings. But then, I get plenty of practice by observing the Lord's feast days, and it all brings me closer to God as He teaches me. 

Interestingly, my devotional reading was called "Center Your Heart" with the Bible reading from Jude 1:20-21 (MSG): "Dear friends, carefully build yourselves up in this most holy faith by praying in the Holy Spirit, staying right at the center of God's love, keeping your arms open and outstretched, ready for the mercy of our Master, Jesus Christ. This is the unending life, the real life!" The author went on to exhort us to immerse ourselves in Jesus' love. This reminds me of the time a pastor went to someone for counsel concerning the growth of his church, which was waning. He asked her, "What must I do?" She said, "Find the love of Jesus, and love Him back." Kind of simple, but oh so wise and true. Jesus said of Himself that He could do nothing without His Father (John 5:19). 

Abiding in Christ, surrendering daily to Abba's will, waiting and listening for His voice. Andrew Murray calls it "silent adoration." So many times prayers are drafted and repeated, but learning to listen for His direction, rather than cluttering my mind with declarations and decrees, is a better way, at least for me. Scripture memorization helps. I have learned that unless I worship Him, allowing my body to feel His shalom peace, then my day does not function as well. I must sit in His presence and breathe Him in. Brother Laurence called it practicing the presence of God. I've become very observant of ways churches worship and of the songs we sing One thing becomes increasingly clear to me, and that is, that what is called praise and worship is not. I have heard certain worship leaders say the same. Some have even changed their entire way of doing things, because they took the time to listen. Not every Christian song is anointed, they say of their own songs. We can't hurry off a few songs, jump and clap, and think Holy Spirit is impressed. We cannot watch the clock or give in to our grumbling bellies. It requires much more, but it begins in the heart of the individual.

The desire for revival that is growing in the younger crowd is so thrilling to me. I remember my earlier days when I was singing in church, and when I was a part of mission groups, or when I hammered out words on my keyboard in protest against persecution. I was so active for many, many years teaching children the love of our Father, the story of Jesus Christ, and I miss it. Ways have changed, things are more technical, but I can still share my love of Christ and encourage them to seek their purpose in life. I hope that by writing daily, someone is touched in some way. The young people are so hungry for truth, for Jesus! And so are so many adults who need discipleship. We cannot take for granted that because someone is older and appearing to walk in faith that they are. We need to shine for Christ, be cities on the hill, our light shining. The world needs to know that God is the same God, and He heals the brokenhearted and sets the captive free. These are exciting times, and I'm not missing out. I may be retired from the work force, but Christians never retire. I want to be active up to the end! Then I can say on that glorious day that I finished my race and was faithful to the end, and now I can eternally abide in Christ.


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