Thursday, February 20, 2025

Day 50 Shalom Will Cover

 This may contain: a drawing of jesus holding his head with the words, when your heart is being crushed and ripped into pieces jesus is there



Do you dream at night, and if so, are you able to remember them accurately? I seem to dream a lot, but most of the time I only remember a snatch here and there, or not at all. But when I do remember, even that "snatch," I know that it holds meaning, and often with a sense of foreboding. Each night I ask Abba to speak to me through dreams, and I ask Him to speak to others, for salvation, deliverance, healing, and direction. Psalms speaks of seeking the Lord in the night watches. Tonight is a special night of watching. Tomorrow is a day we never wanted to see. There have been so many of those. I speak of Israel. But I also speak of my own family, as my cousin has lost a son. Since returning home to Virginia in late October of 2021, I have stood at the side of too many family members and friends. I have learned of special friends in New Mexico. I have visited with cousins at recent funerals, only to turn around and attend a death of one. I know God numbers our days, and He holds us in His palm, but it is never easy for those who are left behind.

Last night, or more probably in the early, early morning, I dreamed about a room with two persons, that led to a darkened hallway where a child was covered head to toe in winter clothing, dancing while many looked on. There seemed to be no danger, as the child singing and laughing ran down another corridor of light. I tried to follow close behind, but I woke up. I wonder if that was God's gift for me to see no more suffering or pain, no more fear of the darkness for one or more, who have been delivered from darkness and cold to freedom and light. My thoughts always go to Israel. Just now as I am writing these words, it's as if Abba is reassuring me of His love, His grace, and infinite mercy.

As I finished my reading of Numbers this morning, the introduction read, "...God's blessing was designed to touch every person in the nation. The only prerequisite for enjoyment of that blessing was believing faith demonstrated by obedience to God." Moses was dividing the land of Israel by tribes before they even entered into the promised land by letting boundaries, those boundaries never to be changed. 

If the Bible is the infallible word of God, why is there so much fighting, when all Israel wants is peace?! When any nation wants peace and solidarity. God knows the hearts of men, and yet He does not strive with man. Man strives with God. One day, one day soon, I pray, Jesus will return to Mount Zion, and His throne will be established in Jerusalem for eternity. There will be no more sadness, tears, only perfect, shalom peace of God.


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